Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Never Ignore The Fact Of Domestic Violence - Free Essay Example
Abusive behaviors at home are vicious acts conferred in a home among relatives. Although considered basically as a solely male unexpected against ladies, abusive behavior at home likewise happens regularly to kids as sexual and verbal or mental activities that can be embraced by people of either sex mishandled. In spite of the fact that an unsubstantiated amount of savagery is submitted by guys, however it happens additionally in the dominant parts of cases the world over, where are the father and mother confer the assaults on their kids. The fratricide murder of a sibling, likewise is thought to be normal in social orders. One of the fundamental drivers is the impact of the financial emergency in the Unified States. That is accepted to be identified with joblessness and feelings of anxiety created by developing destitution, which is one of the pointers of aggressive behavior at home. People practicing aggressive behavior at home frequently consent to have had a youth without adoration and consideration, emphasizing this conduct. To begin with, viciousness happens in foundations, for example, schools and other open spots have in the avenues, the working environment, penitentiaries and grade school. Kids endure savagery at home, in the chest of their families by other kids. A little quantity of instances of viciousness against kids end in death, yet as a rule notwithstanding leaving unmistakable follows. Still it is a standout amongst the most major issues right now influencing kids. Next, much of the viciousness stays covered up. Once in a while youngsters feel unfit to report demonstrations of savagery because of a paranoid fear of striking back from their abuser. It might likewise happen that neither kids nor the assailant see anything incorrectly or irregular about this training, or even believe that these brutal demonstrations constitute viciousness, consider it as legitimate and essential discipline. It might be that the youngster suspected that it is a merited discipline. This is frequently in light of the fact that the kid is hesitant to discuss them. In conclusion that this examination has been done, we imply that in the event that somebody endures any sort of animosity or danger, you should go to wherever as a police headquarters or family court to censure the attacker and pick a safe arrangement. It additionally means to find that when youre in peril, you must consider that you and your youngsters is what is vital in your life. Sadly, sexual orientation savagery is an issue that we hear everyday, except it is additionally great to know these issues to begin creating mindfulness in the general population who are nowhere to be found. Never ignore the fact turn you mutually dependent since it is more genuine than an individual can do, in light of the fact that the assailant exploits this circumstance and as opposed to enhancing declines the circumstance for ladies and men. The counsel I give you as a man is in the event that you are experiencing these sorts of mishandle either physical or mental, is to reprove it, and look for guidance and how to break free.
Monday, May 18, 2020
Project Group Dynamics and Teamwork - 1644 Words
SP2750 Project PROJECT: GROUP THEORY Project Introduction: The course project aims at providing you an opportunity to implement your learning about group dynamics. This hands-on part of our class enables you to enhance and develop your skills and techniques of group dynamics, helps you be more competent in an actual group process, and enables you to see the value of teamwork. Collaboratively, the team will work on becoming a team with proactive techniques, diverse ideas, and problem-solving skills. These skills are of great value in today’s workplace. The project is split into the following two parts. Each project part requires you to work individually as well as in groups. Project Part Individual Task and Deliverable Group Task and†¦show more content†¦Course Learning Objectives Covered: ï‚ · Explain the importance of group dynamics. ï‚ · Analyze the performance of groups and teams in a variety of scenarios. ï‚ · Apply theories, models, techniques, and processes of small group communication during small group activities. ï‚ · Apply ethical standards while participating in groups and teams. ï‚ · Employ standard business communication strategies to solve problems. ï‚ · Evaluate the use of problem-solving and decision-making techniques for face-to-face and virtual groups/teams. ï‚ · Apply critical-thinking and analysis skills to overcome obstacles and improvise solutions as a leader within small groups. ï‚ · Compare and contrast theories of groups. ï‚ · Working within a group, make a presentation. 3 SP2750 Project PROJECT SUBMISSION P LAN Project Part Description/Requirements of Project Part Evaluation Criteria Project Part Assessment Preparation Checklist: Project rubric will be used to 1 Review Chapter 1, pp. 23–26 and Chapter 2, pp. 72–75 evaluate this assignment. Your from the textbook. submission will be evaluated on the Title: Establishing Goals and Expectations quality of the written portion of the Task 1: Individually, complete the questionnaire on project as well as participation with course performance goals from the ITT Tech Virtual team members using the following Library. criteria and the grading rubric: ï‚ · Did you collaboratively You may access theShow MoreRelatedEffective Communication in Team Dynamics Essay1096 Words  | 5 Pagespurpose. When working in a team, members have to decide what roles they will fill, plan their schedules for projects, and deal with upcoming team conflicts. Stewart, Sims Manz (1999) stated, â€Å"For a team to succeed, team members need to effectively communicate with one another†(p. 79). While each element of teamwork is important, effective communication is the cornerstone to team dynamics. One of the main elements of effective communication is open discussions. Everyone on the team needs toRead MoreThe Work Of Belbin And My Personal Experiences988 Words  | 4 Pagesexperiences The Financial Post (2015) stated teamwork is key to success; this is true in the context of building careers as at some point you will have to work in a team, which is sometimes challenging. Steve Jobs also believed in the importance of teamwork â€Å"Great things in business are never done by one person they’re done by a team of people.†(BusinessNewsDaily, 2013). There are many different aspects of teamwork for example; skills, team conflict and group size. This essay reflects on my personalRead MoreThe Importance Of Team Communication Essay1457 Words  | 6 Pageshow communication is a vital part of project planning within the team. The Importance of Team Communication Team dynamics is the unseen force that pulls and influences a team to act and react in a certain way, according to (2003). A good team is the one very important element that makes any company successful. 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A team is only as strong as its weakestRead MoreMy Current Level Of Responsibility And Contribution Of The Merchant Services Division925 Words  | 4 PagesMerchant Services while graduating from the UNC EMBA program. Being a student in the UNC EMBA program will allow me to participate in cohort-based courses and create synergy within teams of motivated students. Having the opportunity to participate in projects like UNC’s Venture Capital Investment Competition, the Alpha Challenge, or the UNC Student Teams Achieving Results (STAR) programs will equip me with skills that directly transfer to advancing my banking career. After graduation, I plan to leverage
