Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Assignment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Assignment - Research Paper Example Why is this true or not true of Kirkpatricks level three? Please state your answer and rationale in five or less sentences? The concept of evaluating as soon as possible is not valid for level three of Kirkpatrick’s (2006) evaluation (Kirkpatrick, 2009, p.90). Usually the third level of evaluation has to be carried out three to six months after training (Kirkpatrick, 2009, p.90). This is so because only then can it be found out whether the trainees were using what they had learned in their work atmosphere (Kirkpatrick, 2009, p.82). This is the time period involved in translating learning to action. The timing of this evaluation is also very important because, the when exactly a behavior change happens is to be judged precisely and based on that only the third level of evaluation can be conducted (Kirkpatrick, 2009, p.90). 3- What are three criteria for determining resource allocation (money, time, human resources spent) on level four evaluations. In other words, how does an evaluator or organization know the limits for spending money on level four evaluation. Imagine an organization that has 100,000 employees and a common HRD program such as coaching. Please limit your answer to five or less sentences? The three criteria for determining resource allocation on level four evaluation are, 1) how much money went into the training programme, 2) the potentiality of the results expected and 3) the â€Å"number of times that the level four programme has to be carried out (Kirkpatrick, 2009, p.103). But the basic criteria is to allocate as much money that can be reasonably set aside because â€Å"the greater the potential benefits, the more time and money can be spent†(Kirkpatrick, 2009, 92). Also, the number of staff and the time of staff to be utilized for level four evaluation depends on reasonably how many numbers of staff can be spared and also how many are required (Kirkpatrick, 2009, 103). In an organization that has
Monday, October 28, 2019
Heart of Darkness Essay Example for Free
Heart of Darkness Essay The mistress was always considered primitive and did not become civilised after being with Kurtz, showing she had strength to stay who she was and not be influenced by the `white man, as many black people were. Her power on Kurtz, however, was far too great and he could not help but be influenced by this wild woman and also by the country, in which she lived. Kurtz was also influenced and changed by the `power of Africa. He could have control over the natives but he would never be able to succumb to the heart of darkness. The mistress, herself was actually a representation of Africa: like the wilderness itself which emphasises her power and compares it to that of her land into which even white men were afraid to venture too deep. When Marlow looked at a map of Africa he described the Congo river as looking like a snake. This again makes the audience relate back to Adam and Eve. A snake which symbolised the devil convinced Eve to tempt Adam. So through this we can see that the mistress received some of her power through a greater source. Her inability to speak makes readers think of her as more animal and primitive but this just adds to her mystery and makes her appear more like Africa and at one with the power in it. the immense wilderness, the colossal body of the fecund and mysterious life seemed to look at her, pensive, as though it had been looking at the image of its own tenebrous and passionate soul. Emphasising these three characters power, Conrad uses a contrasting character for comparison. This character is Kurtzs `intended who was very much opposite to the other females, in particular Kurtzs `mistress. This woman was a typical Victorian fantasy: This fair hair, this pale visage, this pure brow her forehead, smooth and white her fair hair seemed to catch all the remaining light in a glimmer of gold. She is the type of woman any British man would want. The use of words such as `fair, `white, `smooth and `pure conveys her as being innocent and good and she was never spoken about in a sexual way- she seemed not to have any sexuality- which is a very powerful attribute to have. Someone with these characteristics is usually not very powerful. Also her background: she is British and British women were often marginalised from power or authority due to males values so too would she be- she is no exception to this- more like an example of it. A year after Kurtzs death she still mourned him and tells Marlow: I have survived. This tells readers she finds it hard to like without Kurtz- she is finding it hard to find the power to struggle on. Then when Marlow lies to her about Kurtzs last words- readers are aware that he is does not believe she has enough strength (power) to handle that kind of truth. This lie is made to maintain womens great and saving illusion. For this `powerless woman Marlow wants to help (her/women) to stay in that beautiful world of their own This is contrasted with the other three `powerful women as they were not in that beautiful world of their own. The aunt was almost in a `mans world- finding power from others in high places. The knitting women were represented as being in the `after world having power over peoples lives and guarding the door of Darkness therefore having the power (like the men believed they had over women) of deciding who could come in to their world and who could not. Then there was the mistress: her personality and her `world was the complete opposite to the intended (who was the representation of `powerless). The mistress was considered wild, very sexual and uncivilised, living in an almost `animal world obtaining her power from nature. The typical woman in the novel Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad, is represented as not possessing much or any power. This is seen through the eyes of a man therefore women are marginalised. They are excluded from the bulk of the story but when they do make an appearance, the `aunt, the `knitting women and the `mistress all convey some sort of amazing power that is not typical to Marlows views and that men (of those times) do not consider or want women to have. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Joseph Conrad section.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Yes Virginia, Dragons Do Exisit :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics
Yes Virginia, Dragons Do Exisit   Dragon--even mentioning the word strikes terror into the very center of the hearts of some men. But to others, a dragon is nothing more than a make-believe fairy tale, or a mystical monster. Recently, startling, new, scientific discoveries have shed light on this controversial subject. Dragons, Do They Really Exist? This study, compiled of shocking new facts, seems to prove that the animals known as the dragon, does, in fact, exist.  Though the dragon may be large (approximately 45 feet long, 10 feet wide), it is extremely light and aerodynamic. The dragon's wings are the longest limbs on the body; measuring approximately 25 feet in diameter (each wing). The wings are coated with a transparent covering that absorbs the humidity in the air, and keeps moist. The largest muscle in the dragon's body is directly connected to the wings. The muscle, in fact, divides into five large muscles, measuring 8 feet in diameter. The dragon weighs only 400 pounds. Its muscles carry the most weight, and the wings are second to the heaviest part in the body. The rest of the body is extremely light and brittle; the bones are hollow and light. The nervous system is extremely complex and sensitive, detecting any movement from up to 10 feet away. The Dragon's eyesight, however, is extremely poor. The clearest it envisions any object is a hazy blur. Its digestive system is primitive. The liver, being the most complex digestive organ, is the largest organ--weighing over 215 pounds. The reason for the complexity of its life cycle is because of the Dragon's enormous intake. While feeding, the dragon may ingest non-nutritious objects such as houses or highways. These unneeded colonies are quickly detected by the liver and pulled out of the digestion process.  Reproduction in Dragons is extremely complex and painstaking, the Dragon being very picky and wary of its mate. Its mate must also be the same family and weight, or the process will be flawed and the young will die. Every 1 in 50 dragons produce one healthy egg.  Dragons only live in extremely windy areas because of the lift they need for their bodies.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Comparing Juan Preciado and Father Renteria in Juan Rulfo’s Pedro Param
In every influential novel, there are definite characters that apply certain aspects to the narrative to show importance of key aspects of the story. In Juan Rulfo’s Pedro Paramo, the case is no different in that specific characters carry an importance to the entire aspect of the story. The characters in the novel that have great importance are Juan Preciado and Father Renteria. These two characters symbolize greater things that cannot just be plainly noticed. Juan Preciado is majorly important for the fact of that he is the first character introduced in the novel and he is the character that at first doesn’t realize he is dead. Also, Juan Preciado is like that of the reader in that he is in no place to identify his position in his life or in the readers case, the story. Father Renteria is a character that the people of Comala look to for wisdom and forgiveness because he is the God like figure in the novel Pedro Paramo. The character Juan Preciado is the first character the reader comes upon while reading the novel. Juan Preciado is the son of Pedro Paramo and has just come to the land of the dead otherwise known as Comala in the novel Pedro Paramo. â€Å"I came to Comala because I had been told that my father, a man named Pedro Paramo, lived there†(3). Juan Rulfo uses Juan Preciado in the same way the reader is unfamiliar with the text of the narrative. Juan Preciado’s relationship to Comala is the same to the readers’ relationship to the text for the reason being that the story is a journey in which both reader and character are constantly off balance. Juan Preciado and the reader don’t understand in the beginning that Comala is a town filled with dead souls but eventually, clues arise that lead to the conclusion that e... ...s. Father Renteria had lost all faith in his religion and himself. As if he had failed a test, he says, "Alright Lord, you win"(26). Father Renteria represents the constant struggle a person has to maintain personal integrity against outside corruption and personal vices which means that he is constantly tempted to do wrong things and sometimes falls for them. Juan Rulfo makes Father Renteria a necessary asset to Pedro Paramo because in Comala everyone is dead and they are all waiting to either receive forgiveness to go to heaven or take the opposite route and Father Renteria is a deciding factor for the people of Comala. To conclude, Juan Preciado and Father Renteria have significant roles in the novel Pedro Paramo by Juan Rulfo. They are necessary assets to the narrative in that Preciado is much like the reader and Renteria is the God like figure in Comala.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Solid Waste Management Case Study In Bristol Environmental Sciences Essay
