Saturday, December 28, 2019
Alice in Wonderland Quotes Make You Ponder About Life
Alice in Wonderland is not just any ordinary child fiction. This classic story is full of philosophy and truisms. The absurdity of the plot is enthralling, but the underlying message leaves a lasting impression. These famous Alice in Wonderland quotes throw light on important issues in a subtle way.At first, Alice in Wonderland quotes sounds quite mundane. However, if you search carefully for inner meaning, you will find these quotes rich in truisms and lifes great philosophies. These 7 Alice in Wonderland quotes explained help you get into the skin of the character with these quotes. 1. AliceThis line is the opening text of the story. Right off the bat, Lewis Carroll introduces Alice to his audience as a girl who had a highly imaginative mind, and a love for creativity. The reference of a book without pictures and conversations points to a little girl with a head full of ideas, and a heart for adventure. 2. RabbitLewis Carroll could have used an ordinary expression such as Oh! My goodness or Oh dear! However, by using an uncommon phrase such as Oh my ears and whiskers! Lewis Carroll coined a new phrase that caught the imagination of young and old alike. Also, he sets the tone for the rest of the story, where the White Rabbit, which to Alices astonishment is one of the first animal characters she encounters that can speak. The speaking White Rabbit piques the curiosity of young readers who are now hooked on to the story. 3. AliceThis phrase is as legendary as the novel itself. The fact that Lewis Carroll uses an ungrammatical expression (the comparative degree of curious should have been more curious) to facilitate his story creates a grand introduction to the plot. The term curiouser and curiouser has now become popular in the English lexicon, alluding to a world of untold imagination, where normal rules dont apply. 4. AliceLewis Carroll had an uncanny way of bringing in deep questions in the middle of seemingly innocuous situations. Alice, who goes down a rabbit hole, gets acquainted with a strange world that lay buried beneath the ground. She finds everything about this world so bizarre, that she wonders whether she is dreaming. While pondering about the illogical turn of events, Alice also wonders about who she is and what is the purpose of her life. This contextually relevant, thought-provoking question urges the reader to also question his existence and how he relates to the world he lives in. 5. AliceIn the story, Alice faces a conundrum that makes her question her own sanity and wellbeing. She is so confused and befuddled, that she no longer trusts her own judgment and is unable to even talk about herself. 6. AliceAlice encounters a strange situation where the Duchess is nursing a baby which, for some reason resembles a pig. As the story unfolds, it turns out that the baby is actually a pig and it trots off quietly from the scene. Though on the face of it, this episode seems highly bizarre, Lewis Carroll points to deeply rigid social structures and the formalities that are accepted as good social behavior. The baby and pig metaphor points to our rigid views on what we find disgusting and cute. 7. The CatThe Cheshire Cat sums it all. This is a statement that helps the reader to connect with Alices feelings as she meets the strange characters in the rabbit hole. Here are 13 famous and bizarre quotes that make Alice in Wonderland a wonderful read. As you read these quotes, ponder on them with a philosophical point of view and find yourself staring at lifes greatest mysteries. 8. The Queenï » ¿15. The King18. Alice19. The Queen
Friday, December 20, 2019
Questions On The Stopping Of A Child Tv Channel - 1524 Words
2.2 Stopping: 2.2.1 The sound /r/ changes to alveolar stop /t/ in word final position as in: 8 (a) L: fÉ ª abrat kef halÉ ªk Abrat? there-is Abrar how state-you Abrar? â€Å"How are you Abrar?†(b) L: ma-fi tjut al-zanna nothing-there is birds the-heaven â€Å"There is no Toyoor Aljanna†First, â€Å"Toyoor Aljanna†is a name of child TV channel which literally means â€Å"birds of heaven†The target word /abrar/ in 8 (a) changes to /abrat/ and /tË jur/ â€Å"Birds†in 8 (b) to /tjut/, it seems that /abrar/ changes to /abrat/ because the retroflex /r/ occurs two times in the word, Lanan pronounced one and change the second as the above example. Lana’s mother and Abrar are trying to teach Lana how to pronounce the name /abrab/ properly, but in each time she articulated as /abrat/. As for the word, /tË jur/ she might change /r/ to /t/ because of the presence of the initial emphatic /tË /. She always assimilates /tË / to /t/ in any position of the word. So it’s going to be hard to pronounce the sounds /tË / and /r/ in one word. 2.2.2 Interdental /ÃŽ ¸/ changed to stop /t/ as in: (9) L: sufi lÉ ªlÉ ª gɆtani look-you let-it go again â€Å"Look, it is let it go again†The target word is pronounced as /ÃŽ ¸ani/ with voiceless interdental /ÃŽ ¸/, Lanan version pronounced as /tani/ withShow MoreRelatedMass Media as an Agent of Socialisation1747 Words  | 7 Pagesbook â€Å"Interdisciplinary English†by Loretta F. Kasper, Socialization is the process in which a child learns how to behave in life and participate in a group in society. Socialization has four basic/main agents: family, school, peers and the mass media. Each one of these agents plays a role in our lives. However, in my opinion, the most important agent of socialization for the development of the child is the Mass Media. The Mass media is a significant force in modern culture. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019
Compare and contrast the dramatic effectiveness of Act 3 scene 1 and Juliets soliloquy in Act 3 scene 2 Essay Example For Students
Compare and contrast the dramatic effectiveness of Act 3 scene 1 and Juliets soliloquy in Act 3 scene 2 Essay Romeo and Juliet tells the tale of two star-crossd teenage lovers who secretly fall for each other and marry. Their families, the Montagues and Capulets, have been fierce enemies for decades and even as Romeo and Juliet say their wedding vows, new violence breaks out between the clans. In the end, their love is doomed. When Romeo mistakenly believes Juliet is dead, he poisons himself. And, when Juliet discovers that he is dead, she too commits suicide. Romeo and Juliet is by far the most romantic and well known play written back in the 1590s by William Shakespeare. This Elizabethan period was a time when revenge and honour were very important to the society of the rich. It was not uncommon for marriages to be arranged for girls as young as 13 and sword duelling played a large part in seeking honour for your family. The play covers the most dramatic of feelings from the love and passion to the hate and revenge of everyday life ending in the ultimate tragedy that breaks hearts all over the world. The famous couple originated from an old Italian story more than a century before Shakespeare tackled it making it the perfect story to immortalise in writing as it contained a powerful love story. It was, therefore, set in Verona, Italy, as Shakespeare felt it belonged there and hed used the setting before for the 1594 play, Gentlemen of Verona. The title assignment will be discovered using an in-depth study of both scenes 1 and 2 in act 3 where by comparing and contrasting them, while using references from the rest of the play, it should be evident of the differences and similarities between them. Act 3 scene 1 is the turning point of the play because this is when two main characters are killed off, Mercutio and Tybalt. It makes the play instantly focus on Romeo and Juliet more by lessening the amount of characters. This is also a pivotal scene for Romeo because he gets banished, after slaying Tybalt, and taken away from his wife. If this scene hadnt happened, Romeo might have known Juliet took only a sleeping potion so maybe the tragedy could have been avoided. However due his murder he does get taken away to Mantua and so Juliet has to suffer the consequences as well as himself. They both feel the strain of being apart and even Romeos family must suffer in his absence. Yet this fight that caused his banishment could easily have been prevented if Mercutio had first listened to the instinct of his friend, Benvolio. As Act 3 scene 1 starts, Benvolio is extremely nervous as he and Mercutio are out late and he can almost foresee a fight with the Capulets as proven when he says, The day is hot and the mad blood stirring. He is predicting that something bad will happen as in the very first scene in the play when there is a big public fight between both families in the street. He uses the saying fee-simple which means that if he quarrelled as much as Mercutio, he wouldnt last long which was a warning against Mercutio and also a prophecy into what his argumentative side would get him into if he didnt control it. Lets retire is a sign of Benvolios nerves. He wants to leave the street behind yet Mercutio uses humour to deflect the whines of Benvolio. He uses six reasons as to why people would fight for instance having no other reason but because thou hast hazel eyes. It was used to calm Benvolio down and its very ingenious the way Shakespeare managed to get this across. This scene contains extreme irony as we know that Benvolio isnt a fighter so what Mercutio is really doing is winding him up. Soon after Tybalt enters the scene and this causes a great change of atmosphere which becomes much tenser, adding to the dramatic effect of this play. Tybalt and Mercutio create a lot of banter here. They insult eachother and use the same verbal abuse that was used by Tybalt in Act 1 scene 5 when he discovered Romeo in the Capulet ball. Thou art a villain and boy are two of the strongest insults used. Then a sword fight occurs between Mercutio and Tybalt and when Romeo notices this he struggles to part them both, because this scene follows the marriage between Romeo and Juliet, Tybalt is his cousin. The sword fight is powerful because of the way you can almost choreograph a stage fight and the fact that it is very exciting to watch and discover the outcome. It also means that it can give time for Mercutio to utter his last words before death which is also dramatic due to his humour during his final moments. He lightens the mood with his jokes and relaxes the audience before almost in stantly destroying the happiness with his curse on both houses. I am hurt. A plague o both your houses! The plague was repeated three times and was even said between a joke at first so no-one believed him. He makes it worse by placing all blame on the unsuspecting Romeo which makes him feel extremely guilty and also causes Romeo to change from a loving, peace-keeping character to an angry, revenge needing character. Why the devil came you between us? I was hurt under your arm the sentence that caused Romeos downfall. GCSE Coursework - Romeo and Juliet coursework EssaySoon after this she has a sudden change of mood. After being incredibly impatient and passionate she then says, Come civil Night, thou sober-suited matron all in black and learn me how to lose a wining match which is a metaphor for someone to reassure her. This brings across, to me, a slight sense of panic, also shown by her repeated use of the word come, yet she quickly conceals it. Because she says this it brings across a feeling of anxiousness and worry. She doesnt have a mother figure to turn to as even the Nurse isnt with her during the soliloquy. This is an important night as its the night that will take her from childhood to adulthood which is extremely difficult to do alone so I feel for her and am surprised by how mature she is acting for a 13 year old girl. Hood my unmanned blood, bating in my cheeks this is a description of a blush. She becomes embarrassed and a little shy about the whole idea as the next line is a reass urance to herself, till strange love grow bold as though she is acting as a mother-figure to herself. As that is showing her inexperience, she hopes she will improve in time. She states earlier they are a pair of stainless maidenhoods which means neither have done this before which could explain Juliets many different emotions during this monologue. After this Juliet finds herself thinking about Romeo and really makes him seem like a God. This is the hyperbole Shakespeare uses for this scene. She compares him to be the white snow on a ravens back which is a sign of innocence making it dramatic irony as it hasnt been long since Romeo murdered Tybalt but obviously this isnt known to Juliet. She really exaggerates his qualities and this is evident when she says when I shall die take him and cut him out in little stars and he will make the face of heaven so fine. This quote is however is also quite sad and ironic as she does die soon after and so does Romeo. She is unbelievably overwhelmed by love in this paragraph and seems to put Romeo on a pedestal high above anyone else in the world. Its not long before she is changing her feeling again but this time to apprehension and repeated emotions of impatience, expressed with words like tedious. She uses a strong metaphor of having bought the mansion of love, but not possessed it which is her explaining how she has married her love but hasnt yet enjoyed the consummation. I find this appearance of the physical aspect of marriage immature as they have more important relationship issues to deal with as they barely know eachother yet this is a 21st century look on the idea and this concept was seen as standard in the 16th century. However this is all forgotten when she reminds us that she is only young by talking of an impatient child that hath new robes and may not wear them. Referring to a child makes us realize that Juliet herself is only 13 and dealing alone with adulthood. The audience to this scene would feel great pity for Juliet and they would feel totally sympathetic towards them, unlike Romeo for which they would be unimpressed by his actions. I cant help but find this scene extremely powerful and I couldnt even begin to imagine myself in her position. As I hope to have proven, these two scenes could not include more differences. Act 3 scene 1 is a fast paced scene of action whereas the following scene is slower and creates intimacy rather than hate and anger, however, they both contain the same amount of effectiveness. The similarity they share is the irony used. Humour and changes of atmosphere and mood are used well in both scenes. Shakespeare was clever in using all the dramatic devices that he did in one play without exaggerating it too much. From murders to marriages and from love to hate, this play is full of all the effectiveness needed.