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Chronic Kidney Disease Free Essay Example, 2000 words
Pathophysiologic changes Chronic Kidney disease affects the normal functioning of the body. According to National Kidney Foundation (NKF), the kidney is responsible for production of hormones called erythropoietin (EPO), which signals the body to make red blood cells (NKF, 2008). When one has kidney disease, the body may not be able to make EPO and this leads to reduced red blood cells which may lead to anemia. Since a combination or a group of cells of the same kind and which perform similar function makes a tissue, the effect of chronic kidney disease on cells affects formation of tissues. An arrangement of tissues of different types forms an organ. Chronic Kidney Disease affects production of red blood cells, a situation that leads to lose of blood. All organs in the body require blood for their operation. For example, the circulatory organ supplies blood from the heart to all parts of the body and lack of blood due to kidney failure may lead to total failure of body organs and lead to death. Clinical symptoms and complications Clinical manifestation on kidney failure shows that between stages 1 to 3 where glomerular filtration rate (GMF) is greater than 30 mL/min/1.73m2, patients with chronic kidney disease do not show symptoms of the disease (Arora, 2013). We will write a custom essay sample on Chronic Kidney Disease or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now When clinically tested for loss of GMF, they do not show water or electrolyte imbalance or metabolic disturbance symptoms. These symptoms turn clinically manifest with chronic kidney disease at stage four to five where the GFR is less than 30 mL/min/1.73m2. However, people with other conditions associated with positive symptoms of the disease turn vulnerable at earlier stages. Clinical manifestation in patients with the disease shows them to accumulate multiple toxins with unknown identity and spectrum. At the fifth stage also problems in metabolism show malnutrition of protein energy, muscle weakness and lean body mass loss. There are also changes in water and salt handling by the kidney, which cause peripheral edema and high blood pressure (Arora, 2013). Other clinical manifestations include pericarditis, encephalopathy, peripheral neuropathy, and gastrointestinal symptoms, among others. Complications with their underlying pathophysiology The possible complications of chronic kidney disease are anemia, which is a result of low hemoglobin levels. This limits the amount of oxygen that reaches many parts of the body (Nordqvist, 2013). The disease can also affect the central nervous system, which controls all body organs.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Truth Can Not Be Denied - 940 Words
Historians are faced with the challenge of working with the small amount of historical evidence that they have. Between primary and secondary sources, indecipherable languages, damaged artifacts, and biased accounts of history, they have quite the task in front of them. The state of the evidence we have to learn from allows us an interesting look into peoples thoughts, feelings and experiences, but also forces us to interpret to the best of our ability, and make educated guesses on what life was like in ancient times. One of the most challenging aspects of the evidence there is to work with is the condition of the historical documentation. The benefit of looking at artifacts as historical evidence is that the truth cannot be denied. Written history will always have the possibility of tainted viewpoints, where as artifacts are proof of what life was. The disadvantage of using material culture as historical evidence is that historians must put together and decode broken up clay, stone, wood, and papyrus artifacts. Often times large chunks are missing like in â€Å"The Epic of Gilgamesh†. Parts of the story are unknown which forces us to interpret, possibly leading us to false conclusions. Also some languages are indecipherable or do not translate directly to english. Linear A, the main language of the Minoan civilization, is still indecipherable today. Imagine all we could learn if we could unravel the mysterious vernacular. Educated guessing is an important skill one must have ifShow MoreRelatedOedipus The King Analysis1357 Words  | 6 Pagesfame, and ambition. Further, Sophocles’ exposes the fear that many have of the truth, and exposes the grave danger in hiding from it. Oedipus’ inflated ego and blatant denial of the truth is apparent from the very beginning of the play, and proves dangerous to those around him. In his opening dialogue, Oedipus discusses the plague with his citizens. Oedipus says, â€Å"I thought it wrong, my children, to hear the truth from others, messengers†(Sophocles 6-7). Oedipus ignored warnings from messengersRead MoreThe View of Humanity and Morality; as seen through Modern Literature725 Words  | 3 Pagesallowed segregation, denied the truth that all men are created equal and thus deserved equal and fair treatment. This fundamental truth is not only necessary for protecting the sanctity of life but also to maintain the integrity of American laws. When the states passed laws, making it legal to separate humans into groups and treat them better or worse, solely based on the color of their skin, they opened the door for other types of segregation, as well as denied the biblical truth that man was crea tedRead MoreThe 5th Amendment706 Words  | 3 PagesThe 5th Amendment Basically, the 5th Amendment states that no one shall be charged with capital crimes without a Grand Jurys permission, except in cases regarding the military while under service in wartime or public danger. No one can be put on trial again for the same crime. You cant be forced to testify yourself. That no one should be executed, jailed, or have property seized without a legal precedent. Also you cant be put through cruel or unusually punishment.Read MoreStereotypes Exist Because They Are Grounded in Truth1476 Words  | 6 Pagesand Communication Raazia Waseem November 18, 2011. Stereotypes exist because they are grounded in truth. 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Hypnopaedia, or sleep teaching, is an essential part of World StateRead MoreEssay on The 5th Amendment698 Words  | 3 Pagesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Basically, the 5th Amendment states that no one shall be charged with capital crimes without a Grand Jurys permission, except in cases regarding the military while under service in wartime or public danger. No one can be put on trial again for the same crime. You cant be forced to testify yourself. That no one should be executed, jailed, or have property seized without a legal precedent. Also you cant be put through cruel or unusually punishment. If privateRead MoreThe Life of Galileo Themes778 Words  | 4 Pagesthe Catholic church controlling information is a central theme. The conflict of intellectual freedom; between the individual and authority. The Life of Galileo suggests that it is only through the process of questioning – and engaging that society can learn and grow, and one should treasure their intellectual freedom, as depicted through the main character, Galileo. When Galileo discovers new evidence about the rotation of the planets around the sun he is overcome with a great amount of will powerRead MoreThe Second Amendment: Why It Is Important to Our Country787 Words  | 4 PagesDeclaration of Independence states: â€Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.†[1] However, if these rights were ‘self-evident’, w hy did the founding fathers need to grant them to the states? We might as well ask why man is the way that he is, imperfect. We all wonder about this sad truth, but the fact remains that man is fallen. 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K has is with Dr. Lena because she won’t leave Nigeria without taking her people with her. Lieutenant A. K tries to help Dr. Lena’s people, but Captain Rhodes denies giving help to the refugees because the