The direction of Municipal Solid Waste ( MSW ) is a major environmental crisis throughout of the World, which everyone is concerned about. In the United Kingdom, the measure of municipal waste has increased and 46.9 per cent of the sum collected waste has disposed of in landfill in 2009/10 ( DEFRA, 2010b ) . In comparing, the Netherlands and Denmark have disposed of about no municipal waste to landfill and other members of European Unit of measurements such as Germany and Sweden have less than a one-fourth of municipal waste to landfill ( DEFRA, 2010b ) . Therefore, the UK Government published Waste Strategy for England 2007 on 24th May 2007 in order to run into EU scheme and set out a sustainable method for hierarchy of waste direction options within clime alteration and population growing. The cardinal ends of the scheme are to put out a design for waste bar, decrease, re-use, recycling and recovery and bettering environmental and economic results through increased recycling of res ources and recovery of energy from residuary waste utilizing a mix of engineerings. There are some actions of the proposal scheme outlined, for illustration, energy from waste is expected to account for 25 % of municipal waste by 2020 compared to 10 % in 2007 and the standard rate of landfill revenue enhancement addition by eight lbs per twelvemonth from 2008 until at least 2010/11 ( DEFRA, 2010c ) . As a consequence, it is necessary to put up a assortment of waste intervention for recovery stuff in the UK, such as Mechanical Biological Treatment ( MBT ) and Energy from Waste ( EfW ) . There is no uncertainty that a figure of local governments face major challenges when they manage residuary waste sustainably. Take Bristol for illustration, 59 % of waste has been sent to landfill and 40 % has been recycled or composted in 2009/10 ( DEFRA, 2010d ) . Harmonizing to Bristol City Council ( 2000 ) , 100,000 metric tons of family waste will stay to be treated if 40 % waste is recycled or composted. Therefore, the council wants to do a 25 old ages Residual Waste Management Contract with company to handle 100,000 metric tons of Residual MSW by one of three options which include MBT with composting or anaerobiotic digestion and Energy from Waste. In this paper, the environmental impacts of each option will be assessed in order to happen a sustainable method for residuary waste direction i n Bristol. Furthermore, some comparative extenuation steps and redress attacks for chose option will be mentioned, concentrating cardinal issues of development and land renovation after 25 old ages.2. The Description of Development and SiteBristol metropolis council aims to put up a waste intervention works in the metropolis in order to non merely run into their recycling demands but besides make expeditiously retrieve value from the residuary waste produced. There is no uncertainty that a hundred thousand metric tons of rubbish send to the new workss for processing in the coming old ages instead than dumping it in landfill sites. The possible possible site is assumed as antecedently used land which locates in the chief industrial estate ( Avonmouth ) in the northern portion of Bristol. It would by and large be preferred in planning footings, as no new land would be used and contaminated land restored. In add-on, the installation has good transit substructure, which consequences fro m closely primary route web and instead rail entree. Figure 1 shows some possible antecedently land in the possible country, which have several big chemical fabrication workss and besides has a important residential country in Avonmouth between the industrialized zone and the M5 expressway. Furthermore, a big graduated table of green sites and H2O organic structure around the false site.Figure 1. The Potential Site for Waste Treatment Plant in Bristolalll sites.jpg ( Beginning: Google Map ) There are three possible options including MBT utilizing composting ( In Vessel Composting ) or anaerobiotic digestion ( AD ) or EfW provided in following inside informations. The local waste scheme officers assume that: 100,000 tonne residuary MSW will be treated ; the elaborate value of intervention for each option is described in Figure 2 ;Figure 2. The Value of Waster Treatment Processassorted recyclates are deserving on mean ?50/tonne ; all workss operate 90 % of the 8760 hours in a twelvemonth ; both digestate and compost are disposed to landfill at the full revenue enhancement rate ; nevertheless, the digestate is charged the full dispose cost, compost is disposed for free ; bottom ash can be processed and used as a secondary sum, doing net income at ?5/tonne ; gas cleansing residues are risky waste and landfilled at ?100/ metric ton plus landfill revenue enhancement at ?48/tonne ; electricity from AD is deserving ?135/MWh, electricity from EfW and In Vessel Composting is deserving ?60/ MWh.3. Introduction of Three Processing Options for the Residual Municipal Solid Waste ManagementThis subdivision focuses on debut of the procedure and principals of three options including In Vessel Composting, Anaerobic Digestion and Energy from Waste. MBT chiefly follow two procedures including mechanical sorting and biological procedure. Mechanical sorting is to screen ‘mechanical ‘ component such as metal, plastics, glass & A ; paper, which is made by manus and is a basic procedure in both composting and anaerobiotic digestion. However, the biological procedures are different because of the assortment of intervention principals. Anaerobic digestion, which is the biological intervention of organic waste without O, utilise microbic activity to interrupt down the waste in a controlled environment with mesophilic and thermophlic digestion and bring forth biogas ( e. g. Methane and Carbon Dioxide ) and digestate at the same clip. In Vessel Composting is an enclosed compost system and is the intervention of organic affair with aerophilic micro-organism to bring forth a mixture of stable humic substances and inorganic works food ( Agrivert, 2010 ) . In comparing with AD, there is no green energy produced through the system, hence, the excess energy will be used in the procedures. Energy from Waste is process incorporation the thermic decomposition of the waste include waste response and storage, burning system, heat recovery, fluke gas cleansing, power coevals and procedure control and proctor. Compared with MBT, EfW can disposal of all types of waste without other pre-treatment and the temperature has a minimal demand of 850oC for 2 seconds ( March, 2010a ) . Additionally, incineration offers a farther option for the intervention of residuary MSW and is already proved and bankable engineering in the UK with 26 EfW workss ( March, 2010a ) . Howeve r, there is no incineration in Bristol at the minute.4. Environmental Impacts Assessment of Three Processing OptionsIn order to accomplish the UK authorities ‘s cardinal ends and Bristol waste scheme, appraisal of the environmental and economic impacts of each processing option should be undertaken in the undermentioned subdivision. Local installations of waste intervention would supply much local employment chances. Furthermore, the figure of statute law and planning policy consisting international, national and local policy will besides be introduced to do certain the sustainable development. Therefore, this subdivision focal point on the cardinal issues of waste intervention options such as air emanations / wellness effects, dust / smell, noise, H2O resources, ocular invasion and public concern. Harmonizing to analysis of environmental impact appraisal, one of the options will be identified as the Best Practicable Environmental Option for Bristol City Council.4.1 Planning P olicy and ContextI ) International PolicyThe European Union has instigated a scope of Directives at a European degree that should be suited for each EU member and transposed into national Torahs in order to follow the local environment. The undermentioned International policies provide the European model for Waste applicable to the United Kingdom. aˆ? European Community ( EC ) Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC ; aˆ? EC Framework Directive for Waste 75/442/EEC as amended by 91/156/EEC ; aˆ? Waste Incineration Directive 2000/76EC ( WID ) .two ) National PolicyThe Waste Strategy for England ( 2007 ) sets out the Government ‘s vision for sustainable waste direction. The cardinal aims and marks of the scheme are to cut down the sum of waste produced and increase the rate of recovery of municipal waste. There are besides some other statute law created to accomplish the mark in the followers: Landfill Allowance Trading Scheme ( LATS ) ; Planing Policy Guidance Notes ( PPG ) and Planing Policy Statements ( PPS ) ; Planing Policy Statement 1 ( PPS1 ) : Delivering Sustainable Development ( 2005 ) ; Planing and Climate Change ( PCC ) : The intent is to put out how climate alteration considerations should be taken into history at different phases of the planning procedure. Planing Policy Statement 10 ( PPS 10 ) : Planing for Sustainable Waste Management. During Annex E of PPS 10, the chief factors have been taken into history by waste planning governments when proving the suitableness of a site for waste direction intents.three ) Regional and Local Planning PolicyPlaning policies for Bristol are set out in the Statutory Development Plan which includes the undermentioned paperss ( South Gloucestershire Council, 2010 ) : Regional Planning Guidance for the South West ( RPG10 ) ( September 2001 ) Joint Replacement Structure Plan ( as saved ) ( September 2002 ) Bristol Local Plan ( as saved ) ( 1997 ) Regional Planning Guidance for the South West ( RPG10 ) ( 2001 ) RPG10 comprises the Regional Spatial Strategy for the South West and the Regional Transport Strategy, and purpose to run into sustainable development in footings of environment, economic system and society.4.2 Anaerobic DigestionIn footings of biodegradable waste either by anaerobiotic digestion or by composting MBT engineerings helps to cut down the part of nursery gases to minmise the impacts of planetary heating. IPPC ( 2010 ) stated that AD engineering for assorted homogeneous waste watercourses is widely proven in Europe, but there are no full graduated table workss in operation in the UK on municipal derived wastes. Therefore, environmental and economic impacts should be assessed in order to develop installations at nowadays.4.2.1 Environmental impactsAs we all know that anaerobiotic digestion is wholly enclosed system, which may cut down environmental impacts. As it may accomplish a cardinal purpose of the landfill Directive and cut down organic wastes from landfill which redu ces the production of landfill gas and leachates. Although the installation has pollution control engineering in order to command the sustainable processes non merely for the company but besides for the populace, each development has some relevant impacts on air, H2O resources and local occupants. For illustration, odour emanations should be released during stuff handling and other air emanation ( Methane ) would be release during the procedure. This may impact the local life status if the pollution will non be controlled and ocular invasion, plagues and noise jobs. In order to foretell how smell will be transported, some information such as meteoric conditions ( e.g. , wind velocity and way, temperature, and inversion conditions ) in the proposal site can be obtained from a local conditions station. Furthermore, taint of concluding merchandise is frequently hard to avoid, which means digestate from residuary MSW connot be used for nutrient growth ; lone regeneration of contaminated land or landfill screen ( McKendry 2010 ) . Therefore, AD besides has somewhat negative impacts on environment during the handling and procedures of the installation. Harmonizing to Figure 2, net energy ( 0.5 MWe ) will be produced for National Grid, which besides can salvage energy and cut down environmental pollution from power coevals. To sum up, compared with no waste intervention in Bristol, AD is a better environmental practical option for waste recovery and besides can accomplish the UK cardinal mark.4.2.2 Economic impactsIt requires comprehensive pre-processing of the waste or beginning separation and larger digestion armored combat vehicles as it does non handle the whole Municipal Solid Waste watercourse but may be used on residuary municipal waste watercourse with contaminations rejected as portion of the procedure. Therefore, AD is more capital intensive than composting and cost more for landfill revenue enhancement. Furthermore, the end product of digestates is by and large risky and set to landfill, which will besides be more for the procedure than production from composting. However, compared with composting, energy should be produced and is deserving ?532,170 which is less than net income of net energy from EfW ( Figure 3 ) . Person ( City and County of Swansea, 2011 ) references that AD is comparatively low capital costs compared to most thermic procedures. On the other manus, anaerobiotic digestion has non adequate net income which created from byproducts compared to EfW ( Figure 3 ) . In footings of economic system, anaerobiotic digestion is the secondary pick in three waste direction options for Bristol.Figure 3. The Analysis of Input and Output of Economy in Proposed Waste Treatment PlantAnaerobic Digestation In Vessel Composting Energy from Waste Input signal 2,380,000 ( Landfill ) 1,564,000 ( Digestate )–2,040,000 ( Landfill ) 2,880,000 ( Compost )–408,000 ( Landfill )–888,000 ( Gas Cleaning ) End product Net income 1,500,000 ( Recyclates )–532,170 ( Net Energy ) i1,911,830 1,500,000 ( Recyclates )–i473,040 ( Net Energy ) i3,893,040 375,000 ( Recyclates ) 185,000 ( Bottom Ash ) 3,784,320 ( Net Energy ) 3,048,3204.3 In Vessel CompostingActually, this engineering has merely had limited experience in the UK ; nevertheless, it is quickly increasing in figure due to recent statute law of waste direction such as Landfill Directive. The advantage of In-Vessel Composting is that the procedures are more controlled and can be designed to accomplish specified temperatures of facilitate bacteriums devastation.4.3.1 Environmental impactsComposting can cut