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Leadership Styles and Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Question: Discuss about the Leadership Styles and Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Answer: Introduction: A particular team can never reach the peak of success without having a contribution of an efficient leader. A leader with proper guidance tends to direct the team properly so that the team members can meet the goal. Giltinane (2013) opined that an appropriate leadership style plays an important role to motivate the employees for performing well towards their own team. Leadership style is classified into different categories that include participative form of leadership style, autocratic form of leadership style and transformational form of leadership form of leadership. This particular study has provided three scenarios based on three different situations. The scenarios have been presented in such a way that leaders had to choose different form of leadership style based on the work situation. As emphasized by Du et al. (2013), every leader should maintain a basic principle while providing a proper guidance to the team members. Frequent change of leadership style may demolish the perf ormance of the team members. Frankel Pgcms (2017) has firmly denied the point of view of previous scholar. This particular author has opined that with the advancement of technology the needs and demands of the people are changing gradually. Therefore, leaders have to change their form of leadership style as per situation. This particular study has provided an in-depth overview on how appropriate form of leadership style has a major impact on the performance of a specific team. Lian Tui (2012) opined that many eminent scholars have expressed their own point of view regarding this specific topic. With the help of an effective critical analysis the study has focused to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of having an appropriate leader within a team. The leaders have to face innumerable challenges while directing the team members as the members belong to diverse cultures and backgrounds. The existence of an efficient leader within the team has both the positive and negative impact. This particular study is based on three different scenarios. In every scenario it has been observed lea ders have changed their leadership style in different situations. In the first scenario, the leadership style of a CEO in a specific company has been highlighted. The case scenario implies that CEO while taking any kind of business decision regarding the further business progress tends to follow autocratic form of leadership. Autocratic form of leadership implies that the decision of the managerial head is considered as supreme. Merchant (2012) stated that employees do not get enough scope to express their point of views regarding the business goal. The CEO tends to impose their decision on team members. On many cases it has been observed that team members have lost their enthusiasm for performing well for the team members. This kind of form of leadership style is very much important for the CEO before implementing business strategy (Mller, Geraldi Turner, 2012). On the other hand, it has been observed that every business organization faces sudden crisis while running the entire business process. At this specific time, the CEO prefers to change th eir leadership style from autocratic to participative. Suanj and Jakopec (2012) stated that participative form of leadership style involves both the employers and the employees equally towards the business process. This particular leadership style implies that employees can share their point of view regarding the success of business. While facing any kind of business crisis CEO needs to take collective decision by involving the managers as well as organizational employees. As a result, employees as well show their enthusiastic attitude for providing superior quality of services to the customers (Clarke, 2013). At the same time, the transformational form of leadership style enables that the CEO to work with the subordinate. By following transformational form of leadership style the CEO can focus on three major factors primarily. Zhu et al. (2013) opined that the facts include inspiring intent, conversation for fulfillment, authentic demeanor, accountable environment and structural integrity. The second scenario has provided detailed overview on how an efficient sport coach has followed several kinds of leadership style in various situations. Whenever a coach remains within the field and guides the players towards proper direction, the employees like to follow autocratic form of leadership style at the workplace. The players have to maintain all the instructions of coach at the play ground. Ng and Sears (2012) opined that in the play ground the players have to be very much focused towards reaching the goal. In this kind of situation the leader should not allow the players to express their own opinion due to avoid any kind of communication barrier, psychological barrier and cultural barrier. Coach should be very much strict in own decision with the help of which the individual can maintain a discipline at the ground (Lam and O'Higgins, 2012). On the other hand, the coach can implement trait leadership theory as well. Trait leadership theory enables the leader to make an ef fective interpersonal communication. Interpersonal communication is the systematic method with the help of which both the sender and the receiver can receive immediate feedback with each other. On the other hand, by maintaining face to face communication the players can express their internal problem that they are facing while surviving within the team. This kind of interpersonal communication helps both the players and the coach to maintain healthy team environment. On the other hand, when a coach is out of the field this particular individual tend to follow democratic form of leadership style. Moriano et al. (2014) the coach by involving all the responsible team mates tends to conduct an effective group session. This particular group session helps the individuals to share their collective opinion. Players are free to express own point of view. On the other hand, based on the opinion the coach gives the players necessary feedback. A specific team is endowed with players from different geographical boundaries and cultural attributes. Therefore, while working on the play ground the players have faced innumerable challenges in communication with each other. In this kind of situation, the overall unity and strength of a specific team is highly destroyed. Therefore, the primary responsibility of an ideal sport coach is to arrange group discussion session by following democratic form of leadership style so that every individual player can communicate with each other. The third scenario has depicted a clear vista on how an efficient leader should behave while the individual will be will stay in a battle field. In order to direct fighters in a battle field the role of an efficient leader is most prominent. A leader should have a proper skill of decision making while the person will be within battle field. Otherwise, any kind of delay in taking the proper decision can demolish the entire consequence. In this kind of situation, the leaders tend to choose autocratic form of leadership style. With the help of autocratic form of leadership style the leader does not have to wait for taking collective decision. As a result, the leader has to take the entire responsibility. On the other hand, when the leader would be out of the battle field the entire scenario is completely different. The leaders can wait for the decision of their team members. Participative form of leadership style can be followed at that particular time. By following the participative leadership styles both the team members and the leader can be involved within business process. Therefore, the leaders get the scope to receive necessary suggestions from the team members on how to win the battle field. As a result, internal communication among the team becomes stronger. This specific scenario has depicted a vast vista on how the leaders of a particular battle field have to face different kinds of unexpected situation at the battle ground. Based on the situation, the leaders have to change their form of leadership style as well. Whenever, an efficient leader prefers to change the leadership style instantly at the spot due to the sudden change of situation, it is called transformational leadership style. Only experienced leaders can use transformational leadership style at the workplace. Conclusion: This particular study has provided in-depth analysis on how leadership style implies a major significance for leading a team towards the business target. The entire study has made critical analysis on three different scenarios. One specific scenario is based on the leadership style of an existing CEO associated with a particular business organization. The second scenario depicts the portraiture of the role of sport coach in inspiring the team members as an efficient leader. The third scenario depicts the detailed overview on how the leader should deal with the situation in the battle field as an efficient leader and decision maker. After evaluating the three scenarios it has been observed that leaders play an important role in everywhere in their own way. While taking a business decision the CEO can take effective communication with the employees to take a collective decision. On the other hand, the situation of a battle field is completely different. The leaders do not have that much time to involve the team for taking participative decision at the battle ground. Therefore, the success of battle is highly dependent on the leader. Similarly, while playing on the ground, the sport coach does not have sufficient time to make collective decision. Therefore, the leaders when staying out of the field tend to implement participative leadership style at the workplace. Reference List: Clarke, S. (2013). Safety leadership: A meta?analytic review of transformational and transactional leadership styles as antecedents of safety behaviours.Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology,86(1), 22-49. Du, S., Swaen, V., Lindgreen, A., Sen, S. (2013). The roles of leadership styles in corporate social responsibility.Journal of business ethics,114(1), 155-169. Frankel, A., PGCMS, R. (2017). What leadership styles should senior nurses develop?.benefits,10, 32. Giltinane, C. L. (2013). Leadership styles and theories.Nursing Standard,27(41), 35-39. Lam, C. S., O'Higgins, E. R. (2012). Enhancing employee outcomes: The interrelated influences of managers' emotional intelligence and leadership style.Leadership and Organization Development Journal,33(2), 149-174. Lian, L. K., Tui, L. G. (2012). Leadership styles and organizational citizenship behavior: The mediating effect of subordinates' competence and downward influence tactics.The Journal of Applied Business and Economics,13(2), 59. Merchant, K. (2012). How men and women differ: Gender differences in communication styles, influence tactics, and leadership styles. Moriano, J. A., Molero, F., Topa, G., Mangin, J. P. L. (2014). The influence of transformational leadership and organizational identification on intrapreneurship.International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal,10(1), 103-119. Mller, R., Geraldi, J., Turner, J. R. (2012). Relationships between leadership and success in different types of project complexities.IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management,59(1), 77-90. Ng, E. S., Sears, G. J. (2012). CEO leadership styles and the implementation of organizational diversity practices: Moderating effects of social values and age.Journal of Business Ethics,105(1), 41-52. Suanj, Z., Jakopec, A. (2012). Fairness perceptions and job satisfaction as mediators of the relationship between leadership style and organizational commitment.Psihologijske teme,21(3), 509-526. Zhu, W., Newman, A., Miao, Q., Hooke, A. (2013). Revisiting the mediating role of trust in transformational leadership effects: Do different types of trust make a difference?.The Leadership Quarterly,24(1), 94-105.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Explore the outsider in Silas Marner Essay Example
Explore the outsider in Silas Marner Essay The novel Silas Marner is a story set in the nineteenth century and for this reason people act differently towards strangers, this is because communities were a lot closer than the average town or city at the present day. These reasons meant that new comers were alienated from the rest of the community. This is obviously pointed out in the first page when in the book it is said, how was a man to be explained unless you at least knew their father and mother. In my essay I will explore how Silas Marner is exposed to a community in which the worst is thought of strangers and how this leads to an unholy figure being created due to superstition. The book opens with Silas being compared to a dead man with comments made about his appearance. For example on page six Silas is described as having large brown protuberant eyes in Silass pale face. Also it is stated on page eight that the women of the town would never marry a dead man come to life and Jem Rodney says, Marners eyes were set like a dead mans. This simply shows that purely from Silas physical appearance he had already been separated from the rest of the community and it didnt help that superstition clung easily round every person or thing that was at all unwanted. The book compares Silas to a spider. We will write a custom essay sample on Explore the outsider in Silas Marner specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Explore the outsider in Silas Marner specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Explore the outsider in Silas Marner specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This increases villagers suspicions, because spiders are creatures feared and not often seen, just like Silas. The book does this by making Silas seem as if he was hiding in Raveol. This is just like a spider hides in a house and this image is created on page fifteen it says set within sight of the widespread hillsides, than this low, wooded region, where he felt hidden from even the heavens by the screening trees. It continues to pursue the relationship between Silas Marner and a spider by saying that Silas would make children take to their legs and run in terror which is traditionally the reaction associated with spiders. However the obvious feature strengthening the bond between Silas and a spider is his weaving because of a spider and the complex web it often weaves. However the weaving meant more than just his career, the loom symbolised Silass life constantly moving but not going anywhere and on a literal level the loom was Silass way of making money. The money itself replaced contact with people however when his money is