The Paradox of Capitalism - 2320 Words
Capitalism is an engine of economic growth that drives innovation faster than any sports car imaginable. Driving into oblivion can be thrilling, but it always has risks. The paradox of capitalism is subjective. For the working class, capitalism is a derogatory term symbolizing the exploitation of the poor by the strong and powerful. For the ruling class, it symbolizes a system where opportunities abound for those who are devoted, innovative, and work hard. Karl Marx and Emile Durkheim, prominent social theorists studied the division of labour in a capitalist economy and both of their views have merit. Marx, well renowned German philosopher was one of the first incredibly influential social activists in history. He fear that we live in a†¦show more content†¦Furthermore, the laws of motion suggest that surplus value will gradually lead to overproduction and declining profits and this leads to mergers, closures, and monopolies. Marx is correct, this is inevitable because capit alists are forced into competition to win, and those losers become proletarians, which ultimately decrease the size of the capitalist class. More importantly, the secret of labour power and surplus value is exploitation, â€Å"the material well-being of the exploiter casually depends upon the ability to appropriate the fruits of labor of the exploited (Wright, in the course kit, #3). Oppression alienates the proletarians and Marx hoped they would unite against the capitalists as a collective class-consciousness, but it never happened. According to Marx, the danger of capitalism lies in the problem of surplus labor. Capitalism was inevitably a flawed system because it deprived the worker of profits for his work. Hypothetically speaking, Marx suggests if a workers labor produced fifty dollars worth of goods in an hour, than he should be paid fifty dollars per hour. If he was not paid the full value of what his labor added to the materials, than he was being robbed of his earnings. He is adopting fellow economist Adam Smiths concept of labour theory value (Appelrouth and Edles: 63). By taking a communist approach and eliminating profits, he fails to comprehend the improbability andShow MoreRelatedThe Communist Manifesto By Karl Marx Essay1426 Words  | 6 Pagescommunism. In the first chapter of his great manifesto, Marx argues that as the bourgeoisie, motivated by ruthless capitalism and industrialization, accrued more and more wealth, the proletariat would gain class consciousness and move from being a class in itself to a class for itself; in essence, the growth of capitalism would paradoxically be its own undoing. In order to understand this paradox of capitalism’s success, it is first helpful to trace the development of the bourgeoisie and the birth of theRead MoreReassessing Surrealism: Constructivism and Postcapitalist Appropriation1090 Words  | 5 Pagesresponsible for sexism,†says Debord; however, according to Prinn[1] , it is not so much society that is responsible for sexism, but rather the dialectic of society. In a sense, Sartre suggests the use of postcapitalist appropriation to deconstruct capitalism. If one examines Lacanist obscurity, one is faced with a choice: either reject subcultural discourse or conclude that class has significance, given that the premise of constructivism is invalid. The primary theme of Humphrey’s[2] critique ofRead MoreHyper-Masculinity In Fight Club1357 Words  | 6 Pagesand Cycles of Violence Impotence is a recurring theme in novels exploring late capitalism and neoliberalism; and in turn, it is presented through manifestations of hyper masculine behavior. This is no more apparent than in the novels Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk and American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis. However, in the these two works, hypermasculinity conveys the castrating effects of mainstream consumer capitalism. Hypermasculinity in both LETB and Trainspotting, on the other hand, is used asRead MoreWeber, the Spirit of Capitalism and the Protestant Ethic956 Words  | 4 PagesThe protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism, by M. Weber I/ What is the spirit of capitalism? According to Marx’s theory, labour is what define oneself in the world and give meaning to one’s life. Weber emphasized that theory when he published in 1904 â€Å"The protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism†. Contrary to what if often thought, capitalism is not an immoderate and immoral seek for money, but a rational and controlled way of doing business. Profitability, which couldRead MoreExpressionism And Structuralist Dematerialism : The Primary Theme Of La Fournier s1839 Words  | 8 Pages1. Expressionism and structuralist dematerialism The primary theme of la Fournier’s[1] analysis of Marxist class is a mythopoetical paradox. An abundance of discourses concerning deconstructive capitalism exist. But the subject is added into a dialectic paradigm of reality that includes culture as a reality. If one examines structuralist dematerialism, one is faced with a choice: either reject postcultural dialectic theory or conclude that narrativity is used to exploit the Other. Many narrativesRead MoreEssay on Gke Task 41082 Words  | 5 Pagesand land owners. The Bourgeoisie caused the explosion of Capitalism in Europe and the rest of the world. The shop owners were able to rise above poverty by being able to supply everyone with goods that were previously only available to the wealthy. Being able to provide these items as a result of factories increased the wealth and influence of the Middle class businessmen, and Capitalism was born. Industrial Revolution and Capitalism In a nut shell, Price claimed the Industrial RevolutionRead MoreThe Paradox between Ecological Adversity and Human Civilation976 Words  | 4 PagesFrom the early beginnings of agriculture to the modern, large-scale farming operations seen today, Homo sapiens and Zea mays have mutually evolved into the dominant species on Earth. This essay examines the paradox that exists between ecological diversity and human civilization, how this paradox acts as catalyst to monoculture, and how monoculture underscores the obesity epidemic occurring today. Further analysis of monoculture proves the practice a detriment to the environment. Specifics will be drawnRead MoreThe Gendered Society by Michael Kimmel770 Words  | 3 Pageson the inequality between men and women in the workplace. However, my qualm with Kimmel’s chapter is that he does not really discuss the patriarchal structure of capitalism as a whole. In this paper I will discuss the solid arguments The Gendered Society make s in Chapter 9 while also trying to relate them to my position that capitalism is sexist by nature. To begin with three should be an examination of how â€Å"the persistence of gender ideologies†has affected equality in the workplace. As KimmelRead MoreThe Poverty Of Capitalism, And Food Production1090 Words  | 5 Pages Part 1: Hilary’s book, ‘The Poverty of Capitalism,’ questions capitalism in modern day societies and focuses on the three economic sectors of extraction, garments, and food production. The accumulation of capital has led to the impoverishment of millions of people around the world and corporations have even gained enough power to outmaneuver states (ie Vattenfall sues Germany). Capitalism is about ambition, and the wheels of production need to keep turning to keep pace with the demandRead MoreEssay about Karl Marx and a Capitalist Society764 Words  | 4 Pagesand by powerful means of communication, drew all, even the most underdeveloped nations, into civilization through production. Their fast development and ability in many cases to exploit the worker allowed them to get a foothold in the market. So capitalism evolved into globalization. This is the major reason why all other systems, communism included, found themselves chasing the idea of wealth through pr oduction. According to Marx, the capitalist mode of production is a product of the industrial