down volume of organic waste fraction of MSW by 25-50 % and minmise landfill rate ( IPPC, 2010 ) , which avoid environmental pollution ( Landfill gas and leachate ) similar with AD. However, some possible smell and leachate besides should be produced, which can ensue in air and H2O resources may be polluted to some extent. Although it is suited for green and kitchen waste, it is possible of co-composting operations with other waste watercourses such as paper, sewerage sludge ( IPPC, 2010 ) . On the other manus, it requires careful beginning se gregation of farther station or intervention as sensitive taint of glass and plastics. Furthermore, in comparing with other options, In Vessel composting has no energy end product and need excess energy for operation, which will impact more issues from power coevals such as air pollution. It is similar with AD that the development is non bad for ecosystem and ocular direction as the proposed site is antecedently used land which may be contaminated or brownfield site. The engineering has a greater ability to command air pollution emanations than mass burn EfW in theory, but this has non yet been demonstrated in pattern in the UK ( Environment Agency, 2010 ) .4.3.2 Economic impactsAlthough the capital cost is non rather expensive than Energy from Waste, the balance of input and end product of waste intervention procedure is wholly different than other options. Harmonizing to Figure 3, the developer or authorities should put more money for rejected waste to landfill and extra energy ( ?473,040 ) , which means the net incomes of recyclates can non do certain the continuously procedure of operation. Therefore, in footings of economic facet, this engineering is non suited for the UK cardinal sustainable development mark and is the worst option.Energy from WasteIn the UK, Energy from waste has a peculiarly hapless public image and has been problematic by environmental groups on the evidences of sensed wellness impacts from emanations to air. Combustion of residuary MSW can bring forth or let go of C dioxide and other nursery gases. Hence C emanations should to be considered in footings of composing of the residuary waste watercourse, the type of energy produced ( heat and/or power ) and the overall generating efficiency of the installation.4.4.1 Environmental impactsCompared with other options, EfW can disposal of a assortment of waste without restriction and pre-treatment required. However, dust job may be within the waste response hall or drawn into the furnace. Fu rthermore, there is a WID emanation restriction and air quality criterions regulated in order to command the air emanation particularly greenhouse gases from mills. The advantage of this engineering is that the province of the art of pollution control engineering is completed for planetary usage. In add-on, energy recovery includes Combined Heat and Power ( CHP ) workss and chance for territory warming programmes. However, the temperature is non easy to command during the operation processes, which may impact the efficiency of residue quality and disposal when burning is non completed. Although EfW can decide waste to landfill and emission decrease ( methane ) from landfill and residuary waste, which to some extent may turn to clime alteration, air pollution of EfW is more important than other options ( Hong, 2010 ) . The WID emanation bounds to air shows day-to-day mean emanations limit from incineration in the followers ( Veolia, 2011 ) : Dust ( Particulates ) 10mg/m3 Entire Organic Carbon 10mg/m3 Hydrogen Chloride 10mg/m3 Carbon Monoxide 50mg/m3 Sulphur Dioxide 50mg/m3 Oxides of Nitrogen 200mg/m3 Harmonizing to Figure 2, the figure of waste can be combusted and bottom ash can be used for building applications, which reduces the measure necessitating landfill disposal to under 10 % of the feedstock mass ( IPPC, 2010 ) . In comparing with others, 8MWe net energy should be produced and present inexpensive heat and power either to the National Grid or local users. On the other manus, it besides save more energy and cut down pollution from power coevals workss. EfW is non long term liability installation, therefore, local EfW would supply the best planetary solution for Bristol depending on the Life Cycle Assessment. Furthermore, the impacts of ocular, plagues and noise and ecosystem are similar and related to other waste direction options and with proper planning can be minimized to acceptable degrees. As for the ocular impacts, the undermentioned factors should be considered: direct consequence on landscape by remotion of points such as trees ; potency of an exhaust stack associ ated with air clean up systems ; testing characteristics and graduated table of vehicles accessing site.4.4.2 Economic impactsThere is no uncertainty that EfW is one of the high capital costs engineering, nevertheless, it besides create net net incomes from the procedures. Harmonizing to Figure 3, although, gas cleansing remainders are risky wastes and landfilled at ?148 per metric ton, the installation can make ?3,048,320 net net income from operation system except the capital investing, which including ?185,000 income from bottom ash, ?3,784,320 net income from electricity and ?375,000 worth from recyclates. Therefore, EfW is the best option for waste intervention for Bristol in footings of economic system compared to other options. On the other manus, the installation will blow more investing and energy during the procedure stopped when there is no adequate waste for burning procedure.4.5 DrumheadIn drumhead, each option may accomplish the UK and local waste direction and recycli ng mark and to some extent cut down waste and air emanation such as methane and C. However, in footings of sustainable development which related to economic, societal and environmental facets, each option has its ain disadvantages and advantages. As for economic system except the capital investing, Energy from Waste can do more net income in 25 old ages than MBT utilizing Composting or Anaerobic Digestion. Although air emanation from EfW is more important than other options, EfW has been used for a long clip and is bettering or extenuating more sustainable engineerings to avoid the negative impacts on environment. It is true that Energy from waste has a peculiarly hapless public image ; nevertheless, public attitude will be changed within the state of affairs altering. Therefore, Energy from Waste is the best value options for Bristol City Council to make the waste intervention mark and follow sustainable development.5. Extenuation Measures and Remediation ApproachEnergy from Waste is the Best Practicable Environmental Option for Bristol waste direction programme based on Environmental Impact Assessment ( EIA ) . As we all know that each option has its restriction, EfW is besides a instance in point. EIA states that the efficiency of burning, air emanation ( flue gas emanation and cleansing ) and public image are the chiefly important issues of EfW installation execution for Bristol. Furthermore, the land Restoration after usage should be considered at the beginning of building in order to be able to utilize every bit sustainable as possible. Extenuation steps should take to avoid, cut down, or rectify any important inauspicious effects that a proposed development is predicted to bring forth. First of wholly, because it is a smaller scale EfW workss, it is better to maximise the range for covering with hazard events and other possible inauspicious impacts. Furthermore, more information qualitative and quantitative appraisal of impacts such as meteoric conditio ns and ambient air quality should be collected for the following deepness appraisal. The recommended extenuation step for efficiency of burning is to utilize more effectual techniques. For illustration, the techniques such as Flue Gas Recirculation ( FGR ) can command the uncomplete burning in order to increase efficiency and to cut down the flow rate of pollutant emanations ( Liuzzo, 2007 ) . In add-on, the chimney should be high plenty to supply equal bill of exchange and to dispatch the merchandises without doing local sir pollution. There are besides some methods to increase positive public image, such as heightening propaganda or media spread and bettering instruction. The hazard direction including accident management/plan and security safeguard besides should be undertaken to avoid the wellness and safety of employees. As for the hereafter development after usage, the land should be careful managed to avoid possible risky constituents released into the land whether it is current contaminated or non ( McKendry, 2010 ) . The first recommendation purposes to used less penetrability stuffs for land building and cut down pollutants released. Furthermore, the regular clean up system is recommended to roll up the residuary waste during transporting system and clean up the soiled country such as oil let go ofing sites. Contaminated Land Management Regulation indicates that the defiler or proprietor has responsible to cover with pollution if the land will be contaminated by human activities. In my position, the proposal site is difficult to alter to an eco-green site after development, therefore, it is better to develop as commercial or industrial usage in the hereafter.6. DecisionIn decision, Environmental Impact Assessment of Anaerobic Digestion, In Vessel Composting and Energy from Waste were analysed in this paper in order to happen out one of the best sustainable development for Bristol and besides achieve the UK cardinal ends for waste direction. It is surely that each option has both negative and positive impacts on environment and economic system. The chief purpose of them is to cut down waste sent to landfill and accomplish the UK waste direction mark ; moreover, they besides have same impacts on environment such ac ocular invasion, public image, possible contaminated land after usage and air pollution. However, the important impacts of installations are different in different engineerings ; for illustration, odour emanation is more important during anaerobiotic digestion attack, ocular invasion, public image and air emanation is more important for Energy from Waste, and energy usage and smell and leachate are important in composting procedure. In footings of economic system, EfW is the best option with highest net net incomes during the procedure ; on the other manus, In Ves sel Compost is the worst attack because of excess energy supply. At the last, EfW has been chose to handle residuary Municipal Solid Waste with the extra extenuation steps in Bristol, which consequences in the development is non merely suited for international, national and local scheme but besides meet the Best Practicable Environmental Option which is sustainable and integrated in the farther development.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Outsourceing Framework essays
Outsourceing Framework essays Intent: To provide the company and practitioners with tools and guidelines for addressing both domestic and multi-national sourcing needs. This outsourcing methodology consists of three activities covering the assessment, procurement, implementation, and ultimate maintenance of an arrangement between the company and their outsourcing vendors. A. The summary of tradeoffs to meet its business and financial goals through the next five years, the company needs to leverage technology advances, changes in the regulatory environment, cost reduction opportunities resulting from privatization of service vendors abroad and the proliferation of the information technology by transforming its photo equipment and chemical lines along with current customer service implementation into a highly responsive globally integrated configuration while using its buying power to decrease costs. Framework will mandate tactical design, provisioning, deployment, bill consolidation and payment operations and maintenance for companies photo copiers and related equipment and will be the primary focus for evaluation in order to identify opportunities to reduce costs, improve service delivery, introduce new services currently not outsourced and add the flexibility necessary to favorably position company in its competitive marketplace. The methodologies anticipate the requirements for information technology by recognizing and structuring the interplay between technology, operational and organizational factors. These tools address the challenge of developing effective solutions by balancing the consideration of the whole set of factors faced in their design, implementation, and operations. Teams will focus on analyzing how market and technology changes may impact company costs related to the products and services defined in its global marketing strategy and identified as part of the scope of the program. Among key areas to be analyzed, market deregulation, chemi...