stolen Silas becomes upset, as if he had lost his friends. However when Eppie arrived she took the moneys place and Silas mistakes her golden curls for his money and consequently comes to love Eppie more than his gold. This symbolism is all based around his loom and ironically the structure of the play is based on a simple woven item. The first threads are woven loosely and as time progresses vital threads are added and the whole piece comes together. Silas was the loose threads, Eppie was the vital threads and the finished product was the reunited village. The village is a very close community, everything is discused in the local pub and everyone is so close due to them all being a purely bred part of the village. On page eight it backs this idea up and says that linen-weavers-emigrants from the town into the country werent born and bred locally. The book shows how close the people are and how they trust each other but not anyone outside of their community. They do this by wrongly accusing Silas of theft, who was outside of their community and then finding the peddler guilty, and although the peddler was actually guilty the author made it so that it was obvious that it had to be the stranger. This is displayed when a man thinks of the obvious option, the peddler. This was displayed in the book when it states a man accustomed to putting two and two together this just shows that these people live in a box, where only strangers do wrong and that they never think outside the box. Its just ironic that the clue to who committed the crime was a tinderbox. On page sixty it shows they took this as a strong lead to who committed the robbery when it is written that the inference generally accepted was, that the tinder-box found in the ditch was somehow connected with the robbery. Silas is helped more by Dolly Winthrop than anyone else. She plays a dominant role in the later stages of the book by acting like a mother to Eppie and a tutor to Silas. On page one hundred and twenty she tutors Silas by teaching him that buying clothes is expensive because they grow so fast, its ill spending the money on them baby-clothes, for the children ull grow like grass she says. However its on the same page that Dolly shows how she will help him when ever possible and to the best standard she can, meaning that she is a friend. She does this by saying Ive got the little petticoats as Aaron wore five years ago. Then she plays a mother role to Eppie and offers Silas reassurance in the upbringing of Eppie, she says youd like to see her taken care of by those who can leave her well off an make a lady of her. The village needed a stranger to show them that there was an imperfect world outside of Ravelo and things like fathers leaving their families is just one example. Silas needed the village of Ravelo to fulfil his life with the things he didnt have such as a community to befriend him.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Political Systems of the Athenians and Egyptians essays
Political Systems of the Athenians and Egyptians essays When comparing the political systems of ancient Egypt and the Athenians, one must consider the differences between the two societies to fully appreciate them. Analyzing them today allows us to identify their separate strengths and weaknesses in comparison to what they have accomplished and/or changed. Ancient Greece was revolutionary in its time, building on theories from earlier societies such as the Middle East and the Egyptians. Athens is perhaps best-known for its democracy, due to the fact that the Ancient Greeks were the inventors of democracy. One of the central features of Athenian democracy was the direct participation of the people, attending assemblies to decide on policies. Known as citizens, these people would meet ten times annually to discuss and make final decisions regarding policies. Everyone in attendance would have a say in how matters would be dealt with. The citizens would govern themselves on monthly and yearly bases. Estimates suggest that there were never more than 50,000 citizens, and a quorum of 6000 citizens was needed to make a decision for citizens rights. This tells us that a substantial number of citizens were involved at any given time, thus being true democracy (Arblaster, 1987). Citizens were chosen by lot. According to Webster, by lot is defined as: an object used in deciding something by chance; also: the use of lots to decide something. This was something completely unique at the time. So as not to infringe on the rights of the people, most offices were filled for limited amounts of time, not allowing any one official to remain in power for too long. Because the people wanted full participation for all, not just the elite, they offered incentives (Arblaster). Namely, wages were introduced to the people who held office, attended assemblies, or who served as jurors. The wages werent much, but they certainly guaranteed participation from the people...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Rene Descartes in Philosophy - the Distinction between Mind and Body Essay
Rene Descartes in Philosophy - the Distinction between Mind and Body - Essay Example The book contains six different meditations and opens with Descartes discarding away all information and knowledge he had ever known before. This laid ground for him to begin a new search for knowledge and wisdom. The distinction between mind and body and the existence of other material things is the last piece of meditation in the book (Rozemond, 2006). The sixth meditation deals with the existence of material things and the difference between mind and body. This meditation has two main arguments that Descartes uses to prove that the mind and the body are two distinct realities. The first argument states that since it is possible to conceive the mind and the body as two different things, God can cause them to exist independently. This argument fulfils the traditional criteria for metaphysical real distinctions. The second argument states that while the body is divisible, infinite and extended into space, the mind is unitary, indivisible and un-extended into space. These two distinct natures of mind and body distinguish the two elements as distinct and independent realities. In this meditation, Descartes attempts to find proof about whether material things can exist out of self and God. He then proceeds to prove that the mind is distinct from the body. With regard to the latter, Descartes begins his proof by asserting that God is capable of creating anything that Descartes himself can clearly and distinctly perceive. He follows this argument by stating that if God is capable of creating things that are independent of the other, then such things are distinct and different from each other.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Mega-cities Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Mega-cities - Research Paper Example The population growth rate of Shanghai has been tremendous with increases in population over the years threatening the city’s ability to handle its vast citizenry. The city has a growth rate estimated at 23%, being much higher than the Chinese national population growth rate (Shen, and Kee 78). However, the natural growth rate has been decreasing, implying that immigrations have led to the increased population growth rates. The projected population size of its mega city is 20.02million, meaning it has already surpassed the mark before the year 2025. This is a serious situation, because analysts estimate that the population may reach 50 million by the year 2050. The social and economic spheres of this city have greatly been affected by the high population growth rates. From the high congestion and wastage of land in the city, it is palpable that many prospective economic activities are slowly chocked and the ability of the city to grow greatly reduced. On the other hand, the city’s current situation has given great disparities in income and led to social evils like theft and imbalance of resources. On the social perspective, the city has a high population of ageing population as well as imbalances in the gender where the ratio of boys is higher than that of girls at an alarming rate (Shen, and Kee 103). Further, the levels of fertility are very low as well as the burdening on the social facilities that has over the years affected the city’s ability to contain its population. The aging population of Shanghai city is a problem to the authorities and has been a key contributor to the increased dependence ratio in the city. The rates of dependence determine the city’s ability to grow, and also covers the decreasing work force form retirement and aging. Dealing with the aged and provision of basic services to them has been a key challenge to the authorities over time. The government
Monday, November 18, 2019
Agency Theory and Corporate Governance Problem Essay
Agency Theory and Corporate Governance Problem - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that the Agency theory conceptualizes the relationship between the firm managers and shareholders as a â€Å"nexus of contract†that is bound to result to conflict due to the different interests of each group. The proposal of this theory is that firms should have independent board structures and that the equity-based compensation for top executives should be applied to curb the aggressive behavior of the management. While this theory suffers a number of weaknesses by assuming perfect organizational structures, it provides a possible approach to a solution of the corporate governance problem. On this ground, agency theory, to a great extent provides workable solutions that can harmonize the interests of both the managers and company stakeholders. Corporate structures are characterized by a separation between the owners and the management of an organization. The owners of an organization appoint managers who are better versed with manage ment knowledge to run their business for payment. The expectation of the shareholders is that the managers run the organizations to the best interests of the shareholders at all times. However, there is the risk that the management may put their goals first before those of the firm, which would be contradictory to their duties. As expected, the managers are the information bearers and have for the power to influence the firm performance and profit through their strategic initiatives. From a different angle, the shareholders have little information and hence act in good faith expecting that the management will pursue the firm interests. However, it is hard for them to establish whether the management influenced the outcomes of their firms through economic manipulation. Ultimately, the shareholders wish to submit the business risks to the experts with the sole aim of maximizing the share values for their own benefits. Contrary, the manager’s goals may be against the shareholder 's interest as they seek to maximize the benefits they accrue from the organization.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Picturebook Analysis Essay
Picturebook Analysis Essay Picturebooks are often labelled as easy books with simple illustrations, large fonts, few words, and produced exclusively for children. Indeed, the Randolph Caldecott Medal committee definition states: A picture book for children is one for which children are an intended potential audience (ALA). Picturebooks may masquerade as easy texts, but their child friendly appearance masks the intricacies that they often contain. Contemporary picture books have become more sophisticated, encourage multiple readings, and may deal with complex issues. Today they are often written for two sets of readers with two levels of meaning: one for younger readers and one for older readers. The question of audience is one this essay will address, considering ways in which childrens picturebooks may appeal to adults, with the primary focus on contemporary texts. In the framework of this essay, the word picturebook is defined as a book that uses both text and illustration to create meaning as opposed to an illustrated book where the pictures may enhance the book but add nothing to the story. In the picturebook neither the illustrations nor the text can stand alone, requiring an integral relationship between picture and word, the interplay between the two being essential to the whole (Moebius, p. 312). The modern picturebook is a vibrant and sophisticated art form, which invites engagement and examination. One striking example of an outstanding visual text is writer-illustrator Shaun Tans The Lost Thing (2000). The design of the book cleverly and successfully integrates the text into the illustrations so that the two work as one. Each full page (no white space), has a collaged background of technical specifications, scientific diagrams and formulae. Layered on top of these are the pictures and words that tell the story of the lost thing, a red bio-mechanical creature found on the beach by a boy, who then takes on the responsibility of finding it a home. The narrative, reminiscent of a lost dog story, is likely to appeal to the young child, although there is no happy ending as such. Equally, the sarcastic and humorous expressions may strike a chord with the older reader, and is just one way in which the book is able to crossover between the child and the adult audience. Another way is through Tans detailed illustrations; his industrial and urban landscapes, suggestive of a retro-futuristic metropolis, are open to multiple readings and interpretations. For the older reader, the value and appeal is the opportunity to deconstruct the imagery, analyse the visual and symbolic codes, and appreciate the intertextuality. Tan mentions how readers of The Lost Thing often notice [his] parodies of famous paintings by artists like Edward Hopper and Jeffrey Smart, or slight references to the medieval artist Hieronymus Bosch and Spanish Surrealists. Visual intertextuality is a common device in childrens picturebooks and one way in which it reaches out to an adult audience. Jonathan Jones, writing in the Guardian newspaper in 2008, for example suggests that Sendaks monsters in Where the Wild Things Are resemble the minotaur in Pablo Picassos 1937 print Minotauromachy and Beatrix Potters art has been linked to that of the artist John Everett Millais. Intertextuality is also an underlying premise of Anthony Brownes work whose illustrations reference the paintings of the surrealist artist Rene Magritte. Browne is open about how his work includes pictorial references saying: I do use, in the backgrounds, famous works of art which, in some way, comment on the story in some way tell us something about somebodys state of mind or whats happening beneath the story, beneath the words. Browne is noted for creating visual metaphors and layered meanings in unusual and ironic