Climate Change Impacts on Marine Ecosystems
Questions: 1. Climate Change? 2. Believer part of the Climate Change Paradox? 3. Non- Believer Part of the Climate Change Paradox? 4. Adaptation and Migration Actions to Avoid the Ultimate Impacts of Climate Change? Answers: 1. Climate Change 1.1. Definition Climate Change refers to the change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns when that change lasts for an extended period. Climate changes mainly focused towards the change in the average weather conditions, or the time variation of weather around longer-term average condition (Pachauri et al., 2013). The Climate change is mainly caused by various factors. This includes various factors, such as biotic processes, variation in solar radiation received by Earth, volcanic eruptions and plate tectonics. 1.2. History of Discovery The history of climate change initiates in the early 19th century, when the ice ages and other natural changes in paleoclimate were first suspected and the natural greenhouse effect was efficiently determined. Later in 19th Century, various scientists argue that human emissions of the greenhouse gasses could change the climate. Most of the climate related theories involved the influence of forces from volcanism to the solar variation. By 1960, the effect of warming effect associated to Carbon Dioxide gas became increasingly convincing. However, some of the scientists also focused towards various human activities in the forms of atmospheric aerosols, such as pollutions, could have cooling effects on the environment (Doney et al., 2012). During 1990s, the effective computer models along with the confirmation of Milankovitch Theory of Ice Age focused towards the formation of weather changes in the environment. Since 1990s, the scientific researches based on the climatic changes included various disciplines, which has expanded and significantly increased the understanding of casual relation links with historic data and the ability to model the climate fluctuation numerically. Based on the recent works governed by the Assessment Reports of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, it can be analyzed that climate change is a significant and long lasting change associated to statistical distribution of weather patterns over periods ranging from decades to millions of years. 2. Believer part of the Climate Change Paradox There are two paradoxes that seem to consistently arrive and thereby helps in believing the core factors associated to climate change. The first paradox includes simultaneously simplicity and complexity. Climate Change is generally considered as a complex problem which id diversely understood. It is a post normal science issue, and not at all a regular one. Climate Change seems to the individuals that believe in models squaring off against those for whom actual data is the only truth (Kirtman et al., 2013). Assuming the one that believes in basic science, one can still question about the factor of risks that assigns to possible scenarios of climate change while considering on how much risky they are comfortably taken. Even the groups that are demographically uniform universities tend to disagree on these questions. As a social issue, climate change is considered as an epistemic mess, rife with subjective issues such as climate justice and the various discourses of fear, risk, opportu nity, security, equity and sovereignty which compete for dominance in the sense making issues. Several scientists argued that climate change is mainly a cause of cognitive dissonance, which can be crippling. Confronting the evidences that most well meaning Westerners consumption habits contribute as much as to the problem as the most easily vilified of the oil companies (Seinfeld Pandis, 2013). As per the viewpoint of Tim Jackson, it can be discussed that The Myth of Decoupling drives power, fly and consumption rate already outstripped the factors that can be sustained by the planet, even as innovative technology rapidly increases efficiency. Moreover, Jackson further painted a picture regarding the efficient improvement of strategies that need to be avoided for the worst climate changing scenarios. Moreover, it has been observed that the common opinion associated to climate industry highlights towards the crowds of climate NGOs, consultants, developers, departments and the campaigners in order to ride the wave of climate madness and thereby sell the wind turbines, carbon accounting services and social licenses (Fankhauser, 2013). These movements are found to make easy assessment of the attacks and thereby form inaccurate claims related to the known impact of climate change and claiming fully that science is settled even though, in some crucial ways, its not. Based on a strategic viewpoint, it can be analyzed that addressing towards the conflicting worldviews, misappropriations, and debates of nationalism, localism or internationalism, along with political appropriations provides systematic design scales for various responses. Although most of the scientists agreed on the concept, however one can easily highlight towards its huge limitations and negativities. Thus, this first paradox associated to climate change legitimately means different from one individual to another. This is a complex term, but it is highly practical for most of the individuals (Qin et al., 2013). There is a cumulative, global, time bound, greenhouse gas budget and ongoing break on this associated paradox. 3. Non- Believer Part of the Climate Change Paradox The second paradox, which can be considered, is Scale, which is associated to the non-believers perspective. After the disappointment with the pace of change possible through the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) protocol, there led an evolvement of the debate about scale into a debate about goal setting. This was based on the concept of GHG-emissions reduction goals are politically engaging enough to be achieved. According to the concept of Mike Hulme, climate is considered as a change, which is related to the efforts and thereby should not be focused on the GHG reduction goals that put politically attractive objectives, such as the air quality or public health at the forefront (Hansen Sato, 2012). However, Michael Oppenheimer stated that people could get being efforts in order to transform energy system in their communities or the sectors they work in where they can visualize social and economic co-benefits of taking actions. 