Monday, October 21, 2019
roe vs wade essays
roe vs wade essays In 1973, 904 abortions were preformed in New York and in 1992 only 694. Americas concerns over abortion and under what circumstances it should be allowed was catapulted into controversy on January 22 1973. On that day the U.S Supreme Court declared unconstitutional a Texas law prohibiting an abortion except for the propose of saving a womens life by a vote of 7-2. The decision reached after two presentations before the court invalidated abortion laws in 46 states. The court declared 1. In the first three months of pregnancy the abortion decision must be left to the women and her doctor. 2. In the interest of protecting womens health, states may restrict but not prohibit abortion s in the second or third trimesters of pregnancy 3. In the last three months of pregnancy states may regulate or even prohibit abortions to protect the life of the fetus except when medical judgment determines that an abortion is necessary to save the life of the mother. Jane Roe later identified as Norma McCorvey had sought an abortion in Texas but since her life was not in danger she was unable to obtain a legal abortion in Texas. This case was fought to challenge the constitutionality of the Texas law aiming to establish a new constitutional right allowing women to control their own bodies. The US district court for northern Texas declared abortion law unconstitutional but declined to grant injunctive relief to the plaintiffs. Roe and Wade appealed the court decision. During the Supreme Court hearing the court had been concerned with the rights of an unborn fetus. The case was eventually focused on amendment 14 of the constitution, which is the right to privacy protected under due process. People began to protest that the Supreme Court ignored state legislation in the expressed constitutional provisions in history. Today's debate over abortion remains as harsh as when it first began. ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
1996 Mount Everest Disaster - Death on Top of the World
1996 Mount Everest Disaster - Death on Top of the World On May 10, 1996, a ferocious storm descended upon the Himalayas, creating perilous conditions on Mount Everest, and stranding 17 climbers high upon the tallest mountain in the world. By the following day, the storm had claimed the lives of eight climbers, making it- at the time- the greatest loss of life in a single day in the history of the mountain. While climbing Mount Everest is inherently risky, several factors (aside from the storm) contributed to the tragic outcome- crowded conditions, inexperienced climbers, numerous delays, and a series of bad decisions. Big Business on Mount Everest Following the first summit of Mount Everest by Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay in 1953, the feat of climbing the 29,028-foot peak had for decades been limited to only the most elite climbers. By 1996, however, climbing Mount Everest had evolved into a multi-million dollar industry. Several mountaineering companies had established themselves as the means by which even amateur climbers could summit Everest. Fees for a guided climb ranged from $30,000 to $65,000 per customer. The window of opportunity for climbing in the Himalayas is a narrow one. For just a few weeks- between late April and late May- the weather is typically milder than usual, allowing climbers to ascend. In the spring of 1996, multiple teams were gearing up for the climb. The vast majority of them approached from the Nepalese side of the mountain; only two expeditions ascended from the Tibetan side. Gradual Ascent There are many dangers involved in ascending Everest too rapidly. For that reason, expeditions take weeks to ascend, allowing climbers to gradually acclimatize to the changing atmosphere. Medical problems that could develop at high altitudes include severe altitude sickness, frostbite, and hypothermia. Other serious effects include hypoxia (low oxygen, leading to poor coordination and impaired judgment), HAPE (high-altitude pulmonary edema, or fluid in the lungs) and HACE (high-altitude cerebral edema, or swelling of the brain). The latter two can prove especially deadly. In late March 1996, groups assembled in Kathmandu, Nepal, and opted to take a transport helicopter to Lukla, a village located about 38 miles from Base Camp. Trekkers then made a 10-day hike to Base Camp (17,585 feet), where they would stay a few weeks adjusting to the altitude. Two of the largest guided groups that year were Adventure Consultants (led by New Zealander Rob Hall and fellow guides Mike Groom and Andy Harris) and Mountain Madness (led by American Scott Fischer, assisted by guides Anatoli Boukreev and Neal Beidleman). Halls group included seven climbing Sherpas and eight clients. Fischers group comprised eight climbing Sherpas and seven clients. (The Sherpa, natives of eastern Nepal, are accustomed to the high altitude; many make their living as support staff for climbing expeditions.) Another American group, helmed by filmmaker and renowned climber David Breashears, was on Everest to make an IMAX film. Several other groups came from around the globe, including Taiwan, South Africa, Sweden, Norway, and Montenegro. Two other groups (from India and Japan) climbed from the Tibetan side of the mountain. Up to the Death Zone Climbers began the acclimatization process in mid-April, taking increasingly longer sorties to higher elevations, then returning to Base Camp. Eventually, over a period of four weeks, the climbers made their way up the mountain- first, past the Khumbu Icefall to Camp 1 at 19,500 feet, then up the Western Cwm to Camp 2 at 21,300 feet. (Cwm, pronounced coom, is the Welsh word for valley.) Camp 3, at 24,000 feet, was adjacent to the Lhotse Face, a sheer wall of glacial ice. On May 9, the scheduled day for the ascent to Camp 4 (the highest camp, at 26,000 feet), the expeditions first victim met his fate. Chen Yu-Nan, a member of the Taiwanese team, committed a fatal error when he exited his tent in the morning without having strapped on his crampons (spikes attached to boots for climbing on ice). He slipped down the Lhotse Face into a crevasse. Sherpas were able to pull him up by rope, but he died of internal injuries later that day. The trek up the mountain continued. Climbing upward to Camp 4, all but only a handful of elite climbers required the use of oxygen to survive. The area from Camp 4 up to the summit is known as the Death Zone because of the dangerous effects of the extremely high altitude. Atmospheric oxygen levels are only one-third of those at sea level. Trek to the Summit Begins Climbers from various expeditions arrived at Camp 4 throughout the day. Later that afternoon, a serious storm blew in. Leaders of the groups feared that they would not be able to climb that night as planned. After hours of gale-force winds, the weather cleared at 7:30 p.m. The climb would go on as planned. Wearing headlamps and breathing bottled oxygen, 33 climbers- including Adventure Consultants and Mountain Madness team members, along with a small Taiwanese team- left at about midnight that night. Each client carried two spare bottles of oxygen, but would run out at about 5Â p.m., and would, therefore, need to descend as quickly as possible once they had summitted. Speed was of the essence. But that speed would be hampered by several unfortunate missteps. Leaders of the two main expeditions had supposedly ordered Sherpas to go ahead of the climbers and install lines of rope along the most difficult areas in the upper mountain in order to avoid a slowdown during the ascent. For some reason, this crucial task was never carried out. Summit Slowdowns The first bottleneck occurred at 28,000 feet, where setting up the ropes took nearly an hour. Adding to the delays, many climbers were very slow due to inexperience. By late morning, some climbers waiting in the queue began to worry about getting to the summit in time to descend safely before nightfall- and before their oxygen ran out. A second bottleneck occurred on the South Summit, at 28,710 feet. This delayed forward progress by another hour. Expedition leaders had set a 2Â p.m. turn-around time- the point at which climbers must turn around even if they had not reached the summit. At 11:30 a.m., three men on Rob Halls team turned around and headed back down the mountain, realizing they might not make it in time. They were among the few who made the right decision that day. The first group of climbers made it up the famously difficult Hillary Step to reach the summit at about 1:00 p.m. After a brief celebration, it was time to turn around and complete the second half of their laborious trek. They still needed to get back down to the relative safety of Camp 4. As the minutes ticked by, oxygen supplies began to dwindle. Deadly Decisions Up at the top of the mountain, some climbers had been summiting well after 2:00 p.m. Mountain Madness leader Scott Fischer did not enforce the turn-around time, allowing his clients to stay on the summit past 3:00. Fischer himself was summiting just as his clients were coming down. Despite the late hour, he continued up. No one questioned him because he was the leader and an experienced Everest climber. Later, people would comment that Fischer had looked very ill. Fischers assistant guide, Anatoli Boukreev, had inexplicably summited early on, and then descended to Camp 4 by himself, instead of waiting to assist clients. Rob Hall also ignored the turn-around time, staying behind with client Doug Hansen, who was having trouble moving up the mountain. Hansen had tried to summit the previous year and failed, which is probably why Hall made such an effort to help him up despite the late hour. Hall and Hansen did not summit until 4:00 p.m., however, far too late to have stayed on the mountain. It was a serious lapse in judgment on Halls part- one which would cost both men their lives. By 3:30 p.m. ominous clouds had appeared and snow began to fall, covering up tracks that descending climbers needed as a guide to find their way down. By 6:00 p.m., the storm had become a blizzard with gale-force winds, while many climbers were still trying to make their way down the mountain. Caught in the Storm As the storm raged on, 17 people were caught on the mountain, a perilous position to be in after dark, but especially so during a storm with high winds, zero visibility, and a wind chill of 70 below zero. Climbers were also running out of oxygen. A group accompanied by guides Beidleman and Groom headed down the mountain, including climbers Yasuko Namba, Sandy Pittman, Charlotte Fox, Lene Gammelgaard, Martin Adams, and Klev Schoening. They encountered Rob Halls client Beck Weathers on their way down. Weathers was stranded at 27,000 feet after being stricken by temporary blindness, which had prevented him from summitting. He joined the group. After a very slow and difficult descent, the group came within 200 vertical feet of Camp 4, but the driving wind and snow made it impossible to see where they were going. They huddled together to wait out the storm. At midnight, the sky cleared briefly, allowing guides to catch sight of the camp. The group headed off toward camp, but four were too incapacitated to move- Weathers, Namba, Pittman, and Fox. The others made it back and sent help for the four stranded climbers. Mountain Madness guide Anatoli Boukreev was able to help Fox and Pittman back to camp, but could not manage the nearly comatose Weathers and Namba, especially in the middle of a storm. They were deemed beyond help and were therefore left behind. Death on the Mountain Still stranded high on the mountain were Rob Hall and Doug Hansen at the top of the Hillary Step near the summit. Hansen was unable to go on; Hall tried to bring him down. During their unsuccessful attempt to descend, Hall looked away for just a moment and when he looked back, Hansen was gone. (Hansen had likely fallen over the edge.) Hall maintained radio contact with Base Camp through the night and even spoke with his pregnant wife, who was patched through from New Zealand by satellite phone. Guide Andy Harris, who was caught in the storm at the South Summit, had a radio and was able to hear Halls transmissions. Harris is believed to have gone up to bring oxygen to Rob Hall. But Harris also disappeared; his body was never found. Expedition leader Scott Fischer and climber Makalu Gau (leader of the Taiwanese team that included the late Chen Yu-Nan) were found together at 1200 feet above Camp 4 on the morning of May 11. Fisher was unresponsive and barely breathing. Certain that Fischer was beyond hope, the Sherpas left him there. Boukreev, Fischers lead guide, climbed up to Fischer shortly thereafter but found he had already died. Gau, although severely frostbitten, was able to walk- with much assistance- and was guided down by Sherpas. Would-be rescuers had attempted to reach Hall on May 11 but were turned back by severe weather. Twelve days later, Rob Halls body would be found at the South Summit by Breashears and the IMAX team. Survivor Beck Weathers Beck Weathers, left for dead, somehow survived the night. (His companion, Namba, did not.) After being unconscious for hours, Weathers miraculously awoke late on the afternoon of May 11 and staggered back to the camp. His shocked fellow climbers warmed him up and gave him fluids, but he had suffered severe frostbite on his hands, feet, and face, and appeared to be near death. (In fact, his wife had been notified earlier that he had died during the night.) The next morning, Weathers companions almost left him for dead again when they departed camp, thinking he had died during the night. He awoke just in time and called out for help. Weathers was assisted by the IMAX group down to Camp 2, where he and Gau were flown out in a very daring and dangerous helicopter rescue at 19,860 feet. Shockingly, both men survived, but frostbite took its toll. Gau lost his fingers, nose, and both feet; Weathers lost his nose, all of the fingers on his left hand and his right arm below the elbow. Everest Death Toll The leaders of the two main expeditions- Rob Hall and Scott Fischer- both died on the mountain. Halls guide Andy Harris and two of their clients, Doug Hansen and Yasuko Namba, also perished. On the Tibetan side of the mountain, three Indian climbers- Tsewang Smanla, Tsewang Paljor, and Dorje Morup- had died during the storm, bringing the total of deaths that day to eight, the record number of deaths in one day. Unfortunately, since then, that record has been broken. An avalanche on April 18, 2014, took the lives of 16 Sherpas. A year later, an earthquake in Nepal on April 25, 2015, caused an avalanche that killed 22 people at Base Camp. To date, more than 250 people have lost their lives on Mount Everest. Most of the bodies remain on the mountain. Several books and films have come out of the Everest disaster, including bestseller Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer (a journalist and a member of Halls expedition) and two documentaries made by David Breashears. A feature film, Everest, was also released in 2015.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Susan Sontag on Photography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Susan Sontag on Photography - Essay Example In all of her works, Sontag believed that the proliferation of photographic images had developed a worldwide recognition that photographs ought to be exact representations of reality. Thus, the essence of photography is pure reflection of reality. As such, every photographer must know, both technically and artistically, the proper way of capturing images in order to deliver a pure message about a phenomenon. In this paper, we intend to examine further some of Sontag’s critical teachings about photography by emphasizing on its purpose, the ideal relation between the photographer and his subject, and the key issues surrounding the practice of photography. After this, we deepen our understanding on the essence of photography by looking at one essential issue, that is, the problem of photo manipulation in modern photojournalism. In this part, we first study the trends in photographic manipulation to understand how the practices have been caused, either directly or indirectly, by t echnological and commercial innovations. After this, we discuss why and how photo manipulation is done. Such topics are to be discussed in relation to specific cases of photo manipulation in the mass media like newspapers and magazines. ... A. Important Ideas: Susan Sontag’s On Photography Susan Sontag condemned photography by asserting that it only delivers images that are nothing more than shadows of reality. As she metaphorically strengthened this thesis, humans who view photographs are like trapped men in a cave who only see the shadows of the outside world. What they deem as ‘real’ are actually distorted reflections of reality. To arrive at a more meaningful discussion of On Photography, let us first delve into her definition of photography. To Sontag, to photograph is to appropriate to the thing being photographed. It is an act of non-intervention. Thus, there should be distance between the photographer and his subject. However, she believed that since photographs do not provide contextual stories about the world, they become miniatures of reality. The world, therefore, becomes a series of unrelated particles or phenomena, with no interconnectedness or continuity. But the capacity to imitate re ality is not the only definitive characteristic of photography, for in the artistic activity of the photographer he is able to elevate his creations as pretentious works of art. As narrated by Bridget Brimer in her online article entitled Literary Interpretation and Analysis of Susan Sontag's Book, On Photography, Chapter 1: "In Plato's Cave", through the use of various skills in photography, the photographer is able to convert a phenomenon into an image that provides a transient experience to its intended audience. Thus, Sontag saw the act of photographing as symbolic shooting, or even raping. Sontag reckoned that photographing is like raping since the photographer sees his subject in a manner that is unavailable to himself (subject’s). He gains knowledge about