ways, incorporating hidden jokes and objects within the images. Critic Sandra Beckett suggests that the parodying of artworks by illustrators is one of the reasons that picturebooks appeal to adult readers, stating: Browne certainly seems to poke fun at high art in Voices in the Park, where the two paintings displayed for sale in a garbage-littered street beside a panhandling Santa with the sign Wife and millions of kids to support are the Mona Lisa and a very sad-looking Laughing Cavalier (Bec kett, 2001). For those who are familiar with the originals, this adds intertextual meaning. But enjoyment of intertextual references depends on the reader recognising cultural allusions. Full appreciation of visual and verbal puns requires prior knowledge from the reader. Intertextuality assumes a knowing, or ideal audience. Browne however, says What I wouldnt like to do is to share some sort of conspiratorial wink with the adult reader with the parent or teacher over the childs head. Nevertheless, much of the humour, allusions, and subtleties in Brownes books may be beyond the understanding of young children. Other picturebooks break with the traditional convention of juxtaposing text alongside illustration, which has not only guided the way readers read, but also their understanding of the relationship between words and images. Examples of ironic discrepancy between text and pictures can be found in Jon Scieszkas and Lane Smiths The Stinky Cheeseman and Other Fairly Stupid Tales (1992) and David Weisners The Three Pigs (2001), which bend the traditional fairy tale into a new shape. The size and positioning of the text, the way the words relate to the characters, the change in their function, and the fact that characters speak about the words and the layout, all become part of the meaning. In the conventional childrens picturebook readers know what to expect and how to receive it, but postmodern books such as these break the rules and question the readers usual expectations about their form and nature. Bette Goldstone in her essay Postmodern Experiments discusses how the spatial dimension s in postmodern texts have been reconceptualised to allow for movement and interactions never before seen in picturebooks which present startling new ways to read and view a page (Goldstone, p. 322 323). In The Three Pigs the old story of The Three Little Pigs is pieced together in new ways, and as Goldstone explains, explores the space beyond the conventional margins of storytelling. The focus is consistently visual as characters break through the picture plane to rearrange the words and manipulate the story which allows the reader/viewer to witness the construction of the story, and permits a non-linear reading of the text (Goldstone, p. 326). Readers must be alert to the changing nature of the way that word and image interact on the page, switching from one mode to the other. Weisners parodying of the conventions of narrative literature is possibly one of the most appealing aspects for adults. The interplay of the textual and the pictorial lies at the heart of the picturebook, a relationship that is being continually challenged and re-worked in the modern text. One innovative example is David Macaulays Black and White (1990). Four separate stories, which may or may not be connected, are presented in a four panel format. Macaulay employs multiple art styles and techniques as well as unusual perspectives and variable viewpoints. Words and images work together to bring story telling to new levels; sometimes the words help explain the illustration, and sometimes they contradict the illustration. Readers are encouraged to navigate the stories and draw connections between seemingly unrelated things. Irony, humour and playful deception are running themes in what is a multidimensional, nonlinear story. This book not only looks different but must also be read differently. Readers must work to resolve the conflict between what they see and what they read. This is not so much a book just to be read, as one that invites an interactive experience. Goldstone argues that by involving and challenging the reader in this way their reading experience is enhanced and intensified. For adults, this contravention of the conventional childrens picturebook may be the intriguing aspect, and one they are happy to delve into. With so many viewpoints, details, and features the modern hybrid book certainly suggests a practised reader, one who is able to use their experience of conventional story structure and sequencing to negotiate these non-linear and sometimes confusing texts. But they also imply a reader who accepts and celebrates the changing landscape of the modern picturebook, be it the adult or child. Picturebooks represent a unique literary form for learning and discovery, and for the adult can open up new ways of reading childrens literature. Although picturebooks are primarily aimed at the child, the text and illustrations, concepts and issues may be more relevant (and important) to older readers, whether the author-illustrator intends it or not. The contemporary picturebook is a sophisticated and multifaceted production which can be recognised and appreciated for its artwork, and the synthesis of text and illustrations. While the quirky postmodern text may not be considered quality literature, it is nevertheless thought provoking and invites engagement, making it an ideal medium for the adult as well as the child. In the debate over what constitutes childrens literature, the texts discussed in this essay are just a few examples where picturebooks written for children may appeal equally to adults, and where illustrated does not necessarily mean belonging exclusively to children . Picturebooks can cross all genres and be enjoyed by people of all ages.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Surrogacy is Morally Wrong Essay -- Surrogacy Is Immoral
In this paper, I argue that if the debate about the morality of surrogacy is couched in terms of respect due to other human beings and the paramount importance of their intimate relationships with one another, then it may be shown that most ordinary instances of surrogacy are morally wrong. Human flourishing cannot be separated from one’s relationships with others and any circumstance which is destructive of such relationships must be considered immoral. The surrogate, unless she is treated as an object or merely as a means to an end, is intimately involved in the relationships between the child and its putative parents and important relationships become ambiguous and so harmed. Furthermore, if this view if rejected, then the feminist argument that surrogacy always involves the exploitation of the surrogate renders it immoral. The debate about surrogacy revolves around the following issues: (a) whether it is in the interests of the child involved or in the interests of society; or (b) whether it is exploitative of the birth mother or in the interests of women, as a whole. In considering the issues under (a) it is often argued that children are at risk of harm from having socially constructed family relationships rather than natural ones. Many commentators have likened the experience of children and birth mothers in surrogacy arrangements to children and relinquishing mothers in adoption, and point to the potential psychological and social harm that may result. (1) One argument against surrogacy therefore revolves around the relationships which are involved. Although talk of interests seems to couch the debate in utilitarian terms (2) it is not the only way in which the arguments about surrogacy may be seen. Another way of seei... ...s the potential for depersonalisation strong, quoting the case of a woman who said of her sister (in an a case of altruistic surrogacy), "We are just using Jacki as a suitcase really, an incubator to carry it. At the end of the day it’s our child". Rowland, R. Op. Cit., 164 (17) Ibid., 164-166 (18) Szikla, C. "Surrogacy, Why Women Lose",, 3-6 (19) Another solution is to say that this dichotomy does not hold and that there is nothing wrong with a mà ©nage à trois (or à quatre, if both sperm and ovum are donated). This solution, however, changes our conceptions of marriage and radically alters the context in which the problem is being discussed in this paper. (20) See Mitchell, J.D. "In Vitro fertilisation: The Major Issues - A Comment", Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol. 9, 1983, 196-199, who makes a similar point.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Effective communication unit 1 D2 Essay
(D2) – Whist taking part in both group interactions and one to one interactions there are many factors that influence the effectiveness of each. This essay will therefore evaluate the factors in which I came across which were an influence to my effectiveness in the interactions. Firstly in the one to one interaction I feel the factors that came across which made my interaction effective was my speech as I feel that I used a clear pronunciations to the service user which allowed her to understand me better so that they weren’t confused with the words I spoke. I also took my time when speaking to her so that she didn’t feel I was rushing her, I did this in order to try and make her open up slightly as she would know I am there to help and spend time focusing on her and her needs so that she didn’t feel that I had better things to do with my time and that I didn’t want to be with her. Also this may make her gain a level of trust with me during the duration which will make her feel like she has someone she can rely on is not alone. I also feel that in my interaction making myself aware of her needs/situation before hand made it easier for me to understand why she was in that state as a service user in the first place and so therefore I didn’t have to recap over the bad parts of her life as that may of got her upset and made her not want to talk even more. This also helped me as I was able to think of advice beforehand so it could be better thought out advice which would hopefully be helpful to her and if she felt the advice was good then this may make her feel that I actually can help her and that there is hope in overcoming her situation. Whilst talking to her I showed my full interests into the communication and interpersonal skills that were taking place and I did this by looking interested and being focused on just her and not having any distractions around me. This would hopefully have made her feel like I am not interested in something else as that may have made her feel that I am not there to help. I felt by doing this it was a strength as it made her open up slightly due to acting as though I want to hear what she has to say and giving her the time to say it and that I was defiantly listening to her. Throughout the period of talking to her I showed assertiveness which made me portray that I was positive and confident. This hopefully then made her feel like I am not going to give up on her and that would make her have hope in herself that there is a positive outcome. This then would hopefully have made her open up and talk due to wanting to give me information which I can then help her with in order to get her back on track and to have the positive outcome she wants. She spoke about her past in the interaction and about how her mother and father were in prison, at this point she showed a sense of embarrassment and disappointment in them and so therefore I portrayed an appropriate attitude by not judging what is being said to me and saying that this is all in confidence. So that she felt that there is nothing to be ashamed of. When speaking to her I used reflective listening as this would make her understand that I have taken into account what she has been telling me due to me repeating it in a different way, this also lets her know that I understand what she is trying to tell me and will get her to speak more in depth so that I understand exactly what she wants to happen and how she feels. When we were talking I was sitting upright in order to show that I was alert and listening as I would need to look alert in order for the service user to feel that I am aware of what they are saying and that I am bothered about the conversation. I feel that weaknesses to my one to one interaction was that I repeated myself slightly in some conversations due to her body language looking as though she wasn’t listening and this made her feel frustrated as her tone changed acting as though I was patronizing her and that she heard it the first time and wasn’t stupid, to improve this I would therefore give her time to answer what was said and not repeat myself even if she looks like she isn’t listening, if she still doesn’t answer after some time I will repeat the question again although word it in a different way so that it is not the same. I also feel I could of improved on a part of the interaction as I entered a sensitive subject quite early on in the interaction about the death of her auntie which seemed to have put her in an upset frame of mind as I feel that she hadn’t got comfortable enough with me at that time of the conversation to talking about a close subject so I feel that this was a weakness to the interaction, although I brought it back to being effective by showing her the support networks available to her which put her mind at rest and made her feel like she wasn’t alone. In the group interaction I feel the factors that came across which made my interaction effective was the way in which I spoke out in the group to make my point clear to the other professionals, this also broke the barrier of silence between one another and this brought the others to speak out and share what they feel would be best so I felt that I was an influence on the group here. As a group I feel are strength was that we had good eye contact with one another when speaking which made us realise that we were all listening and interacting so therefore it kept the conversation going. We expressed our thought on things that we felt were negative and explained why so that we understood why we shouldn’t do certain things in certain ways. I feel that I had good use of body language in the group as I sat up straight when speaking and used hand gestures to bring the others to understand more about what I was explaining. Also I feel that my use of nodding my head to indicate that I agree with what people were saying was a good effective interaction as then people in the group knew that I was keeping on track with what they were saying and understood. Also the way in which we worked effective as a group was the way in which we were all aware of the needs and preferences of Mrs.Signh so that we understood about her past and therefore could go straight into what we are going to do with her. I also feel that I made the communication and interpersonal skills effective