4. Adaptation and Migration Actions to Avoid the Ultimate Impacts of Climate Change The Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation tend to consist of various actions that limit the magnitude of long-term climate change. This generally involves the reduction in human (anthropogenic) emissions of Greenhouse gases (GHGs). Adaptation to the adverse change of the climate is observed as an important element. Adapting towards an abrupt climate change often tend to minimize the effects associated to the consequence. However, when the adaptation capability decreases, then the consequences of climate changes prevails largely. Often this terms to have an immense effect on the environment. Thus, effective migration is considered as an important policy to avoid adaptation. Migrating to a more significant area, which has a moderate climate for life sustenance, is observed as an important factor. Mitigation involves in achieving the capacity of Carbon Sinks. This includes Reforestation policies to a huge extent. Moreover, the mitigation policies focus towards the substantial policies, which reduce the risk of human induced global warming (Bellard et al., 2012). Effective climate change mitigation would not be achieved if an agent acts independently in its own selfish interest. Most of the adaption actions tend to provide benefits of actions, which may accrue more directly to a region, individual or the associated countries that tend to undertake them for a short duration of period (Pachauri et al., 2013). Nevertheless, the financing of such adaptive activities remain an issue for the poor countries or its associated individuals. The common example of mitigation involved in the context of Climate Changes includes the switching to Low Carbon Energy sources such as the nuclear energy and renewable energy and thereby expanding forests and thereby sinks to remove the greater amount of Carbon Dioxide from atmosphere. One of the classical examples involves improvisation through insulation of the buildings. The other relevant approach associated to Climate Change is the Climate Engineering, which can protect the consequence to a huge scale. Most of the countries are associated to the parties of UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change). The objective of this organization is to stabilize the atmospheric considerations, which are associated to GHGs at the level that would prevent dangerous human interface associated to the Climate System. The Scientific analysis can efficiently provide information on the impacts of climate change, but deciding which impacts are dangerous requires valuable judgments. In the year of 2010, the parties associated to the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) agreed tat the future of the global warming should be limited to below 2.0 degree Celsius, which is relative to the pre industrial level. This might be revised to the target of limiting global warming to below 1.5 degree Celsius, which is relative to pre industrial levels. The current trajectory of the greenhouse gas emissions does not appear to be consistent with the limiting global warming to below 1.5 or 2 degree Celsius to the pre industrial levels. Based on these parameters, it can be completely analyzed that the other mitigation policies are also proposed, and are considered more stringent or modest. These newly created mitigation policies, which are proposed by the Western countries such as the United States of America and the United Kingdom tend to consider the limiting zone less than 2 degree Celsius. Thus, all these adaptations and mitigations taken by the counc il of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change can efficiently avoid the ultimate impact of climate changes to a huge scale. References Bellard, C., Bertelsmeier, C., Leadley, P., Thuiller, W., Courchamp, F. (2012). Impacts of climate change on the future of biodiversity.Ecology letters,15(4), 365-377. Doney, S. C., Ruckelshaus, M., Duffy, J. E., Barry, J. P., Chan, F., English, C. A., ... Polovina, J. (2012). Climate change impacts on marine ecosystems.Marine Science,4. Fankhauser, S. (2013).Valuing climate change: the economics of the greenhouse. Routledge. Hansen, J. E., Sato, M. (2012).Paleoclimate implications for human-made climate change(pp. 21-47). Springer Vienna. Hansen, J., Sato, M., Ruedy, R. (2012). Perception of climate change.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,109(37), E2415-E2423. Kirtman, B., Power, S. B., Adedoyin, J. A., Boer, G. J., Bojariu, R., Camilloni, I., ... Prather, M. (2013). Near-term climate change: projections and predictability.Climate change, 953-1028. Masson-Delmotte, V., Schulz, M., Abe-Ouchi, A., Beer, J., Ganopolski, A., Gonzlez Rouco, J. F., ... Osborn, T. (2013). Information from paleoclimate archives.Climate change, 383-464. Pachauri, R. K., Allen, M. R., Barros, V. R., Broome, J., Cramer, W., Christ, R., ... Dubash, N. K. (2014). Climate Change 2014: Synthesis Report. Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Qin, D., Plattner, G. K., Tignor, M., Allen, S. K., Boschung, J., Nauels, A., ... Midgley, P. M. (2014).Climate change 2013: The physical science basis(p. 1535). T. Stocker (Ed.). Cambridge, UK, and New York: Cambridge University Press. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Business Plans
Question: Evaluate Job Descriptions and Workplace Business Goals, Business Plans, Procedures and Policies. Answer: Job description of Sous Chef is based upon looking after the customers by taking a friendly and informed approach. The kitchen department has to be managed and controlled as per the procedures and policies. The responsibilities as executive chef are: The customer has to be served effectively through customer service by taking feedbacks and reviewing upon it To be aware of budgets and financial targets that involves stock levels, departmental and gross profits Assist in purchasing department by implementing SAP effectively Maintaining stock levels in line with Food Safety requirements The cost menus have to be developed as per requirement To help in promotional opportunities by meeting the departmental sales that involves implementation, planning and review of food preparations The teams in all departments have to be focused for achieving the salesIn reviewing the business plan of Citiclub hotel it can be stated that the hotel works on the platform being a three star hotel. The bus iness goal is to satisfy the customers by enjoying the pleasant stay by socializing (Brown, 2005). The hotel focus on the concept of eating and staying comfortable as the plan was to establish the hotel from where the customers can have access to hotel. The organization is just 25 minutes away from the main Melbourne as the area is situated with shopping, business activities, leisure etc. The procedures and policies are to serve the guests with a pleasant stay in 71 rooms by serving them effective foods (Cqmelbourne, 2016). The hotel serves its guests with different menus on the customer platter by even booking early. The hotel wants to expand its expansion in terms of food and accommodation. Similarly, while working in team as a Souf Chef it motivates and leads people by promoting employee morale that instills high level of commitment. The junior chefs are taught how to make the use of dangerous equipments. The new people recruited have to be assisted in team by working in line wit h recruitment policy of company. The colleagues who are working in the kitchen have to be counsel and coached for improving the performance. As a Souf chef it is important to maintain hygiene and cleanliness in work stations