Friday, October 18, 2019
Managing teams effectively Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Managing teams effectively - Essay Example An obstructionist or a toxic group member is usually an individual who methodically and systematically impedes and blocks the progress of a project (Holpp, 1098). Hence, team leadership essentially involves the talent and the ability to deal with all forms of members in a team, be it the slackers or an obstructionist. As per the existing knowledge and theories of team management, the best way to deal with a slacker or an obstructionist is to follow a mixed approach, which aims at confronting the inherent propensities of such people, to bring them out into the open, while accompanied by soft tactics like acknowledging one’s best qualities and by motivating one to contribute to team effort (Holpp, 1998). Such a hot and cold approach towards the personality types under consideration is bound to yield the desired results, because of its moderation and versatility (Holpp, 1998). A slacker shirks responsibility or work does not mean that one is devoid of talent, skills, insight or a ptitude. So, simply speaking, a slacker stands to be a potential asset for a team if somehow one figures out a way to make one work (Holpp, 1988). Usually a slacker tends to avoid or by pass responsibility because one has a perception that the other team members are not consciously aware of one’s tactics of or predilection for doing so (Holpp, 1998). So the most effective way to disarm a slacker is to confront one and make one realize that the others are well cognizant of one’s talent for shirking work. However, confrontation here does not connote to aggressive or brazen interactions. In fact it means making a slacker realize that in a friendly and decent way, while giving one a chance to save face. A slacker is a talented person who cheats on work, and once one realizes that others are well aware of one’s propensity to cheat, one will certainly avoid repeating such a behavior, at least conspicuously (Holpp, 1998). Bringing things out into the open should be acc ompanied by meaningful soft strategies like defining the job responsibility of a slacker, appreciating one for one’s abilities and the immense contribution one could make to the team, allocating one short term targets with chalked out deadlines and the like. On the contrary, if a slacker continues to cheat even when one is revealed, then this calls for a timely disciplinary action. One way or other, sooner or later, a slacker will have to be confronted. There is no other way out, or is there? The team is bound to lose or face unrest if it indefinitely allows a member to be a non performer (Holpp, 1998). When it comes to an obstructionist, they are the team members who stymie projects while strongly believing that their stratagems are not obvious to other team members (Holpp, 1998). Again, bringing things out into the open by confronting an obstructionist is the best possible way to desist one. However, such a confrontation is bound to fail if not accompanied by a revelation o f the strategy and modus operandi of an obstructionist, as it will give one a chance to deny charges (Holpp, 1998). There are many ways in which an obstructionist operates. Some tend to withhold the information required by a team to succeed. There are others who bring in an element of aggression and controversy in the group meetings to mislead a team from its real objectives. Then there come obstructionists who play on resources by allocating resources to
Recruitment & Selection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Recruitment & Selection - Essay Example One of the biggest aspects of a business venture, is the sales. It is sales that makes up the profit margin and determines the fortune of the company, predominantly. Therefore, the sales department is a very integral part of the company. The job post that is vacant and needs to be filled, si that of the Sales Manager, who plays a very important role in directing and getting the whole department under him to work in coordination and also acts as a link between the higher ups and the department. Therefore, the recruitment of the sales manager entails concern and needs to be done with precision and acumen. The recruitment strategy is a combination of a number of influential factors, that help in assessing whether a candidate is appropriate for the job or not. This can be ascertained by matching the industry criteria, the company's requirements and the candidate's qualifications. The recruitment strategy is framed according to each of the job profiles that go into the company. This paper discusses the recruitment strategy for the post of the Sales Manager. For the post of the sales manager, it would be appropriate to recruit someone who is already a part of the company. ... statement in its practicality, the products, the experiences in sales and above all, what the situation has been and how to improve on it. In addition to this, the sales manager is most definitely the head of the sales department and unless he is well-acquainted with his team-members, it would be quite an ordeal to adapt to the demands of the post and establish new relations. Lack of experience in working as part of the company would definitely be a minus point. This is precisely the reason why it is desirable to have an internal recruitment for the post of the sales manager, who would gel well with his team and would have practical knowledge and experience about working with the company and developing the situation into something more profitable. The Sales Manager requires to be more outgoing, innovative and above all, involved and committed. He will have to design strategies and act as the link between his team and the higher authorities. This is the reason why a high level of involvement with the management and the sales strategies is required. He could work with the advertising, marketing and communications departments and coordinate strategies to obtain between sales. In short, the sales manager needs to be involved in every stage of the process. A sales manager is an asset to every company, since he is the one who engineers and monitors sales, which procures profits---the very aim of business. Therefore, the labour market always exhibits a demand for sales managers. The very fact that the company will
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Edwin Henry Landseers work Waiting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Edwin Henry Landseers work Waiting - Essay Example The essay "Edwin Henry Landseer’s work Waiting" discovers the painting "Waiting", created by Edwin Landseer. Because all artists tend to capture the images and scenes that mean the most to them, whether they intend to or not, they also manage to provide their audience with clues as to the ideals of their era. As a result, artistic efforts often provide useful tools for the study and understanding of complicated concepts in a variety of fields. In cases in which the artists choose to provide visual images in which the forms and figures are recognizable, future generations are able to get a sense of how these people lived by examining shifts in depictions, deliberate misrepresentation and so forth that provide clues as to the underlying social structures. These ideas can be found in Sir Edwin Henry Landseer’s work, such as in his oil on canvas painting â€Å"Waiting†This painting appears to represent an inner courtyard to an estate. An arched wooden door stands aj ar at the back of the painting revealing blue sky and green fields, but there is a stonework wall surrounding the picture space and the ground is covered with bare ground and more stonework. A cement stairway curves up along the left-hand side of the painting just revealing the bottom edge of another wooden door at the top of the steps. The second-floor banister for these steps is covered with a red rug on which perch several birds. The main characters of the image, though, are a dazzlingly white horse, a small black dog and a much larger black.
The Rocking-Horse Winner VS. Janus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Rocking-Horse Winner VS. Janus - Essay Example The lady portrayed in the story by Lawrence is Paul’s mother â€Å"Hester,†who finds her marriage to be unlucky as she is unable to cope up with the poor financial situation of her married life. She even feels that her children are a burden for her. The story opens with the line â€Å"woman who was beautiful, who started with all the advantages, yet she had no luck†(Lawrence). Hester is blessed with three children and her son Paul is shown as a strange character who after receiving the rocking horse gets a strange power, which helps him to predict the horse race winners correctly. He makes a good amount of money out of this and tries to help his mother so that she can pay off the debts. Instead of clearing the debts, she squanders the money for their stylish living. This shows that the lady has a sick desire for money. The story ends with the tragic death of Paul after falling from the horse. In Ann Beatties’s â€Å"Janus,†the protagonist’ s name is Andrea, and she is a successful real estate agent who believes in her lucky bowl. When she gets a buyer for the house, â€Å"she places the bowl in the house that was up for sale†(Beattie 595). This indicates that she was a blind believer of her luck, which she thought relied on the bowl. She credits her achievement to the bowl that is often also admired by the buyers. The story starts with the introduction of bowl – â€Å"The Bowl was perfect,†as the author puts it.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Edwin Henry Landseers work Waiting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Edwin Henry Landseers work Waiting - Essay Example The essay "Edwin Henry Landseer’s work Waiting" discovers the painting "Waiting", created by Edwin Landseer. Because all artists tend to capture the images and scenes that mean the most to them, whether they intend to or not, they also manage to provide their audience with clues as to the ideals of their era. As a result, artistic efforts often provide useful tools for the study and understanding of complicated concepts in a variety of fields. In cases in which the artists choose to provide visual images in which the forms and figures are recognizable, future generations are able to get a sense of how these people lived by examining shifts in depictions, deliberate misrepresentation and so forth that provide clues as to the underlying social structures. These ideas can be found in Sir Edwin Henry Landseer’s work, such as in his oil on canvas painting â€Å"Waiting†This painting appears to represent an inner courtyard to an estate. An arched wooden door stands aj ar at the back of the painting revealing blue sky and green fields, but there is a stonework wall surrounding the picture space and the ground is covered with bare ground and more stonework. A cement stairway curves up along the left-hand side of the painting just revealing the bottom edge of another wooden door at the top of the steps. The second-floor banister for these steps is covered with a red rug on which perch several birds. The main characters of the image, though, are a dazzlingly white horse, a small black dog and a much larger black.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Personal Behavior Towards the Negotiation Process Essay
Personal Behavior Towards the Negotiation Process - Essay Example I am a person who enjoyed negotiating. I am actually challenged every time I am in the midst of a negotiation with a person whose ideas or wants are contrary to mine. Attempting to persuade others to my point of view makes me more knowledgeable, skillful, and fulfilled, especially if the outcome is favorable to my position. I do not believe that a perfect negotiator exists because every situation involves different people, objectives, or issues. However, most of the time, I prefer the half way or the safest side of the process because I always value future relationships, and I do not want to lose everything I have. In other words, it is fine with me if I win or lose some, as long as the person I am negotiating with is winning or losing some at the same time (or moderate satisfaction). I love to bargain and get an ideal outcome, but honestly this is not an easy job because steps are not predetermined, and I have to rely on my own instinct and understanding. My Self-Assessment as a Neg otiator In terms of self-assessment, I could say that I am using a compromising negotiation style, or I am in between the competing and collaborating style every time I negotiate. Furthermore, this style â€Å"refers to behaviors at an intermediate level of cooperation and assertiveness†(Hellriegel & Slocum, 2007, p. 303). ... ays focus on details about the negotiation such as the name of the people I am negotiating with, their background, time constraints, proposals, bargaining terms, and many more. I am also very particular with events by giving my full attention to the situation; in fact, I hate the feeling of being ignored by other parties or when the opposing negotiator is changing the issue without giving his or her full attention to the matter. Hence, I consider myself as a responsible and a well-organized negotiator. Furthermore, I am a negotiator who does not give up too easily or hold out too long because I always organize a plan or set of alternatives for me to use as a counter balance during stagnant bargaining. However, I know my limitation or when to give up, and make a compromise if it is necessary. By the time the opposing negotiator has showed me some facts, evidences, or an extreme bargaining position, I know I have no other choice, but to make tradeoffs. The concessions I always make are those on the middle ground (usually moderately) or acceptable to both parties, so that the process will move forward. My Negotiating Skills I am effective in persuading others because I always put my heart and my mind to any negotiation I encounter. I also make sure that corresponding rules and policies are being followed or observed during the process. As a negotiator, I always practice when to listen and when to react, and I organize my thoughts, so that I could not say something that could annoy other parties. I make sure that I am well-prepared on what to say and what to do in every situation I might encounter by preparing or having a deep understanding of the bargaining agreement. Also, I am confident that I could persuade other people towards my point of view because I have very