in the group due to asking questions in order to verify things so that I understood them correctly so that no faults in the system occurred when the meeting was over, as if we go the wrong idea about something then Mrs.Signh’s health may be at risk. In this meeting jargon was used due to it being with 3 professionals in the same profession of health care so they therefore understood the jargon used in the conversation as it was medical terminology. This helped us understand certain aspects of her health in more depth. I also feel that an effective way of communication in the meeting was that we respected each other’s opinions on Mrs.Signh and then came to a conclusion as a group with the final decision, also if we did not feel that someone else’s thoughts were very good we did not put them down we just suggested how we could improve them. I also feel in the meeting that I had a good clear voice with a calm tone so that the meeting stayed at a calm level and stopped it from becoming an intense discussion when disagreements on the care plan occurred, as an intense discussion could of lead to an argument and that would not have been professional. This also helped the other people in the group understand me clearly so that there was no miscommunication or misinterpretations as these could of lead to the wrong inappropriate care plan which may not have benefitted Mrs. Singh. Ways to improve the meeting as a group in order to gain more effective communication and interpersonal skills may be to not rush the meeting as much as we did and to make it go on for longer stating more information in it. Also we could have introduced ourselves and our care profession at the start of the meeting and shook one another’s hand showing courtesy and politeness. Other ways which we could of improved it is by not having our coats on and so that we are more comfortable and can move about easily for use of good body language. Another way which we could have improved it in our group would be by sitting in more of a closed circle so that we can hear one another efficiently and can see each other clearly in order to see body language and facial expressions. This will help make communication effective and avoid misinterpretations so that no mistakes in the meeting are made. I feel that I could of improved the way that I acted with the group as I feel that I took a direct approach which made me out to be the main person/leader of the group who was in charge due to be speaking up and setting up the topic for discussion. By speaking up in the group with my opinions this may have made the others in the group shy and they may not feel as confident in expressing their opinions. Therefore I would improve this by making it all equal between one another so that others feel that they are on the same level and can speak up and say what they would like to discuss. References: – Robinson, L Segal, J . (2012). Effective Communication. Available: Last accessed 17th October 2012. – Skills you need . (2011-2012). Interpersonal Communication Skills . Available: Last accessed 17th October . – Stretch, B Whitehouse, M (2010). Health and Social Care Level 3 Book 1. England and Wales: Pearson Limited Education – Collins Education . (2011). Developing effective communication in health and social care. Available: Last accessed 17th October 2012.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Shift in The Last Battle of The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis essays
Shift in The Last Battle of The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis essays The novel The Last Battle by C. S. Lewis is a Christian allegory about the end of humankind and the Day of Judgment. It depicts how the world will end, and how human beings will be judged at the end of Time. In The Last Battle, the character of the ape Shift is an allegorical representation of the all of the worst temptations of humankind-the lust for power, greed for riches, and the desire not to take responsibility for making decisions. Shift only acts out of self-serving motivations. He does not aspire to do what is right. Shift merely wishes to fulfill his own ambitions, like Satans desire to gain control over humanity in the Bible. Shift will do anything to realize his objectives, even if his means and goals are immoral. Shift tempts good people, like the donkey Puzzle to give up their God-given free will in what they think is their own self-interest, but is really in the devil Shifts own self-interest. Shifts misdeeds underline the core message of the novel, which is that people should trust their own moral instincts, and their own soul, rather than give up their ability to make choices to other people who only seem to know better. From the beginning of the novel, Shift uses fear and the appearance of moral, divine authority to trick others. He takes advantage of the weakness and low self-esteem other creatures. Like the devil, he wishes to create his own kingdom in a good land, in service of his own aims, not of the better aspects of the human soul and goodness. Shift may seem like a good person on the surface, but really he only takes on the appearance of good people like Aslan. He seems powerful, but requires others like Puzzle to do his will-so he really has no power at all. He only has power when people give up their freedom to make their own good decisions, and when they refuse to question his demands that they act against their own nature. The function of the ape in the tale is to underline t...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Sydney Business School
Sydney Business School School Description University of Wollongong is situated in the south coastal city of Wollongong. This is a few kilometers from Sydney. The main campus of the Sydney Business School is located in Wollongong. Apart from the campus at Wollongong, Sydney Business School has a campus at the heart of the city of Sydney.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Sydney Business School specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The school offers various postgraduate courses in business related fields. It also offers specially tailored courses to individuals outside campus through its external study program. The school encourages research in various business fields (Sydney Business School, 1). Sydney Business School has many supply chain interactions. It focuses attention on universities and colleges that offer undergraduate courses. This is where they get their clients. In supply chain terms, it can be described as the downstream part of the s upply chain. The university, through its various programs, educates professionals who enter into the job market. This preparation of entry into markets must be coordinated by the various players (Sydney Business School, 5).Therefore, it forms part of a long supply chain that involves input and analysis from the various stakeholders. This includes business organizations, the university research departments and the government. Although the government is the engineer of all the syllabuses offered in Australia, the school is majorly involved in its initial phase of contribution (Haag, 45). When post graduates come out of the school and enter the job market, they must portray the relevant quality of education that the university offers. Other areas that engage supply chain is the various purchases that the university makes for sustenance. This includes books purchases, food purchases and other relevant learning materials. The schools hiring team, which involves number of players, makes s ure that the university has qualified staff. This includes lecturers and other staff. These people are the determiners of the quality dimensions of the services offered and hence the outcome (Halldorsson, 6).Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Strategies Used To Fulfill Supply Needs Sydney Business School has a number of supply needs. This includes food, books and replacements of staff. If not well managed, the supply needs may bog down operations at the school (Kouvelis, 34). Therefore, the university has come up with strategies that ensure proper and uninterrupted supply of the required materials. The school meets its supply needs through proper engagements with both the upstream and downstream members of the supply chain. By ensuring that students pay school fees, the university is prepared to meet other obligations. These are met through contracts. The school ent ers into contracts to meet its daily needs. This includes important supplies like food and stationery (Oliver, 6). The school has to make sure that it meets the required threshold of the teaching staff. By engaging with professionals and consultants in the field of business, the school is easily able to indentify people who can easily fit in its teaching world. This is sufficiently done by its personnel/human resource department. This is to make sure the school has graduates who have a feel of the practical world. The school also forges important liaisons with organizations the world over. This is because of their research and student placement programs. These programs that require realistic application of theory need such organizations, hence the need to have proper association. It also forms the employer base of the post graduates at the schools (Larson, 23). Efficiency and Effectiveness of the Supply Chain There are many factors that determine the success of a supply chain. Effec tiveness and efficiency of a supply chain are a measure of the satisfaction that is registered on everyone’s faces at the end of the whole process. Sydney school is a service provision organization. Most of its graduates are market leaders in employment circles. Research shows that the university is rated among the best in Australia. It also falls within 2% of the most successful universities in all fronts (Sydney Business School, 5). This includes research, student adaptability and take-ability in the job market and quality teaching. All these are a depiction of success in the supply chain from the downstream to upstream (Nagurney, 4).Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Sydney Business School specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Importance of Supply Chain Management Supply chain management is crucial in all organizations. In Sydney business school, that need is even bigger. It ensures that all departments that for m the whole of the organization work well and are coordinated. It also plays a major role in overall reduction of costs associated with its operations. This is because it is formulates a road map that easily makes operation less costly. Proper and well managed supply chains ensure that there is value addition to the end products. This is realized in Sydney Business School because of the nature of post graduates that emerge from the school (Sydney Business School, 10). Without proper supply chain management, the school may find it hard to easily coordinate its operations. This is detrimental; in any organization as it leads to lost business. To have a competitive edge in its field of operations, the university must employ proper supply chain management. It also ensures organization focus and scope. The schools admission and vision can only be realized if there are proper supply chain strategies to realize them. Effective supply chains are also critical in monitoring of suppliers. The y form the basis from which the schools success is based. Hence, their operations must be monitored to ensure they are up to standard. This includes lecturers, especially, who are at the center of provision of education to the larger student population (Sydney Business School, 12). The university has many strategies. These strategies are coordinated and linked by proper supply chain management. One of the strategies in this case is customer satisfaction. This is one of the frontiers from which the success of Sydney Business School is visible (Simchi-Levi, 3). Features of the School Just like any other college, the school ahs a vibrant student population. This community is unified by a single purpose of education. However, it may not be written in the schools mission and vision statement, but definitely the school has a business mind attached to its operations. This is motivated by profits. In every stage of any supply chain there is notable value addition.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This is true in Sydney business school. The school has upstream and downstream features that are common in any supply chain. The down stream is characterized by colleges that offer graduate courses and middle level colleges. This is the source of ‘raw material’ for the school. The upstream is made of the organizations that will require the services of the end product: the student (Ketchen, 5). The university has various departments. This includes the marketing, finance, human resource and administrative department. All these departments work towards provision of a single service: education. Therefore, if proper results are to be realized, these departments must be in harmony at all times. Supply chain management is critical to all these features and hence they are depiction of its common practices (Hines, 43). Resourcing Availability The schools operations are centered towards continuous progression. This is in line with any organization whose goals are to remain in bus iness for a long time. This means that it has to look for a way to ensure that this need is met. The university has come up with strategies that ensure this continuity. It has forged partnerships with various institutions of higher learning that continue to meet the standards that are required for a possible entry to the school. These partnerships ensure that they will have students that enter the school at any time (Chen, 34). To service its other requirements like in student catering, the school has contracts with suppliers who constantly supply them with materials. This is made easy by the regulations that govern any contract. It also has agreement with institutions that offer student placements after university. This has worked magic. It has formed a two pronged success as employers are satisfied with the nature of employees that they get and students want to join the university so as to get placements later on (Misiura, 4). Areas of Improvement Generally, the Sydney business sc hool’s operations are working well. Its supply chain is quite successful. It adheres to simple rules that govern supply chain management. However, there is room for improvement. The school can out source some of its operations in catering for students (Lavassani, 34). This will offload a burden that does not form the core business of the organization. Hence, it will give the school more point of focus and will improve its services to the students. The school can also forge more alliances with organizations that take students after university. The school will also reduce costs and hence increase effectiveness and efficiency if they cut unnecessary costs (Boyer, 12). Process Map Boyer, Kelly. Operations Supply Chain Management for the 21st Century. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning, 2010. Chen, Ian. Towards A Theory of Supply Chain Management: The Constructs and Measurements. Journal of Operations Management, 22.2 (2004): 119-150. Haag, Samuel. Management Information Systems for the Information Age. Canada: McGraw Hill Ryerson, 2006. Halldorsson, Anne. Complementary Theories to Supply Chain Management. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 12.4 (2007): 284-296. Hines, Tony. Supply Chain Strategies: Customer Driven And Customer Focused. Oxford: Elsevier, 2004. Ketchen, Junior. Bridging Organization Theory and Supply Chain Management: The Case of Best Value Supply Chains. Journal of Operations Management, 25.2 (2006): 573-580. Kouvelis, Peter et al. Supply Chain Management Research and Production and Operations Management. Review, Trends, and Opportunities. In: Production and Operations Management, 15. 3 (2006): 449–469. Larson, Peter. Logistics versus Supply Chain Management: An International Survey. International Journal of Logistics: Research Application, 7.1 (2004): 17-31. Lavassani, Kyle. Developments in Theories of Supply Chain Management: The Case of B2B Electronic Marketplace Adoption. The International Journal of Kno wledge, Culture and Change Management, 9.6 (2009): 85–98. Misiura, Sharp. Heritage Marketing. London: Elsevier, Burlington, 2006. Nagurney, Anna. Supply Chain Network Economics: Dynamics of Prices, Flows, and Profits. London: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2006. Oliver, Richard. Supply-Chain Management: Logistics Catches Up With Strategy. London: Outlook, Booz, Allen and Hamilton Inc., 1993. Simchi-Levi, Daniel. Designing and Managing the Supply Chain. New York: McGraw Hill, 2007. Sydney Business School. Sydney Business School. 2011. February 25, 2011. Web.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Ian Strachan argues that tourism is a neo-colonial enterprise that Essay