so that the juniors and newly recruit adopt the same habit. At the same time it is seen that customers are also served as per their needs by keeping in mind the to serve food in an attractive manner (Baum, 2011). The Citiclub hotel focus is to serve the customers with different menu as per the season and the staffs have to align their goals by making foods that taste best. 2. Basis of Job Description by Setting Goals for Team and Individual As a Souf Chef the goals set by me are discussed below: To enhance profit achieved through kitchen department by 8% To increase customer satisfaction by 12% To focus on quality of food by enriching it more and providing the customers with effective service in lower price To contribute 10% of the sales and revenue in total ea rned profit from the kitchen department To improve the interpersonal skills To work with dedication To train the junior chefs for improving their performance to minimum of 13% A goal is set for determining the future state of a workplace that is the blueprint of the action taking place. The goals are set in organization for motivating, inspiring, providing direction and guidance with facilitating planning. These goals form the basis of organization by aiding in decision making. The goals set help the individual to enrich his performance by challenging oneself to achieve it by being persistent. The goals set in Citiclub hotel will help in helping the kitchen staffs to serve customers better in approach. This helps in working as per budgets by operating in line with other colleagues by engaging the people to work effectively. A business goals act as direction for accomplishing it by setting both short and long term goals (Brown, 2005). This is done in accordance with customer focuse d approach, fostering engagement with other staffs and reducing errors. On the other hand, when goals are achieved they provide a sense of accomplishment as it helps in building the personal and professional competency. From the team perspective the goals help in working together that foster communication by generating multiple ideas through brainstorming sessions. The team will establish ideas that are varied in number as on the personal front being a Souf chef I have to work on the menu planning by incorporating it. I also need to work on developing my interpersonal skills with my team members so that I can communicate well. The communication has to be positive and honest that develops me as an individual in future course of action. With this I need to work dedicatedly on preparations of food that will make be a perfect individual in cooking as that will be a personal achievement. The goal setting happening in team helps the person to gain confidence as he is developing a team for enhancing operations. The goals set will help me in setting my target for the future by implementing the changes taking place. The goals set are based upon personal values and beliefs of an individual by setting it from the perspective of organization (Holliday, 2005). The goal setting in team is directly related with performance as goals motivate rather than frustrate employee. The goals made have to be consistent by being committed and dedicated to it. As a Souf chef the strategies have to be developed by participating in continuous training programs. Measuring Performance in Relation to Work Goals by Developing KPIs KPI is an outcome of the performance that measures progress towards an outcome by incorporating strategies by identifying the gap between targeted and actual performance. This in turns helps in generating efficiency in work by being effective in nature (Hirsh Kise, 2006). a. Using KPIs for Measuring Performance As a Souf Chef in Citiclub hotel the main focus is on customer satisfaction by making them happy by serving quality food. So, it is important to retain them by taking their feedback from making significant changes. KPIs used for measuring performance are:à ¯Ã‚  ¶ Food cost against food sales by determining the menu. In this the food elements like sauces, raw materials, cheese etc. are used as per requirementà ¯Ã‚  ¶ Seating space attracts customers for having the food with cooking and seating time has to be analysedà ¯Ã‚  ¶ The number of people working in kitchen has to be measured for providing supply of food by making staffs work in shifts à ¯Ã‚  ¶ The items ordered have to be basket as what should be served in breakfast, lunch and dinner by following a pattern. This has to predict profit margin after selling it to customers b. Consistency in Performance in Time of Contingencies In every organization contingences and situation s can arise so the employee needs to have a backup plan for serving the guests in an effective manner. Being a Souf chef in Citiclub hotel I was assigned the task to cater a group of 100 people by having different delicacies on menu. The task is to allocate job responsibilities to different individuals for looking after the menu, fetching raw materials, estimating the number of people requited to complete it etc. The staffs were performing well by addressing to each detail but, as the clients arrived 3 of the team members got sick and they were unable to work. Contingency plan refers to keeping additional trained staffs in similar line for performing the work in case chosen individual is unable to work due to other reasons. In this case I have some extra chefs who could cook food in similar fashion for filling the gap. Evaluate Strengths and Weakness in Work Plans The strengths and weakness as Souf chef are: The personal traits as Souf chef is lacking in some skills that has to be improved by working on time managing. The time for each food item and its allocation can be made effective by prioritising the job and moving in a systematic order. Similarly being chef problems may erupt anytime so handling them calmly by going in-depth and then finding solutions for solving it. For this the problems has to be analysed in parts and attending sessions for developing SAP knowledge for effective serving process. I need to attend training sessions or workshops for getting more knowledge for able to work on the stock requirements. Discuss Two Work Goals with Range of Activities and How the Process is prioritised with Competing Demands for Achieving ItThe two work goals chosen from the list of five goals are increasing profit through kitchen department by 8% in totality and satisfying customer by 12%. The goals were prioritized on the basis of work as earning profit is important to survive in the marketplace. It helps the business to work beyond breakeven point that is working to success. Another important element here is preparing food for the customer as per their taste and preferences. In 21st century customer is the king and fulfilling his demands is the priority of each business. The various activities undertaken for the first approach is contributing profit to 8% from kitchen that incorporates maintaining the hygiene and quality of food, keeping cleanliness while making preparation for food, managing the staffs like chefs, porters, stewards etc. so that they work in accordance of the allocated tasks. The kitchen has to be managed by preparing food as per the set menu by fetching raw materials fresh and active. Secondly, in order to satisfy the customers it is important to train the workers in taking order by reaching the customers. When the customers will place orders for food the staffs should be trained in placing it to the kitchen for effective service delivery. In other way the Citiclub hotel provides accommodation to its guests by offering pleasant