Jargon Usage in Intervention Essay Example for Free
Jargon Usage in Intervention Essay The independent variables in the study are the intervention description (jargon vs. no jargon) and group (teachers vs. undergraduate), while the dependent variable was their scores in the Treatment Evaluation Inventory (TEI; Kazdin, 1980a). The case used in this study was about a boy named Michael who has a habit of leaning back in his chair and unfortunately experience hurting himself due to accidental falling for several times The subject of this study took the test in their respective classes. The researcher explains to them briefly the objective of the research. The test kits were distributed to them, they read the direction and completed a profile sheet; TEI was used to rate the intervention. The test takes 15 minutes to finish. The scores of the test were examined using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and independent t test. Based on the result, there were significant differences between the teachers and students’ overall acceptability rating. The teachers rated the jargon description of time-out as significantly more acceptable than the no jargon description, while the result of the test of the undergraduates revealed that there were no significant differences between the jargons versus the no jargon intervention description The result of this result thus contradicted some of the former researchers. Some of them were as follows: 1. Significant higher ratings of teachers for the jargon versus non jargon. It was mentioned in the review some former researchers from Hall Didier, Kazdin and Cole, and Watt et. al. (as cited in Hyatt, Tingstrom Edwards, 1991) regarding the difficulty and negative influence encountered by third party (parents, teachers and ward personnel) in using jargon intervention description. Outcome of this research was reverse because the teachers favor more using jargons and it has positive influence on them. 2. No difference in judgment between low experienced teachers and high experience teachers. The difference between the result of the test and the research of Witt and company (as cited in Hyatt, Tingstrom Edwards, 1991) and the researcher said that this maybe due to the difference in the method they use in treating the variables understudy. Other result of the test revealed that: 3. For undergraduates on this study – they have found out that jargon versus no jargon description in intevention is not an issue for the undergraduates. It doe not matter to them whether which of the two approach is use in the intervention description. The acceptability ratings also revealed that both upperclassmen and underclassmen favored both intervention descriptions. It also revealed that they respect the intervention description whether it uses technical or non-technical language and the outcome of the intevention is still the same for their opinion. The researchers of these study pointed out that their research has its limitations that might one way or the other affect the result of the test and they were as follows: 1. Generalizability to classroom interventions other that time-out (Hyatt, Tingstrom Edwards, 1991) 2. Jargons other than behavioral (Hyatt, Tingstrom Edwards, 1991) 3. Teachers not seeking additional educational past the bachelor’s degree. (Hyatt, Tingstrom Edwards, 1991) 4. Relative Effect of jargons versus other variables like teachers time expenditure, theoretical orientation and intervention agent on intervention acceptance (Hyatt, Tingstrom Edwards, 1991) The researchers recommended further additional studies to support this study. The use of variables is recommended a. Regular and special education teachers in school setting b. Jargon’s influence on acceptability to a behavioral assessment c. Design, evaluation and acceptance of behavioral intervention for Children. References Hall, C. W. , Didier E. (1987) Acceptability and Behavioral Treatment: Review of Variables that influence treatment selection. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. In Hyatt, S. P, Tingstrom, D. H, and Edwards, R (1991) Jargon Usage in Intervention During Consultation: Demonstration of a Facilitative Effect. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation. 2(1) 49-56
Monday, October 14, 2019
Effect of Ocean Conveyor Belt on Global Climate
Effect of Ocean Conveyor Belt on Global Climate Marie Claire Attard Bason Discuss the ocean conveyor belt system and its implications on global climate Without the ocean, life on earth will be impossible. When viewed from outer-space, our planet is covered with water; water which is always in constant motion. The ocean covers 71 % of the earth, where 6% of it is covered by sea ice (Siedler, Church, Gould Griffies, 2001). These mentioned factors make the ocean an important key factor in the transfer of heat energy around the planet. This movement of through ocean currents affect the local weather and temperature to some extremes, which effects also the stabilization of global climatic patterns, the delivery of nutrients and larva to marine ecosystems and many more (Cowan, National Geographic,, n.d). Moreover, in total, 81 % of the earth’s surface is covered by liquid water including lakes and rivers as well, and covered by solid water which includes snow and land ice (Siedler, Church, Gould Griffies , 2001). One should first understa nd some of the major properties of the oceans and the types of circulations and currents that exist, than understand the effect of heat transfer called the Thermohaline Circulation or known as the Conveyor belt, its implications on the climate and anthropogenic influences. First and foremost, the ocean circulation is generally classified into two parts; a wind-driven circulation that influences the upper part of the ocean system, hundreds of meters up, and the other is a density-driven circulation that influences the bottom part. The major wind currents include the sub-tropical and sub-polar, the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, and the equatorial currents (Grinsted, 2005). Moreover, this system is called the ‘Thermohaline’ circulation, because of its role in heating, cooling and salinification. These roles effect the production of the regional density within the ocean (Toggweiler Key, 2001). To explain this process in a much better way, the conveyor belt is the ocean circulation system that is driven by changes of heat and freshwater across the sea surface, after the heat and salt are mixed together. This is a driving mechanism (Rahmstrof, 2006). Secondly, the Thermohaline circulation is seen in the sinking phase, and interestingly enough, there is the formation of new deep water in the North Atlantic and the Southern Ocean. No one exactly knows the whereabouts of the upwelling zones (Rahmstrof, 2006) as the conveyor system has no end (as seen on Fig. 1), but then, in the polar seas near Greenland, there are cold winds from the northern of Canada that cools the surface waters and thus creates sea ice formation (ELF,‎, n,d) . Fig. 1 Shows the Conveyor Belt pattern and transfer of currents The process of ice formation is linked to evaporation. With the rising temperature, the sea compresses out the salt from the forming ice. When this process occurs, the surrounding waters become saltier and even more denser. Then, this dense water sinks to the bottom and flows along to the North and South America direction. When this approaches Antarctica, it surrounds the continent and meets with the Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW). This process continues on when then flow flows towards the north into the ocean basins where gradually it mixes with warmer waters present at that site, therefore it rises to the surface in the Pacific Ocean. From there, it makes its way back to the Atlantic and becomes part of the wind driven surface currents eventually returning to the Greenland seas to begin the process again (ELF,‎, n,d). In 1751, the first measurement of deep ocean temperatures was recorded by a ship captain of an English trading ship, when he discovered that the water underneath his ship, about a mile below his ship was very cold, despite the location he was at; a sub-tropic location. In 1797, again yet another Englishman named Benjamin Thompson, came up with an accurately explanation on this discovery about cold currents coming from the poles. The difference between Thermohaline and wind driven circulation was distinguished in the 19th-Century, during an argument regarding ocean currents. It was question as well weather or not these two processes happen when the wind pushes along the water or else if they are â€Å"convection currents†due to heating and cooling processes. It is important to note that both processes are combined in non-linear way, meaning that both cannot be separated by oceanographic measurements. That is why there are two obvious mechanisms of force, and neither are unique ly separable circulations. Moreover, if changed, the Thermohaline circulation will also change the wind driven currents (Rahmstrof, 2006). The Atlantic Ocean is the most powerful Thermohaline circulation in the oceans today. The conveyor belt roughly estimates at 15106 m3 of upper ocean water into deep water (Toggweiler Key, 2001) where currents typically extend down up to 1-2km depth, although wind only directly drives between 50m to 200m (Grinsted, 2005). Generally, the flow in the upper part of the conveyor mostly passes through the Florida Straits and up to the east coast of North America, which forms part of the Gulfstream (Toggweiler Key, 2001). However, one disadvantage may include climate change which is likely to weaken the Thermohaline circulation in the future, with some risk of triggering sudden changes, some of which can be unexpected, that may be irreversible (Rahmstrof, 2006). In Recent years, there have been numerous newspaper reports, articles on magazines and television documentaries that covered this topic involving concerning threatening scenarios of the Atlantic Thermohaline circulation being breakdown. If this is the case, than this affects and collapses the northern European agriculture and fisheries, and also glaciers will move very fast on Scandinavia and Scotland waters. Irreversible changes are set to be taken very seriously in the discussion on climate change effected by humans. (Rahmstorf, 2000). The Southern Oscillation is the most prominent year to year climate variability that exists in the world. It is associated with many risks such as; fluctuations on atmospheric pressures at sea level point in the tropic regions, a downpour of rainfall, and cold winter circulation over the North of America and other parts of the extra-tropic regions. When this Southern Oscillation was recognized in the late 1960’s, this was related to the oceani c phenomenon- El Nino (Rasmusson Wallace, 1983). Events concerning El Nino have instances which creates serious consequences for climate and ocean ecosystem. The 1982- 1983 El Nino was perhaps one of the strongest that happened. The El Nino Events, have been documented as far back as 1826 and they are usually followed by professionals that constantly keep and eye on any predictable patter when they occur about once every 4 years (Cane, 1983). The conveyor belt can be affected by global warming in two different ways; either by warming the surface or else by freshening up the surface. This effect will reduce the density of high-latitude water surfaces waters and therefore inhibits a deep formation in water (Rahmstorf, 2006). Our planet cannot lose all of its water from its surface reservoirs due to sub-duction processes. After an approximate of 1Billion years, only between 25- 30% of the newly generated ocean will be subducted into the mantle. It is also said by many scientists and geographers that in the far future, if the external forces are left separately, than the surface reservoirs will be kept in a steady state. Chances for the Earth’s ocean lie in the faith of external forcing. Unfortunately, all water could disappear as a result of increasing levels the temperature, globally, caused by the total of power generated from the Sun to space (Bounama, Franck von Bloh, 2001) How long will it take before the entire Earth dries up from its waters completely? There is still no certain answer to this. Results from studies done by Lovelock Whitfield (1982) show that liquid water will be always available in surface reservoirs as a result of internal processes, however, the extinction of the biosphere will be caused by other limiting factors caused by external forces.).(Bounama, Franck and von Bloh, 2001) References Bounama, C., Franck, S., Bloh, W. v. (1999). The fate of Earth’s ocean.Hydrology and Earth System Sciences,5(4), 569-576. Cane, M. A. (1983). Oceanographic events during el nino.Science,222(4629), 1189-1195. Cowan, A. M. Ocean currents and climate A roller coaster analogy to the ocean conveyor belt Retrieved December, 29th, 2013, from Environmental Literacy Framework. (). Global ocean conveyor belt. Message posted Grinsted, A. (2005). The thermohaline circulation. Lovelock, J. E., Whitfield, M. (1982). Life span of the biosphere. Rahmstorf, S. (2000). The thermohaline ocean circulation: A system with dangerous thresholds?Climatic Change,46(3), 247-256. Rahmstorf, S. (2000). The thermohaline ocean circulation: A system with dangerous thresholds?Climatic Change,46(3), 247-256. Rasmusson, E. M., Wallace, J. M. (1983). Meteorological aspects of the el Nino/southern oscillation.Science,222(4629), 1195-1202. Siedler, G., Church, J., Gould, J., Griffies, S. (2001).Ocean circulation and climate: Observing and modelling the global oceanAccess Online via Elsevier. Toggweiler, J., Key, R. M. (2001). Ocean circulation: Thermohaline circulation.Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Sciences,4, 1549-1555.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
White Fang :: White Fang Essays
White Fang The book White Fang by Jack London starts off when two men named Henry and Bill, are traveling through the snowy, below-zero weather to deliver the corpse of Lord Alfred to Fort McGurry. It is the time of famine and Henry and Bill are low on food and only have three rounds of ammunition left. One morning when they have woken up they find out that they only have two dogs of six left. The four that were missing had been eaten by the wolves. Bill decided to stay up the next night to try to kill the wolves, with whatever ammo he had left. When the night came so did the wolves. Bill chased the wolf pack, and killed three of the wolves. He tried to kill a fourth with his bare hands but it was to swift, and killed him in defence. Henry realizing what had happening lit a fire in a circle around him. Another group of people in the area saw the fire and came over and rescued Henry. After the famine ends the wolf pack splits up. The she-wolf and three male wolves travel together until one of the males named "One Eye" killed the other males in a battle for the she-wolf. One Eye and the she-wolf find a lair where the she-wolf can lie down to give birth to her cubs. Another famine comes upon the land when the cubs are still young and all of them die except for a small gray cub. The gray wolf was the strongest of his pack. His first lesson in life was the lesson of the wilderness, "Eat or be eaten, kill or be killed." The cub and it's mother leave One Eye and travel into an Indian village. The she-wolf is instantly recognized by an Indian named Gray Beaver. She answers to the name of "Kiche," and the little wolf is named White Fang. In the Indian village White Fang learns how to protect himself from other dogs. When White Fang's mother was taken from him he tried to follow hr but was beaten by Gray Beaver. The next day Gray Beaver went to sell furs at the nearest fort, and took White Fang with him.