Ian Strachan argues that tourism is a neo-colonial enterprise that marginalizes blacks. Write a research based ARGUMENT in favour of this assertion - Essay Example urism is considered to be the world’s largest industry and some regions are endowed with natural and manmade resources that are conducive to developing the economy based on these resources. But tourism or any other industry for that matter should not just be a money making endeavor for investors. It should benefit the stakeholders (including employees, the local population, and other ancillary industries) at all levels for sustenance and growth. The Caribbean islands are considered to be one of the prime tourist destinations in the world, primarily due to its natural resources. This paper is a review of the tourism industry with regard to the economic development of the local population in the region. It is based on an article by Ian Strachan, titled, ‘Paradise and Plantation’. The author is of the view that economic well being is skewed towards foreign investors at the cost of the economic development of the local population. Colonialism has caused many of its ne gative effects to continue in neo-colonial societies (after gaining independence and sovereignty). Research on this area tends to agree with what Strachan has stated from his research and studies. Ian Strachan provides a powerful argument against the exploitation or neglect of the local population in the tourism industry of the Caribbean Islands. Effective advertising about genuine tourist attractions can naturally attract people to travel to destinations of their liking. It is extremely practical or prudent for governments and other agencies to promote a place attractive to visitors. The author states that even though tourism is a big industry, it has developed, to a large extent, at the cost of the local population. In Strachan’s words, â€Å"however distant this imagined, heavily promoted, and staged Eden may be from everyday experience of the majority of the Caribbeans, it is a fantasy that the regions’ nations encourage their citizenry to maintain for the benefit of tourists†(Strachan,
Friday, November 1, 2019
Describe in detail the realist perspective of world politics, and Essay
Describe in detail the realist perspective of world politics, and contrast its assumptions with the perspectives of liberalism a - Essay Example Nevertheless, there are political theories that naturally whither away because of trivial foundation, formulation or simply not supported by strong evidence. On the other hand, there are political theories that were able to withstand time and develop itself in the course of history. These theories were proven and tested as accurate and viable and in the process were enriched by different theoreticians and philosophers, thus subsequently branched out and influenced vast ideologies, policies and programs. Among these theories include the realist perspective, liberalism and perhaps the newest inclusion is the world- systems analysis. This paper will lay out the basic principle of these political theories in comparison to each other. However, this document will principally establish the dominance of the concept of political realism in the process of discussing its historical development. This will also present the significant aspects of political realism that influence the different fiel d of political science and world history. Three Major Political Perspectives The liberal perspective Liberalism is a political theory that banks on the significance of equal rights and liberty. Liberal ideology popularized the concepts of constitutionalism, right to suffrage, and human rights. It was born out from the repressive rules of the monarchy and the Divine Right of the Kings. Liberalism used the concept of natural rights and the social contract to confront authoritarianism and absolutism. Liberalists stand by the rule of law and the responsibility of the leaders to subject themselves to the majority of the people and the assertion of the fundamental rights to life, liberty and property of every individual for the full emancipation of humanity. The world-analysis systems perspective The world-analysis system asserts that the capitalist-world economy is a particular historical system. This theory believes that the best possible means to ascertain the mode of function of the c apitalist-world economy is to look at the profound historical evolution of the said system (Wallerstein, World-Systems Analysis An Introduction). The development of the capitalist-world economy in Europe was explained by the world system analysis theory by looking at the continent in tandem with the incorporation of regions through power and colonization and the conclusion in an international division of labor and an interstate system was derived (Wallerstein, Unthinking Social Science, Second Edition). The world-analysis system is a knowledge movement that search to surpass the structures of knowledge from the 19th century. The realist perspective Understanding and grasping the objective laws governing the society in the only way that it can be improve. This is what political realism asserts. Realism considers the objectivity of the laws in the process that in politics, truth and opinion is being distinguished, and truth can only be ascertained through supporting evidence and clari fied by reason. One-sided judgment must be eliminated from the facts so that the society can clearly drive out the laws objectively and rationally. For the realists, discovering truth from the facts by providing meaning through reason is what theory is all about. For example, realism presumes that a foreign policy’s character can only be distinguished through exhaustive examination of the combined effort of the performed political acts and the
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Assignment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Assignment - Research Paper Example Why is this true or not true of Kirkpatricks level three? Please state your answer and rationale in five or less sentences? The concept of evaluating as soon as possible is not valid for level three of Kirkpatrick’s (2006) evaluation (Kirkpatrick, 2009, p.90). Usually the third level of evaluation has to be carried out three to six months after training (Kirkpatrick, 2009, p.90). This is so because only then can it be found out whether the trainees were using what they had learned in their work atmosphere (Kirkpatrick, 2009, p.82). This is the time period involved in translating learning to action. The timing of this evaluation is also very important because, the when exactly a behavior change happens is to be judged precisely and based on that only the third level of evaluation can be conducted (Kirkpatrick, 2009, p.90). 3- What are three criteria for determining resource allocation (money, time, human resources spent) on level four evaluations. In other words, how does an evaluator or organization know the limits for spending money on level four evaluation. Imagine an organization that has 100,000 employees and a common HRD program such as coaching. Please limit your answer to five or less sentences? The three criteria for determining resource allocation on level four evaluation are, 1) how much money went into the training programme, 2) the potentiality of the results expected and 3) the â€Å"number of times that the level four programme has to be carried out (Kirkpatrick, 2009, p.103). But the basic criteria is to allocate as much money that can be reasonably set aside because â€Å"the greater the potential benefits, the more time and money can be spent†(Kirkpatrick, 2009, 92). Also, the number of staff and the time of staff to be utilized for level four evaluation depends on reasonably how many numbers of staff can be spared and also how many are required (Kirkpatrick, 2009, 103). In an organization that has
Monday, October 28, 2019
Heart of Darkness Essay Example for Free
Heart of Darkness Essay The mistress was always considered primitive and did not become civilised after being with Kurtz, showing she had strength to stay who she was and not be influenced by the `white man, as many black people were. Her power on Kurtz, however, was far too great and he could not help but be influenced by this wild woman and also by the country, in which she lived. Kurtz was also influenced and changed by the `power of Africa. He could have control over the natives but he would never be able to succumb to the heart of darkness. The mistress, herself was actually a representation of Africa: like the wilderness itself which emphasises her power and compares it to that of her land into which even white men were afraid to venture too deep. When Marlow looked at a map of Africa he described the Congo river as looking like a snake. This again makes the audience relate back to Adam and Eve. A snake which symbolised the devil convinced Eve to tempt Adam. So through this we can see that the mistress received some of her power through a greater source. Her inability to speak makes readers think of her as more animal and primitive but this just adds to her mystery and makes her appear more like Africa and at one with the power in it. the immense wilderness, the colossal body of the fecund and mysterious life seemed to look at her, pensive, as though it had been looking at the image of its own tenebrous and passionate soul. Emphasising these three characters power, Conrad uses a contrasting character for comparison. This character is Kurtzs `intended who was very much opposite to the other females, in particular Kurtzs `mistress. This woman was a typical Victorian fantasy: This fair hair, this pale visage, this pure brow her forehead, smooth and white her fair hair seemed to catch all the remaining light in a glimmer of gold. She is the type of woman any British man would want. The use of words such as `fair, `white, `smooth and `pure conveys her as being innocent and good and she was never spoken about in a sexual way- she seemed not to have any sexuality- which is a very powerful attribute to have. Someone with these characteristics is usually not very powerful. Also her background: she is British and British women were often marginalised from power or authority due to males values so too would she be- she is no exception to this- more like an example of it. A year after Kurtzs death she still mourned him and tells Marlow: I have survived. This tells readers she finds it hard to like without Kurtz- she is finding it hard to find the power to struggle on. Then when Marlow lies to her about Kurtzs last words- readers are aware that he is does not believe she has enough strength (power) to handle that kind of truth. This lie is made to maintain womens great and saving illusion. For this `powerless woman Marlow wants to help (her/women) to stay in that beautiful world of their own This is contrasted with the other three `powerful women as they were not in that beautiful world of their own. The aunt was almost in a `mans world- finding power from others in high places. The knitting women were represented as being in the `after world having power over peoples lives and guarding the door of Darkness therefore having the power (like the men believed they had over women) of deciding who could come in to their world and who could not. Then there was the mistress: her personality and her `world was the complete opposite to the intended (who was the representation of `powerless). The mistress was considered wild, very sexual and uncivilised, living in an almost `animal world obtaining her power from nature. The typical woman in the novel Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad, is represented as not possessing much or any power. This is seen through the eyes of a man therefore women are marginalised. They are excluded from the bulk of the story but when they do make an appearance, the `aunt, the `knitting women and the `mistress all convey some sort of amazing power that is not typical to Marlows views and that men (of those times) do not consider or want women to have. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Joseph Conrad section.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Yes Virginia, Dragons Do Exisit :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics
Yes Virginia, Dragons Do Exisit   Dragon--even mentioning the word strikes terror into the very center of the hearts of some men. But to others, a dragon is nothing more than a make-believe fairy tale, or a mystical monster. Recently, startling, new, scientific discoveries have shed light on this controversial subject. Dragons, Do They Really Exist? This study, compiled of shocking new facts, seems to prove that the animals known as the dragon, does, in fact, exist.  Though the dragon may be large (approximately 45 feet long, 10 feet wide), it is extremely light and aerodynamic. The dragon's wings are the longest limbs on the body; measuring approximately 25 feet in diameter (each wing). The wings are coated with a transparent covering that absorbs the humidity in the air, and keeps moist. The largest muscle in the dragon's body is directly connected to the wings. The muscle, in fact, divides into five large muscles, measuring 8 feet in diameter. The dragon weighs only 400 pounds. Its muscles carry the most weight, and the wings are second to the heaviest part in the body. The rest of the body is extremely light and brittle; the bones are hollow and light. The nervous system is extremely complex and sensitive, detecting any movement from up to 10 feet away. The Dragon's eyesight, however, is extremely poor. The clearest it envisions any object is a hazy blur. Its digestive system is primitive. The liver, being the most complex digestive organ, is the largest organ--weighing over 215 pounds. The reason for the complexity of its life cycle is because of the Dragon's enormous intake. While feeding, the dragon may ingest non-nutritious objects such as houses or highways. These unneeded colonies are quickly detected by the liver and pulled out of the digestion process.  Reproduction in Dragons is extremely complex and painstaking, the Dragon being very picky and wary of its mate. Its mate must also be the same family and weight, or the process will be flawed and the young will die. Every 1 in 50 dragons produce one healthy egg.  Dragons only live in extremely windy areas because of the lift they need for their bodies.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Comparing Juan Preciado and Father Renteria in Juan Rulfo’s Pedro Param
In every influential novel, there are definite characters that apply certain aspects to the narrative to show importance of key aspects of the story. In Juan Rulfo’s Pedro Paramo, the case is no different in that specific characters carry an importance to the entire aspect of the story. The characters in the novel that have great importance are Juan Preciado and Father Renteria. These two characters symbolize greater things that cannot just be plainly noticed. Juan Preciado is majorly important for the fact of that he is the first character introduced in the novel and he is the character that at first doesn’t realize he is dead. Also, Juan Preciado is like that of the reader in that he is in no place to identify his position in his life or in the readers case, the story. Father Renteria is a character that the people of Comala look to for wisdom and forgiveness because he is the God like figure in the novel Pedro Paramo. The character Juan Preciado is the first character the reader comes upon while reading the novel. Juan Preciado is the son of Pedro Paramo and has just come to the land of the dead otherwise known as Comala in the novel Pedro Paramo. â€Å"I came to Comala because I had been told that my father, a man named Pedro Paramo, lived there†(3). Juan Rulfo uses Juan Preciado in the same way the reader is unfamiliar with the text of the narrative. Juan Preciado’s relationship to Comala is the same to the readers’ relationship to the text for the reason being that the story is a journey in which both reader and character are constantly off balance. Juan Preciado and the reader don’t understand in the beginning that Comala is a town filled with dead souls but eventually, clues arise that lead to the conclusion that e... ...s. Father Renteria had lost all faith in his religion and himself. As if he had failed a test, he says, "Alright Lord, you win"(26). Father Renteria represents the constant struggle a person has to maintain personal integrity against outside corruption and personal vices which means that he is constantly tempted to do wrong things and sometimes falls for them. Juan Rulfo makes Father Renteria a necessary asset to Pedro Paramo because in Comala everyone is dead and they are all waiting to either receive forgiveness to go to heaven or take the opposite route and Father Renteria is a deciding factor for the people of Comala. To conclude, Juan Preciado and Father Renteria have significant roles in the novel Pedro Paramo by Juan Rulfo. They are necessary assets to the narrative in that Preciado is much like the reader and Renteria is the God like figure in Comala.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Solid Waste Management Case Study In Bristol Environmental Sciences Essay
The direction of Municipal Solid Waste ( MSW ) is a major environmental crisis throughout of the World, which everyone is concerned about. In the United Kingdom, the measure of municipal waste has increased and 46.9 per cent of the sum collected waste has disposed of in landfill in 2009/10 ( DEFRA, 2010b ) . In comparing, the Netherlands and Denmark have disposed of about no municipal waste to landfill and other members of European Unit of measurements such as Germany and Sweden have less than a one-fourth of municipal waste to landfill ( DEFRA, 2010b ) . Therefore, the UK Government published Waste Strategy for England 2007 on 24th May 2007 in order to run into EU scheme and set out a sustainable method for hierarchy of waste direction options within clime alteration and population growing. The cardinal ends of the scheme are to put out a design for waste bar, decrease, re-use, recycling and recovery and bettering environmental and economic results through increased recycling of res ources and recovery of energy from residuary waste utilizing a mix of engineerings. There are some actions of the proposal scheme outlined, for illustration, energy from waste is expected to account for 25 % of municipal waste by 2020 compared to 10 % in 2007 and the standard rate of landfill revenue enhancement addition by eight lbs per twelvemonth from 2008 until at least 2010/11 ( DEFRA, 2010c ) . As a consequence, it is necessary to put up a assortment of waste intervention for recovery stuff in the UK, such as Mechanical Biological Treatment ( MBT ) and Energy from Waste ( EfW ) . There is no uncertainty that a figure of local governments face major challenges when they manage residuary waste sustainably. Take Bristol for illustration, 59 % of waste has been sent to landfill and 40 % has been recycled or composted in 2009/10 ( DEFRA, 2010d ) . Harmonizing to Bristol City Council ( 2000 ) , 100,000 metric tons of family waste will stay to be treated if 40 % waste is recycled or composted. Therefore, the council wants to do a 25 old ages Residual Waste Management Contract with company to handle 100,000 metric tons of Residual MSW by one of three options which include MBT with composting or anaerobiotic digestion and Energy from Waste. In this paper, the environmental impacts of each option will be assessed in order to happen a sustainable method for residuary waste direction i n Bristol. Furthermore, some comparative extenuation steps and redress attacks for chose option will be mentioned, concentrating cardinal issues of development and land renovation after 25 old ages.2. The Description of Development and SiteBristol metropolis council aims to put up a waste intervention works in the metropolis in order to non merely run into their recycling demands but besides make expeditiously retrieve value from the residuary waste produced. There is no uncertainty that a hundred thousand metric tons of rubbish send to the new workss for processing in the coming old ages instead than dumping it in landfill sites. The possible possible site is assumed as antecedently used land which locates in the chief industrial estate ( Avonmouth ) in the northern portion of Bristol. It would by and large be preferred in planning footings, as no new land would be used and contaminated land restored. In add-on, the installation has good transit substructure, which consequences fro m closely primary route web and instead rail entree. Figure 1 shows some possible antecedently land in the possible country, which have several big chemical fabrication workss and besides has a important residential country in Avonmouth between the industrialized zone and the M5 expressway. Furthermore, a big graduated table of green sites and H2O organic structure around the false site.Figure 1. The Potential Site for Waste Treatment Plant in Bristolalll sites.jpg ( Beginning: Google Map ) There are three possible options including MBT utilizing composting ( In Vessel Composting ) or anaerobiotic digestion ( AD ) or EfW provided in following inside informations. The local waste scheme officers assume that: 100,000 tonne residuary MSW will be treated ; the elaborate value of intervention for each option is described in Figure 2 ;Figure 2. The Value of Waster Treatment Processassorted recyclates are deserving on mean ?50/tonne ; all workss operate 90 % of the 8760 hours in a twelvemonth ; both digestate and compost are disposed to landfill at the full revenue enhancement rate ; nevertheless, the digestate is charged the full dispose cost, compost is disposed for free ; bottom ash can be processed and used as a secondary sum, doing net income at ?5/tonne ; gas cleansing residues are risky waste and landfilled at ?100/ metric ton plus landfill revenue enhancement at ?48/tonne ; electricity from AD is deserving ?135/MWh, electricity from EfW and In Vessel Composting is deserving ?60/ MWh.3. Introduction of Three Processing Options for the Residual Municipal Solid Waste ManagementThis subdivision focuses on debut of the procedure and principals of three options including In Vessel Composting, Anaerobic Digestion and Energy from Waste. MBT chiefly follow two procedures including mechanical sorting and biological procedure. Mechanical sorting is to screen ‘mechanical ‘ component such as metal, plastics, glass & A ; paper, which is made by manus and is a basic procedure in both composting and anaerobiotic digestion. However, the biological procedures are different because of the assortment of intervention principals. Anaerobic digestion, which is the biological intervention of organic waste without O, utilise microbic activity to interrupt down the waste in a controlled environment with mesophilic and thermophlic digestion and bring forth biogas ( e. g. Methane and Carbon Dioxide ) and digestate at the same clip. In Vessel Composting is an enclosed compost system and is the intervention of organic affair with aerophilic micro-organism to bring forth a mixture of stable humic substances and inorganic works food ( Agrivert, 2010 ) . In comparing with AD, there is no green energy produced through the system, hence, the excess energy will be used in the procedures. Energy from Waste is process incorporation the thermic decomposition of the waste include waste response and storage, burning system, heat recovery, fluke gas cleansing, power coevals and procedure control and proctor. Compared with MBT, EfW can disposal of all types of waste without other pre-treatment and the temperature has a minimal demand of 850oC for 2 seconds ( March, 2010a ) . Additionally, incineration offers a farther option for the intervention of residuary MSW and is already proved and bankable engineering in the UK with 26 EfW workss ( March, 2010a ) . Howeve r, there is no incineration in Bristol at the minute.4. Environmental Impacts Assessment of Three Processing OptionsIn order to accomplish the UK authorities ‘s cardinal ends and Bristol waste scheme, appraisal of the environmental and economic impacts of each processing option should be undertaken in the undermentioned subdivision. Local installations of waste intervention would supply much local employment chances. Furthermore, the figure of statute law and planning policy consisting international, national and local policy will besides be introduced to do certain the sustainable development. Therefore, this subdivision focal point on the cardinal issues of waste intervention options such as air emanations / wellness effects, dust / smell, noise, H2O resources, ocular invasion and public concern. Harmonizing to analysis of environmental impact appraisal, one of the options will be identified as the Best Practicable Environmental Option for Bristol City Council.4.1 Planning P olicy and ContextI ) International PolicyThe European Union has instigated a scope of Directives at a European degree that should be suited for each EU member and transposed into national Torahs in order to follow the local environment. The undermentioned International policies provide the European model for Waste applicable to the United Kingdom. aˆ? European Community ( EC ) Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC ; aˆ? EC Framework Directive for Waste 75/442/EEC as amended by 91/156/EEC ; aˆ? Waste Incineration Directive 2000/76EC ( WID ) .two ) National PolicyThe Waste Strategy for England ( 2007 ) sets out the Government ‘s vision for sustainable waste direction. The cardinal aims and marks of the scheme are to cut down the sum of waste produced and increase the rate of recovery of municipal waste. There are besides some other statute law created to accomplish the mark in the followers: Landfill Allowance Trading Scheme ( LATS ) ; Planing Policy Guidance Notes ( PPG ) and Planing Policy Statements ( PPS ) ; Planing Policy Statement 1 ( PPS1 ) : Delivering Sustainable Development ( 2005 ) ; Planing and Climate Change ( PCC ) : The intent is to put out how climate alteration considerations should be taken into history at different phases of the planning procedure. Planing Policy Statement 10 ( PPS 10 ) : Planing for Sustainable Waste Management. During Annex E of PPS 10, the chief factors have been taken into history by waste planning governments when proving the suitableness of a site for waste direction intents.three ) Regional and Local Planning PolicyPlaning policies for Bristol are set out in the Statutory Development Plan which includes the undermentioned paperss ( South Gloucestershire Council, 2010 ) : Regional Planning Guidance for the South West ( RPG10 ) ( September 2001 ) Joint Replacement Structure Plan ( as saved ) ( September 2002 ) Bristol Local Plan ( as saved ) ( 1997 ) Regional Planning Guidance for the South West ( RPG10 ) ( 2001 ) RPG10 comprises the Regional Spatial Strategy for the South West and the Regional Transport Strategy, and purpose to run into sustainable development in footings of environment, economic system and society.4.2 Anaerobic DigestionIn footings of biodegradable waste either by anaerobiotic digestion or by composting MBT engineerings helps to cut down the part of nursery gases to minmise the impacts of planetary heating. IPPC ( 2010 ) stated that AD engineering for assorted homogeneous waste watercourses is widely proven in Europe, but there are no full graduated table workss in