stay. In some hotels customers are only offered accommodation but, not food or may only breakfast. In Citiclub food is also offered that means the customer can opt for dine in option as well. This enhances the brand value of the organization as guests who are availing accommodation are consuming the food too. Different individual has different demands so providing variety in menu like food and grazing platters. With this bar is also attached to it where drinks are also offered to its customers. The competing demands as Souf chef can be processed with the help of delegating people at the right place and at the right time. In a team the members should have harmony between by undertaking challenges and perform work as per order. This is in link to providing direction to employee for fulfilling the demands (Jagels et al., 2004). The goals are managed by working and monitoring the success as per time and generating a report. The staffs need to be competent for being able to serve the items by focusing on goals with the decision of kitchen manager. The energy needs to be equal with time by managing the priority by delegating the team. The profit has to be increased so, sales have to be increased by providing service to more and more customers. Hence, more and customers will be attracted towards the service by providing training to the staffs for serving customer with effective food. As a Souf chef I have to report the changes and improvement taking place. The plans were developed for making a new progress in future by developing the business by conducting external and internal environment. Secondly the focus is on customers, products and market of Citiclub. The objective set is to make the customer satisfy by achieving the priority and the individual accountable by setting the budgets. At the last the process needs to be reviewed and monitored by the concerned authority. Another is time need to be managed effectively as dividing the tasks is saving energy that can be used for other task. As a Souf chef I have to establish a balance between my priority and professional work for managing it by enriching the effectiveness. Explain a. Establish Positive Role Model in Organization and Work Planning with ExamplesAs a Souf chef in planning work I have served as a positive role model to my colleagues, supervisors, managers etc. When working in a team by catering for customer need I guide them by showing how to perform the work with effectiveness. This includes engaging with the customer by interacting and generating their preferences for the food served to them. The people in a team have to be leaded to the right direction by aiming for profits by allocating work to individuals as per their specialist area. For example in work plan 1 the profit was enhanced to 8% from the kitchen department by instilling the employee for maintaining hygiene and cleanliness while preparing food. This means the raw materials used for different sections of day have to be categorized and kept as required for food preparation. Discuss Maintaining Health, Work-Life Balance and Managing Stress In an organization work-life balance can be established by maintaining balance between personal and professional life (Sorge, 2002). The flexible work arrangements in Citiclub hotel are: Working in shifts Sharing work Providing children services Flexible working hours The above provides the focus on health as the staffs are not working then the desired time that is keeping them healthy. The organization provides with mediation classes to cope with the stress that is build on the workstation. Yoga and physical activity has to be incorporated by the individual for being fit and active that would not attract any kind of illness. The employees are being aligned with the professional goals by working as per the employee needs by understanding them and providing them with leaves or perks as per the performance (Schermerhorn, 2005). Being a staff working in kitchen there is a risk of fire so providing insurance services and gifts for making the part of tar workplace. 1. Assessment of perso nal knowledge, skills against professional competencies required as chef manager in hotels Doing the self-assessment is healthy fundamentally. Therefore, we need to realize the fact that the persons with whom we come onto contact continuously assess us like boss, colleagues, customers etc. Hence it is important that we to ascertain ourselves with taking feedback and work on those areas for improvement to attain the career objectives by development of action plans that help us to implement those and thereby fulfill objectives (Kruckeberg, Amann, Green, 2011). For making any assessment, standard of comparison is necessary as without comparison standards the only thing what happens is assessing our opinion about ourselves. Therefore, this will provide two consequences that first, we are doing great job and do not need and development and second, we are not performing and need improvement in areas and are doing worse in the job. Therefore, there must be some standards based on which we can measure. This improves upon to meet the objectives and therefore, feedback is necessary from individuals who might provide us insights and help in improving (Bolton, 2011).Ideally, we use the standards that must be specific to business enterprise and the job role for evaluation. While most of jobs have the similarities across industry and organizations lines, here each company got own of the internal procedures, the policies and the systems. These might affect the competency rating that person undertakes.The three competency types of standards are:As a sous manager working in the hotel industry with the food department will look at those competencies that are required within the company and the job role and improve on those areas to attain career objectives. The competencies standards must be job description part that existing for any particular position within the company. As individual is rated based on the standards, hence these are very important to know and take proper act ion in improving. Also being a sous manager and having growth aspirations within the organization or the industry, we must know the standards or competencies that are required at the next higher position so that we work and improve the competencies and qualify for the promotion to that position (Brown Shukraft, 2010). Therefore based on the above facts we need to realize that the personal knowledge and skills that are required as the sous chef are very important. This assessment with the help of strengths, weaknesses, threats and the opportunities particularly in the areas of personal knowledge and the various skills required that might be helping based on my opinion and the feedback taken from the people those as discussed have come across as part of the job and industry.Personal knowledge and skills: these are few of the skills, the knowledge that are required and assessed based on standards, and feedbacks as sous chef and in charge of cooking thus summarized below: Demonstrated kitchen operations knowledge Qualified supervisor for the food safety Organization and the management ability proven Advanced skills in written and verbal communication Team based orientation Ability working with bare minimal supervision Experience of improved working practices Basic Knowledge of the performance management practicesTherefore based on the above parameters have assessed the knowledge and the skills and the feedback provided by the individuals like boss and the colleagues comparing with the standards (Powers, 2015).2. Assessment