Friday, October 11, 2019
A Midsummer Nights Dream by William Shakespeare Essay -- Papers
A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare In the second scene that completes Act I, we are introduced to an extraordinary group of familiar but outlandish comical characters that have been enlightened with the possibility of performing a stage interlude as part of the entertainment at the quick approaching marriage of Theseus and Hippolyta. ====================================================================== The Mechanicals are not only thought of as the 'rude mechanicals', they are also thought of as sweet and gentle folk who have had no promoting purpose in their lives until now. ================================================================== Peter Quince play as one of the mechanicals as the Playwright for the amateurs. We are able to tell that he is more experienced in writing as Shakespeare makes him present his prologue which is a masterpiece of writing deliberately ruined to give the play a comical beginning. Shakespeare does this by making Quince seem like a very smart man, the smartest out of the mechanicals and we know this because he is directing the play and not actually featuring it. This shows us the audience that he has a shy character although he seems very excited and open towards the beginning of the play when actually he seems to have Stage fright. ====================================================================== Nick Bottom the Weaver seems however to be very enthusiastic and wants to play all the roles, furthermore he always tends to overact which annoys Peter Quince but ends up acting the part of Pyramus in the Act 5 Scene 1. ==========================================... ...; my soul is in the sky: Tongue, lose thy light! Moon, take thy flight! Now die, die, die, die, die. At the end of the play both Bottom and Flute get up from where they are lying, supposedly dead, and offer to perform an epilogue or a bergamask (a type of dance). Theseus quickly intervenes and tells them they need no epilogue, but rather should only perform the dance, which they do and Puck ends the play. Overall the play within a play is an exciting look into the life of the mechanicals and has a definite dramatic effect on both audience's because of its charm and amusing effects, which too me would have made the audience applause, thus making it a good way to finish the play. This is because it helps break the illusion of the theatre and helps to bring us back down to earth, to the day of the wedding.
How to reflate France’s economy Essay
Introduction There are two different ways to help France’s economy get back on track. They are austerity and growth. Austerity programs consist in a set of policies established by governments in financial debt difficulties. These policies aim to reduce spending for public goods and services. (Example in France, with president Sarkozy, approximately 150.000 civil servants were fired, this decreased the amount of money used to pay civil servants in France, which in turn, made it possible to run the country without having to borrow as much money). Growth programs consist in increasing the GDP and spending money, to reflate the economy. Of course this money has to come from somewhere, so growth programs often include imposing a lot of taxes. (Example in France, with president Hollande, taxes were imposed on bank profits, and taxes on the richest part of the population were increased). Economists are very divided on this subject, and both of theoretically work; it depends of the situation we are in. Economic Program Austerity is a short term solution only; a country’s economy cannot rely on it forever. This is why as a president; it would be good to start by making the debt of France smaller, then using this to our advantage, and Firstly, we have to make France more competitive. To do this, we will change the work time of the French, and their minimum age of retirement. Today, the French work on a minimum basis of 35 hours per week, and retire at a minimum age of 60. To make France more competitive, we will change these to 40 hours, and an age of 64. The average life span keeps on rising thanks to better health care; it would only go well for the economy if people were to work a few years more, because there would be less to pay for people who work. The 40 hours will be payed the same, because if there were the same amount of workers in a company but all of them had to be payed more, the company in question would either lose money in paying them, or fire a part of them. To increase competitivity, we have to make the price of production in France lower, so that fewer companies send their production in China for example. To do so, we have to lower the national insurance contribution payed by the employer to pay his workers in France. Products that are made in France will therefore be more expensive because the workers are payed in France than in China for example. To counter this, we will add a tax on products (depending on the price of the product) made in countries that have very cheap labor. (China, Vietnam, Turkey, Thailand, etc†¦) This will bring part of the production back to France, and the loss of money in the lowering of the national insurance contribution will be compensated by the tax. Next, we will reduce the salaries of the ministers and the president. The salaries of the ministers is now of 9940 euros (Under president Hollande), which will be reduced by 30%, leaving them with 6660 euros per month. The salary of the president is now of 14 910 euros (Under president Hollande); it will be reduced by 40%, leaving the president with 8950 euros per month. We would also stop having mayors in every single city, and do like in the U.S.A, which is to instate a governor for each department. This governor would be in charge of all the cities in his department, and when a decision is to be made, 20 inhabitants of the department will be called, to hold a â€Å"committee†and make the decision. It will be a duty, which means the inhabitants will have to go. This will help the economy, as there will be only one person to pay per department, and not dozens of mayors, it also gives a â€Å"voice†to the citizens in decision making. There are many people who are unemployed in France (10%) and receive unemployment benefit for a very long time, without trying to find work. As this does not motivate them to find one because they receive money without doing anything, we will keep on giving this unemployment benefit, but only for 2 months, the time for them to find work. This reform will motivate them to find work, this way they will be productive, therefore helping a company or industry to grow, and money will not be wasted. This change will of course also make unemployment decrease. Small companies are very important to the economy, as they might end up as the next multinationals, but they are heavily taxed, which makes them very hard for them to grow. If we make these taxes smaller, people would be encouraged to start their own companies, and this will create employment. Small companies that are already created will grow faster, and will create jobs, which will make the company itself more productive. These jobs will be there for the population receiving unemployment benefit. There will be a loss if we just relieve taxes on small companies, so we will compensate this by taxing bigger companies, which have already emerged, because they will not be affected by a tax as much as a small company. (The tax in question will not be too strong; it will just be enough to compensate for the loss in the tax relief on smaller companies) Education is a very important part of the French economy. Schools are here to â€Å"train†the future generations of workers. Access to education is free today in France, but the quality of this education is sometimes questionable. Firstly, there are not enough professors in the schools. It is logical that if there were to be one professor for 25 students, the quality of the education they would receive would be better than today, where we have in average one professor for 30 students. To compensate this lack of professors in schools, we will create 12000 jobs for professors in school; this will make the student/professor ratio smaller, which will increase the quality of the education received. To become a professor, you have to be â€Å"trained†two years in a university. This is not enough, considering the disciplinary problems in some schools. Professors should have 3 years of complete training, which would include a deeper disciplinary course, teaching methods, etc†¦ The principal sectors of production of France are agriculture, energy, tourism, trade and industry (France is one of the first industrial powers worldwide). Mass market retailing is choking the sector of trade, as it attracts the clients of little traders and makes mass profit out of it; it also allows itself to buy products at very low prices from producers (Farmers in the case of a supermarket). To resolve this problem, we would add a tax on products bought in mass market retailing services, which would bring clients back to the little traders, so that they don’t die out. Little trades do not buy products as low priced as supermarkets do, which would make money for producers. In the case of a supermarket, the trade and agriculture sector would both benefit from this tax. A French household produces in average 16.4 tons of Co2 every year; this is far too much. To avoid this, and preserve the environment, a tax will be imposed on households that end the year with more than 16 tons; of course this number will decrease every year to improve the given results. Renewable energies provide 13% of the electricity needed in France, nuclear energy provides 76% and fossil fuels provide 11%. We would invest in research for renewable energies (Hydro-energy, wind energy, solar energy), and close down the most risky nuclear reactors. (For example the 4 reactors in Blayais, Braud-et-Saint-Louis, which are not very productive and are very old and unsafe). Conclusion As a president, I would go towards austerity first, to reduce the debt of France, and to have more possibilities in my actions later. France is already in a dangerous situation, and going into a politic of growth would be spending too much money that we don’t have (Which is why I chose austerity as a short term solution), and it would be too much, France would go into a recession. After a period of austerity (Which means: after having reduced the debt), I would have gone in a politic of growth, which would have thrown France’s economy back on track.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Not a formal psychiatric diagnosis, codependency is a psychological syndrome noted in relatives or partners of alcoholics or substance abusers. †How It is created within a person Including the orally of the dysfunction. Also covered are what the symptoms of codependency are. I will also cover how to identify codependency in yourself or others. How the codependency affects a person's wellbeing & how to change that. The conclusion of the paper focuses on how to stop being codependent. This topic is near & dear to me. As I have predisposition towards codependency (more on that later). It seems to be a family tradition.Thinking about my relatives I could label all of them codependent. As well as most people especially In any type of caregiver role or job. Careers that have a propensity toward codependency are nursing or health care including therapists. All run the risk of wanting patients to get better so we can feel validated that we are skilled at our Job. Of course, we all wan t people to be relieved of their suffering but when that goal starts to interfere with our own sense of self, it becomes very detrimental. It goes from healthy caring to over caring & enmeshment, which can ruin our lives.When It started Innocently enough encouraged by society. It seems expected to be selfless, caring & loving to others sometimes to the determent of the self. If the individual is not, then they are deemed selfish & cold, which people would rather be, sick with someone (while helping them of course) then be labeled as self-involved or egocentric. Codependency is also being portrayed in movies. One particular story line about modern day vampires comes to mind. As I watched, I could not help but think wow way to encourage young impressionable minds to become enmeshed & codependent on one another to an extreme.Making statements such as â€Å"l would die for you†obviously not a statement to be taken lightly. Sadly, often they mean it. There seems to be a gender di fference here as well woman are much more likely to become codependents than men are. I liken that to the stereotypical role & societal expectation that woman will be the nurturers & caregivers for everyone in the family. This expectation could be expected at an early age expecting the little girl of the house to take on mommy's role if the mother is absent or sick possibly even too drunk or high to take on her duties.This loud also be the case for a boy whose Daddy is absent or sick. Mom may need the son to be a breadwinner at an early age or help tend the house. Worse, these single parents could expect these children to take on adult situations like bills emotional support or sexual incest. My experience as a codependent started as a child. I grew up in a dysfunctional home where my mother was an alcoholic. Her drinking was a secret from the outside world. My brother was the family scapegoat he had some behavioral issues. My role was the perfect child.There were many empty promise s about the drinking stopping but it never did. I never really understood the impact of growing up with an alcoholic until I learned about codependency. As a teenager, my first dating relationship was unhealthy. In the past, I have found myself in codependent relationships with men. Trying to help them & becoming immersed & obsessed. I have many of the symptoms of codependency that are listed below. I have since vowed that I will no longer enter into a codependent relationship with an unhealthy partner.With the awareness of them & by reading about the disease, I am dedicated to healing that within myself. With some insight into the disease, I see that y entire family is codependent. I tried for many years (l probably still do on some level) to help them to change their lives