operation in the UK on municipal derived wastes. Therefore, environmental and economic impacts should be assessed in order to develop installations at nowadays.4.2.1 Environmental impactsAs we all know that anaerobiotic digestion is wholly enclosed system, which may cut down environmental impacts. As it may accomplish a cardinal purpose of the landfill Directive and cut down organic wastes from landfill which redu ces the production of landfill gas and leachates. Although the installation has pollution control engineering in order to command the sustainable processes non merely for the company but besides for the populace, each development has some relevant impacts on air, H2O resources and local occupants. For illustration, odour emanations should be released during stuff handling and other air emanation ( Methane ) would be release during the procedure. This may impact the local life status if the pollution will non be controlled and ocular invasion, plagues and noise jobs. In order to foretell how smell will be transported, some information such as meteoric conditions ( e.g. , wind velocity and way, temperature, and inversion conditions ) in the proposal site can be obtained from a local conditions station. Furthermore, taint of concluding merchandise is frequently hard to avoid, which means digestate from residuary MSW connot be used for nutrient growth ; lone regeneration of contaminated land or landfill screen ( McKendry 2010 ) . Therefore, AD besides has somewhat negative impacts on environment during the handling and procedures of the installation. Harmonizing to Figure 2, net energy ( 0.5 MWe ) will be produced for National Grid, which besides can salvage energy and cut down environmental pollution from power coevals. To sum up, compared with no waste intervention in Bristol, AD is a better environmental practical option for waste recovery and besides can accomplish the UK cardinal mark.4.2.2 Economic impactsIt requires comprehensive pre-processing of the waste or beginning separation and larger digestion armored combat vehicles as it does non handle the whole Municipal Solid Waste watercourse but may be used on residuary municipal waste watercourse with contaminations rejected as portion of the procedure. Therefore, AD is more capital intensive than composting and cost more for landfill revenue enhancement. Furthermore, the end product of digestates is by and large risky and set to landfill, which will besides be more for the procedure than production from composting. However, compared with composting, energy should be produced and is deserving ?532,170 which is less than net income of net energy from EfW ( Figure 3 ) . Person ( City and County of Swansea, 2011 ) references that AD is comparatively low capital costs compared to most thermic procedures. On the other manus, anaerobiotic digestion has non adequate net income which created from byproducts compared to EfW ( Figure 3 ) . In footings of economic system, anaerobiotic digestion is the secondary pick in three waste direction options for Bristol.Figure 3. The Analysis of Input and Output of Economy in Proposed Waste Treatment PlantAnaerobic Digestation In Vessel Composting Energy from Waste Input signal 2,380,000 ( Landfill ) 1,564,000 ( Digestate )–2,040,000 ( Landfill ) 2,880,000 ( Compost )–408,000 ( Landfill )–888,000 ( Gas Cleaning ) End product Net income 1,500,000 ( Recyclates )–532,170 ( Net Energy ) i1,911,830 1,500,000 ( Recyclates )–i473,040 ( Net Energy ) i3,893,040 375,000 ( Recyclates ) 185,000 ( Bottom Ash ) 3,784,320 ( Net Energy ) 3,048,3204.3 In Vessel CompostingActually, this engineering has merely had limited experience in the UK ; nevertheless, it is quickly increasing in figure due to recent statute law of waste direction such as Landfill Directive. The advantage of In-Vessel Composting is that the procedures are more controlled and can be designed to accomplish specified temperatures of facilitate bacteriums devastation.4.3.1 Environmental impactsComposting can cut down volume of organic waste fraction of MSW by 25-50 % and minmise landfill rate ( IPPC, 2010 ) , which avoid environmental pollution ( Landfill gas and leachate ) similar with AD. However, some possible smell and leachate besides should be produced, which can ensue in air and H2O resources may be polluted to some extent. Although it is suited for green and kitchen waste, it is possible of co-composting operations with other waste watercourses such as paper, sewerage sludge ( IPPC, 2010 ) . On the other manus, it requires careful beginning se gregation of farther station or intervention as sensitive taint of glass and plastics. Furthermore, in comparing with other options, In Vessel composting has no energy end product and need excess energy for operation, which will impact more issues from power coevals such as air pollution. It is similar with AD that the development is non bad for ecosystem and ocular direction as the proposed site is antecedently used land which may be contaminated or brownfield site. The engineering has a greater ability to command air pollution emanations than mass burn EfW in theory, but this has non yet been demonstrated in pattern in the UK ( Environment Agency, 2010 ) .4.3.2 Economic impactsAlthough the capital cost is non rather expensive than Energy from Waste, the balance of input and end product of waste intervention procedure is wholly different than other options. Harmonizing to Figure 3, the developer or authorities should put more money for rejected waste to landfill and extra energy ( ?473,040 ) , which means the net incomes of recyclates can non do certain the continuously procedure of operation. Therefore, in footings of economic facet, this engineering is non suited for the UK cardinal sustainable development mark and is the worst option.Energy from WasteIn the UK, Energy from waste has a peculiarly hapless public image and has been problematic by environmental groups on the evidences of sensed wellness impacts from emanations to air. Combustion of residuary MSW can bring forth or let go of C dioxide and other nursery gases. Hence C emanations should to be considered in footings of composing of the residuary waste watercourse, the type of energy produced ( heat and/or power ) and the overall generating efficiency of the installation.4.4.1 Environmental impactsCompared with other options, EfW can disposal of a assortment of waste without restriction and pre-treatment required. However, dust job may be within the waste response hall or drawn into the furnace. Fu rthermore, there is a WID emanation restriction and air quality criterions regulated in order to command the air emanation particularly greenhouse gases from mills. The advantage of this engineering is that the province of the art of pollution control engineering is completed for planetary usage. In add-on, energy recovery includes Combined Heat and Power ( CHP ) workss and chance for territory warming programmes. However, the temperature is non easy to command during the operation processes, which may impact the efficiency of residue quality and disposal when burning is non completed. Although EfW can decide waste to landfill and emission decrease ( methane ) from landfill and residuary waste, which to some extent may turn to clime alteration, air pollution of EfW is more important than other options ( Hong, 2010 ) . The WID emanation bounds to air shows day-to-day mean emanations limit from incineration in the followers ( Veolia, 2011 ) : Dust ( Particulates ) 10mg/m3 Entire Organic Carbon 10mg/m3 Hydrogen Chloride 10mg/m3 Carbon Monoxide 50mg/m3 Sulphur Dioxide 50mg/m3 Oxides of Nitrogen 200mg/m3 Harmonizing to Figure 2, the figure of waste can be combusted and bottom ash can be used for building applications, which reduces the measure necessitating landfill disposal to under 10 % of the feedstock mass ( IPPC, 2010 ) . In comparing with others, 8MWe net energy should be produced and present inexpensive heat and power either to the National Grid or local users. On the other manus, it besides save more energy and cut down pollution from power coevals workss. EfW is non long term liability installation, therefore, local EfW would supply the best planetary solution for Bristol depending on the Life Cycle Assessment. Furthermore, the impacts of ocular, plagues and noise and ecosystem are similar and related to other waste direction options and with proper planning can be minimized to acceptable degrees. As for the ocular impacts, the undermentioned factors should be considered: direct consequence on landscape by remotion of points such as trees ; potency of an exhaust stack associ ated with air clean up systems ; testing characteristics and graduated table of vehicles accessing site.4.4.2 Economic impactsThere is no uncertainty that EfW is one of the high capital costs engineering, nevertheless, it besides create net net incomes from the procedures. Harmonizing to Figure 3, although, gas cleansing remainders are risky wastes and landfilled at ?148 per metric ton, the installation can make ?3,048,320 net net income from operation system except the capital investing, which including ?185,000 income from bottom ash, ?3,784,320 net income from electricity and ?375,000 worth from recyclates. Therefore, EfW is the best option for waste intervention for Bristol in footings of economic system compared to other options. On the other manus, the installation will blow more investing and energy during the procedure stopped when there is no adequate waste for burning procedure.4.5 DrumheadIn drumhead, each option may accomplish the UK and local waste direction and recycli ng mark and to some extent cut down waste and air emanation such as methane and C. However, in footings of sustainable development which related to economic, societal and environmental facets, each option has its ain disadvantages and advantages. As for economic system except the capital investing, Energy from Waste can do more net income in 25 old ages than MBT utilizing Composting or Anaerobic Digestion. Although air emanation from EfW is more important than other options, EfW has been used for a long clip and is bettering or extenuating more sustainable engineerings to avoid the negative impacts on environment. It is true that Energy from waste has a peculiarly hapless public image ; nevertheless, public attitude will be changed within the state of affairs altering. Therefore, Energy from Waste is the best value options for Bristol City Council to make the waste intervention mark and follow sustainable development.5. Extenuation Measures and Remediation ApproachEnergy from Waste is the Best Practicable Environmental Option for Bristol waste direction programme based on Environmental Impact Assessment ( EIA ) . As we all know that each option has its restriction, EfW is besides a instance in point. EIA states that the efficiency of burning, air emanation ( flue gas emanation and cleansing ) and public image are the chiefly important issues of EfW installation execution for Bristol. Furthermore, the land Restoration after usage should be considered at the beginning of building in order to be able to utilize every bit sustainable as possible. Extenuation steps should take to avoid, cut down, or rectify any important inauspicious effects that a proposed development is predicted to bring forth. First of wholly, because it is a smaller scale EfW workss, it is better to maximise the range for covering with hazard events and other possible inauspicious impacts. Furthermore, more information qualitative and quantitative appraisal of impacts such as meteoric conditio ns and ambient air quality should be collected for the following deepness appraisal. The recommended extenuation step for efficiency of burning is to utilize more effectual techniques. For illustration, the techniques such as Flue Gas Recirculation ( FGR ) can command the uncomplete burning in order to increase efficiency and to cut down the flow rate of pollutant emanations ( Liuzzo, 2007 ) . In add-on, the chimney should be high plenty to supply equal bill of exchange and to dispatch the merchandises without doing local sir pollution. There are besides some methods to increase positive public image, such as heightening propaganda or media spread and bettering instruction. The hazard direction including accident management/plan and security safeguard besides should be undertaken to avoid the wellness and safety of employees. As for the hereafter development after usage, the land should be careful managed to avoid possible risky constituents released into the land whether it is current contaminated or non ( McKendry, 2010 ) . The first recommendation purposes to used less penetrability stuffs for land building and cut down pollutants released. Furthermore, the regular clean up system is recommended to roll up the residuary waste during transporting system and clean up the soiled country such as oil let go ofing sites. Contaminated Land Management Regulation indicates that the defiler or proprietor has responsible to cover with pollution if the land will be contaminated by human activities. In my position, the proposal site is difficult to alter to an eco-green site after development, therefore, it is better to develop as commercial or industrial usage in the hereafter.6. DecisionIn decision, Environmental Impact Assessment of Anaerobic Digestion, In Vessel Composting and Energy from Waste were analysed in this paper in order to happen out one of the best sustainable development for Bristol and besides achieve the UK cardinal ends for waste direction. It is surely that each option has both negative and positive impacts on environment and economic system. The chief purpose of them is to cut down waste sent to landfill and accomplish the UK waste direction mark ; moreover, they besides have same impacts on environment such ac ocular invasion, public image, possible contaminated land after usage and air pollution. However, the important impacts of installations are different in different engineerings ; for illustration, odour emanation is more important during anaerobiotic digestion attack, ocular invasion, public image and air emanation is more important for Energy from Waste, and energy usage and smell and leachate are important in composting procedure. In footings of economic system, EfW is the best option with highest net net incomes during the procedure ; on the other manus, In Ves sel Compost is the worst attack because of excess energy supply. At the last, EfW has been chose to handle residuary Municipal Solid Waste with the extra extenuation steps in Bristol, which consequences in the development is non merely suited for international, national and local scheme but besides meet the Best Practicable Environmental Option which is sustainable and integrated in the farther development.
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