from People familiar with work (Boss and colleague) Therefore, to assess the professional competency I have used 360 review and met my boss and the colleagues to take the feedback regarding the improvement that are required in the areas to develop myself and grow in the career that will help me meet my objective.These meetings and the areas regarding improvement provided me with action plans required to develop myself and grow as a professiona l in the organization (Ferguson, 2007). The annual reviews that are routinely conducted offers supervisors feedback that entails receiving the feedback from single source like the supervisor or the manager. While they are important they give feedback only for the professional development like review of the standard job focuses purely on success level or the failure in the job scenario and not more.These 360 reviews designed not only to provide performance review but also in developing the business and the interpersonal skills. Specifically they focus on feedback based on three of the key pieces like below:The manager and colleagues were responsible for rating the work on different aspects like food quality, quantity, service, communication etc. The food has to be good with that managing the staffs is the biggest responsibility. The manager provides emphasis on the blind spots by working on it affectively by developing the skills for being souf chef. This is tool for professional feedback designed towards helping anyone fro m the CEO to the clerk in order to develop along with honing the professional skills. Therefore if standard review is regarding the job performance the 360 review provides feedback of the individual that makes it powerful and also personal (Horak, 2009)The 360 review provides combined perspective here of boss and colleagues regarding teamwork, the communication, the leadership potential, and the management skills. The reviewers here asked for commenting and rating my professional skills and impact on team. The goal here is to get their feedback that will help improve and focus on the career development in long term. The combined perspective will help creating different perspectives balance instead of only boss viewpoint and develop clear idea regarding the behavior, impact and the skills. This improved perspective not only valuable but good 360 review therefore also combines personal and the professional goals feedback to create action plans towards self development and the educatio n needed(Boyes, 2004).Therefore, taking this review and the feedback from the boss and the colleagues regarding the work performance based on the following questions. QuestionnaireBoss: Asked regarding communication skills with question like1. Is there need to develop communication skills for the career progress?Feedback: Though the communication skills are good enough it must further be enhanced with good training pertain learning foreign languages like French, as that will help in dealing with customers with foreign origin.2. Are the areas in management skills and knowledge good enough to progress in career?Feedback: As per the feedback though are managing the staff and the colleagues these are helpful particularly to deal with clients and a formal management training regarding the practices followed in the industry with the changing industry scenario and changes in management practices is helpful . Colleagues: regarding team work 1. Are there any areas in teamwork that will help me and them in job performance?Feedback: Here the feedback received was that we together could work in job knowledge areas like information technology skills that can help in job performance with internet help in learning different recipes on continuous basis for customers (Ambrose, 2007). These are the questions that asked to the boss and the colleagues those familiar with the work environment with 360 review to understand improvement areas along with the feedback received that can be broken into action plans for career development in the end.The questionnaire above provides evidence between two people by valuing their identity by generating feedback. The above questions are analyzed by implementing it effectively in the career that will help in growth. Professional development plan The professional development plan clearly helps document goals, the required competency and the skills development, and the objectives that are required to accomplish for supporting the continuous improvements that helps in the career progression or development. This plan here is prepared closely working with the boss and the colleagues in order to identify the required knowledge and the skills and the gaps that requires attention with the help of the training or any methods that are required both for business needs of the organizations and the individual here (Gutz, Wasserman, Spier, 2009).The plan for professional development has been made keeping the development opportunities like training within the timeframe or the period of one to five years. The new skills that required to achieved in order to maintain the competitive edge. This along with and the participation that is planned with respect to the networks or the professional associations in order to enhance the professional d evelopment and keeping in mind the time or the period in which to achieve the said development opportunities, the new skills and the network participation.Learning StylesThe learning strategies or the styles can be describes in various ways while literature consists variations in learning styles being so many such similarities. The aim is to stimulate the thinking process based on the different styles of learning that is not meant that these are the only better methods for the learning. The examples of such learning styles are the visual, the auditory and the kinesthetic styles of the learning that are important to be understood that has an impact on the learning capability and hence the usage of these three styles depending on the various parameters (Grace, 2010). This also analyses the feedback and applies the same in the professional development plan with the process that undertaken in order to identify, evaluate and select the opportunities for the development that is thus inclu ded in the plan with learning methods or the styles and their implementation in the planning system. Further explaining on the knowledge and skills that will help work performance with working relationship and that improves work role and the organizations policies and objectives. Professional development opportunities/training References Ambrose, R. (2007). Personal Narratives and Professional Development. Childhood Education, 75(6), 274-276., K. (2015). New Registered Nurses Personal Responses to Professional Practice. Journal For Nurses In Professional Development, 31(1), 9-14., T. (2011). Hospitality management. Los Angeles: Sage.Bolton, G. (2011). Write yourself. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.Boyes, C. (2004). 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How Peter Drucker influenced my personal and professional development. Leader To Leader, 2010(S1), 50-53., M., Coltman, M., Coltman, M. (2004). Hospitality management accounting. Hoboken, N.J.: J. Wiley.Kruckeberg, K., Amann, W., Green, M. (2011). Leadership and personal development. Charlotte, N.C.: Information Age Pub.Powers, K. (2015). Making professional development personal. Teachers And Curriculum, 15(1)., J. (2005). Management. New York: J. Wiley.Sorge, A. (2002). Organization. London: Thomson Learning.
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