but I see how that is a futile pursuit. This â€Å"helping†continues to keep me codependent & sick with them. In the end, they are the only family I have & I need to accept them as they are. According to Facing Codependency Pip Melody describes â€Å"five symptoms: 1 . Experiencing appropriate levels of self-esteem (2. ) Setting functional Boundaries (3. ) Owning & experiencing their own reality (4. )Taking care of their adult needs & wants (5. ) Experiencing & expressing their reality moderately. †Codependency is called a disease it is a chronic & progressive illness. It is suggested that codependents want & need sick people around them to be happy in unhealthy ways. For example, a girl who grows up with an alcoholic father will unconsciously marry an alcoholic to perpetuate her addiction to creating, which is like a drug in it of itself.She gets fulfillment or validation while caring for the alcoholic like â€Å"he couldn't survive without me. †The reason it is called progressive is that the sicker people become around us the more intensely we exact. Codependency may not be an illness but it can make you sick & keep people But do not take action. They react to the problems, pains & behaviors of others with a disregard for their own feelings. They Justify theses creating roles as â€Å"helping†someone who has problems who cannot help themselves, I am the only one who can help, or I am the only person that cares.Is a common attitude among codependents. What they are actually doing is enabling the dysfunctional person to continue to be dysfunctional by helping them out of legal, financial, or accountability type situations. The codependent will bend over backwards, dedicating enormous amounts of energy & time & give their last dollars for the sick person. All hoping that the alcoholic or sick person will become better or change because of their help. Maybe the hope is that the alcoholic will become sober if he Just gets through this tough patch or gets the charges dropped.Meanwhile the codependent has done beyond their share of household, parenting & fiduciary duties. All the while, the codependent has lost some of themselves to the sic k people. They have lost their pride their sense of worth, their sense of respect, their time, their money etc. With the grand hopes that the sick person will see what I have sacrificed for them & they will acknowledge this & I will now get my needs met. This is unlikely to ever happen. How are the symptoms created? You guessed it childhood Just like a diseased tree its origin is in the root system.When children grow up in a family, that is less than nurturing or abusive & dysfunctional that creates codependent adults. The type of abuse or neglect that these children sustained can be vast. Abuse can be far & wide. Some forms are emotional, physical, psychological, verbal, or sexual, as well as neglect not providing or their needs or being too lax with them. Alternatively, being too rigid by expecting children to be more mature than they are capable for their age, which would include sharing adult subject matters with them being emotionally dependent, or financially and so on.Regardl ess of how we were treated as children, a core belief that what & how we were treated was normal & or loving. The dysfunction withstood is not recognized until later after the damage has been done. As children, we wanted to please our parents when this was not the case we internalized a sense of failure. We ere up with a distorted sense of what happened to us was normal & appropriate even it was not. We think the way our family & caregivers behaved toward us was correct & they are good people.The confusing part is if they are good & right then why do I feel unhappy or uncomfortable with certain occurrences that took place. How can they be wrong? No dysfunctional family is all-negative or without some good times. That is the main part of the dysfunction where the family or its individuals are not functioning normally. One of the hardest parts for children is the lack of consistency in the histrionically family. Whether it is with their needs being met consistently or how a parent dis ciplined or treated them when they were sober or high the baffling part was it always changed.A child may interpret this inconsistent behavior or treatment as â€Å"their fault†like â€Å"l did something wrong today & Mommy is mad & now she is drinking because I am a bad kid. Later when Daddy comes home there's goanna be a fight & it's all my fault if I could Just be more perfect then there wouldn't be fighting. †This is where the child internalizes shame & not being good enough or perfect heartsickness of codependents are: â€Å"Creating- they may feel responsible for other people's feelings, thoughts, choices, needs, wants, well-being or lack of & their destiny.Feeling compelled to help others with problems & offer unwanted advice, give multiple suggestions, or fix the feelings. They anticipate people's needs. Find themselves saying yes when they want to say no. Find themselves attracted to needy people & vice versa. They feel angry, used & unappreciated. Feel bor ed, empty or worthless when they don't have a crisis or someone to help in their lives. Overcoming themselves. Will give up routines to go out of their way for others. Feel safest when giving to others. Low Self Worth- Come from dysfunctional, repressed or troubled families, which they deny these issues.Blame themselves for everything. Reject praise or compliments. Never feel good enough. Feel they can't do anything right. Feel a lot of guilt. Feel ashamed of who they are. Think their lives are not worth living. Have a lot of â€Å"should†. Have been victims of abuse. Get depressed when not praised or complimented (stroke deprivation). Believe they do not deserve good things. Long for others to like & love them. Settle for being needed. Believe good things will never happen. Repression- Many push thoughts & feelings out of their awareness due to fear & guilt. Are afraid to let themselves be who they are.Can be controlling & rigid. Obsession- They feel anxious about problems & people. Worry about silly things. Think & talk a lot about others. Lose sleep over other peoples issues & behavior. Never find answers. Check on people. Abandon their routine because they are so upset with about somebody or something. Focus all their energy on other people & problems. Wonder why they never have any energy. Controlling- Many have lived with through events & with people who were out of control. Are afraid to let others be who they are & thus allow events to happen naturally.Get frustrated & angry. Feel controlled by people & events. Try to control events & people using various tactics. Denial- Ignore problems or pretend they are not happening. Pretend circumstances aren't as bad as they are in reality. Tell themselves tomorrow will be better. Stay busy so they don't have to think about things. Spend money compulsively. Overeat. Lie to themselves. Become workaholics. Believe lies. Go to Doctors for tranquilizer. Dependency- Look for happiness outside themselves. Don't feel happy, peaceful or content with themselves. Don't love themselves.Worry if others will like or love them. Look to relationships to provide all their good feelings. Often seek love from people incapable of loving. Desperately seek approval & love. Feel terribly threaten by the loss of a person or thing they think provides their happiness. Latch onto whoever or whatever they think can provide happiness. Center their lives around other people. Don't take time to figure out if others are healthy for them to be around. Lose interest n their own lives when they love. Worry other people will leave them. Tolerate abuse to keep people loving them.Don't believe they can take care of themselves. Leave bad relationships to form new ones that are Just as unhealthy. Wonder if they will ever find love. Feel trapped in relationships. Poor Communication- Blame, bribe, beg, coerce, threaten, don't mean what they say, don't say what they mean, don't know what they mean, don't take themselves ser iously, find it difficult to get to the point, gauge their words carefully for desired effect, talk too much, say everything is their alt, say nothing is their fault, lie to protect themselves, have a difficult time people.Weak Boundaries- Say they won't tolerate certain behaviors from others, gradually increase their tolerance until they can tolerate & do things they said they never would, let others hurt them, keep letting others hurt them, wonder why they hurt so badly, complain, blame, & try to control while they continue to stand there, finally get angry & become totally intolerant. Lack of Trust- Don't trust themselves, or others, don't trust their feelings don't trust their decisions, try to trust untrustworthy people.Anger- Feel very scared hurt & angry, live with people who feel the same, are frightened of their angry are frightened of others anger, feel controlled by other peoples anger, feel safer with their anger than with hurt feelings. Sexual Problems- Are caretakers i n the bedroom, have sex when they do not want to, have sex when they rather be held, nurtured & loved, withdraw emotional from their partner, are afraid of losing control, have strong sexual fantasize about other people.Miscellaneous- Codependents tend to be extremely responsible or extremely irresponsible, find it difficult to feel close to people, have a hard time having fun & eyeing spontaneous, become martyrs, sacrificing their happiness & that of others for causes that don't require sacrifice, vacillate in decisions & emotions, stay loyal to their compulsions & people even when it hurts, be ashamed about family, personal, or relationship problems, cover up, lie & protect the problem. Changing Codependency As we can see from the above list, codependency can be easy to identify with.The goal to changing the codependent behavior is not to detach from the person whom we are codependent with but to detach from the agony of involvement. Attachment occurs when we become overly worried about & preoccupied with a problem or a person. This uses up a lot of our mental energy. Obsessing, worrying & controlling are illusions. They are distracting us from ourselves & the real issues. The goal is to change that obsessing & extra energy that we are expending on someone or something other than ourselves. We need to let go with love. This can be done by detaching.Detaching does not mean we don't care about the problem or person that we have been obsessed with. Detaching means, we release the person with love & an attitude that if the problem isn't ours to solve than we can't change it. No matter how much we want someone to change or someone's problem to change WE ultimately are not able to. If the problem is someone else's then we need to realize that it is theirs to deal with not ours! When we detach we accept reality & the facts. It means to live in the present moment. We become neutral. The benefits from detaching & becoming neutral are many.We have a sense of serenity & peace the problem is no longer taking over our lives. If people have created disasters for themselves then we allow them to face those consequences. Without feeling like we are the only one who can rescue them. When we allow someone or something outside of ourselves to control our feelings then we are always at the mercy of something other than ourselves. This creates a victim mentality by giving away our sense of peace to outside sources it manifesting itself into inner turmoil. We are powerless or out of control of our wellbeing.Another key to overcoming codependency is to become less reactionary. We become oversensitive to every emotion, feeling, thought, behavior & problem that comes our way or someone else's. We allow ourselves to get so upset & distracted by little things or big things. That in turn creates a loss of control over our almost manic state. Letting go is a powerful & necessary step to recovery. We let go & let god as the twelve steps of recovery quote. Instead o f trying so hard to make things happen, we Just let go of the outcome instead of trying to control, the outcome.When we try to control results, we never get what we want. We may expend a lot of energy. Expecting if we try harder, we will get exactly what it is we want. Instead, we get frustrated, hurt, disappointed, sick & victimized. We cannot change people. When we think that we can we are deluded. When we try to control another they will either resist our efforts or try twice as hard to prove that we cannot control them. When we detach that person will notice something is different here. â€Å"Why wasn't I nagged or in trouble for this incident that I used to get in trouble for? Eventually they may realize â€Å"Oh no†this person is no longer going to rescue me & now I have to be accountable for myself more. When you remove yourself from the creating role, the other person will notice. They will eventually get the message. Start to focus on your own life. Find what inter ests you & pursue it. It is important to have a healthy interest in yourself & what makes you happy. Fall in love with yourself. Be your own best friend. Stop doing things for others that you do not want to do. Say that one very powerful word â€Å"no†when you want to.If you do say no then do not lay a guilt trip on yourself afterward about saying no. When you start putting your needs above others, you will become more peaceful & feel better about yourself. It is the opposite feeling of bending over backwards for someone & them not noticing. When you go out of your way for yourself, you will feel more valuable. It seems that overcoming codependency is a lifelong Journey with no quick fix available. There will always be people who enter our lives who will test our boundaries & challenge us to stand up for our wellbeing & ourselves.But, if you value yourself & understand, you have this propensity toward being codependent then that awareness will be helpful in creating healthy boundaries with others. As they say, awareness is the first step towards change. It is suggested to work the steps of a twelve-step program to facilitate the healing process as well as to help you bring peace to your new life, success, & leaning. It also helps to relate to others who have had similar experiences with codependency or another 12-step program. Beaten, M. (1992).
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